The Pack 10 Cub Scout and parents appreciate Lafayette Presbyterian Church for allowing us a safe and nourishing environment in which to participate in Scouting.

We firmly believe in the twelve values of scouting: Citizenship, Compassion, Cooperation, Courage, Faith, Health and Fitness, Honesty, Perseverance, Positive Attitude, Resourcefulness, Respect, and Responsibility.

Highlights and Achievements

  • Kennedy Space Center: Fourth and Fifth grade boys went camping and spent the night under a space shuttle.
  • Scouting for Food: the boys raised food for needy families with the Second Harvest Food Bank.
  • Blue & Gold Banquet: this is our “formal” event of the year where boys advance in rank and receive recognition for their sports and academic achievements.
  • Cub Scout traditional events including the annual Pinewood Derby and Raingutter Regatta.
  • Five overnight camping trips to areas such as: Torreya and Suwannee River State Parks.
  • The cub scouts were aboard the Coca-Cola float at the Tallahassee Christmas Parade.
  • Shoreline Cleanup: picked up over 100lbs of garbage at the lakes behind the Alford Greenway.
  • Summer bowling and Skating.
  • Achievements and Awards Events: Scouts and their parents enjoyed a festive holiday potluck dinner and the scouts are recognized for achievements.
  • Fall recruitment focused at the following schools: Buck Lake Elem, W.T. Moore, Holy Comforter, and Governor’s Charter Academy.
  • We are looking at finishing out the school year with the Webelos spending the night on the U.S.S. Alabama.
  • 32 Boys in the program as of December 2014.
  • 7 Webelos II’s (5th grade) boys graduated into Boy Scouts this past year.

Respectfully submitted,

David Whitaker

Cubmaster, Pack 10


The Boy Scouts of America’s goal is to support young people in their physical, mental, and spiritual development. Youth between the ages of 11 and 18 learn to play constructive roles in society through Scouts with a strong focus on community service, leadership, and outdoors skills.

The rank of Eagle, the highest award in scouting, requires a project which demonstrates the scout’s leadership of others in accomplishing a significant goal to benefit the community. Troop 10 had two Scouts complete their projects and earn their Eagle Scout rank. Darin Kimberl is a young man who joined our Troop because his Troop dissolved at the end of 2013 before he could complete his Eagle project. Darin completed his project, the installation of bat houses at Calvary Chapel just prior to his 18th birthday, the age limit to complete the rank of Eagle. Jake Moudy has been an outstanding member of Troop 10 and has excelled in every leadership position he has held, so it is no surprise his recently completed Eagle project is considered one the best many adult scout leaders have seen. The complete story of Jake’s project will be in the Tallahassee Democrat. The project was the restoration of a neglected monument, a Borne. These Bornes were presented to all 48 states by France in 1949 to thank America for help after the war. The Borne presented to Florida was moved from the old Capitol to Lake Ella when the new Capitol was completed. The Borne has been returned to the centerpiece of this historic monument by the restoration provided by Jake’s Eagle project.

Community service projects included the young men of the Troop helping the church with the cleanup of Buck Lake Road through the Adopt-a-Road program. Service also extended out to the community. The Troop participated in the Scouting for Food drive and cleanup of Reeves Landing on Lake Miccosukee. Additionally, the Troop has completed service projects at most of the state parks at which it has camped.

This past year, Troop 10 registered 21 scouts and 21 adult leaders. The Troop performed the traditional crossing-over ceremony, which transitions Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. This year, five new scouts joined the Troop from Pack 10. Troop leadership was provided this year by Boy Scouts Jake Moudy and Zack Whisenant, who served as Senior Patrol Leaders. The Troop also aided in hosting the Wallwood Winter Camp in December, where scouts from around the council earned unique merit badges, such as nuclear science and robotics

Outdoor activities are a key component of scouting in which scouts learn and practice leadership skills. Troop 10 had a busy schedule of camping and hiking in the area with 12 camps, three of which were weeklong camps. On one of our weekend camps, the Troop camped at Andersonville National Historic Site and attended Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia, where we heard former President Jimmy Carter speak. President Carter took the time to take a picture and speak with our Scouts. Other weekend camp trips included canoe camping on the Blackwater River and backpacking in Franklin Delano Roosevelt State Park in Georgia. In addition to our traditional week-long summer camp at Wallwood Scout Reservation, scouts and leaders attended Skymont Scout Reservation on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Scouts and adults with the Troop combined with Crew 10 to attend Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico and spent 12 days at the camp backpacking in the rugged back country of one of the world’s largest youth camps.

The Troop is planning the standard local weekend and summer camps and continued emphasis on leadership skills and community service. Troop 10 thanks the entire congregation of Lafayette Presbyterian for the support of Troop 10 and the other Scouting programs.

Respectfully submitted,

Clay Roberts

Scoutmaster, Troop 10



Venturing is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for older youth, ages 14 through 20. Unlike Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, Venturing is open to young women, as well as young men. Venturers develop organizational skills and leadership while planning and carrying out fun activities. Crews often focus on a particular theme; Crew 10 selected outdoor adventure and service as primary interests.

Crew 10 celebrated its third birthday on June 24, 2014. We currently have 13 registered youth, and the Crew President is Katherine Ferguson.

Crew activities in 2014 included camping with Troop 10 at Blackwater River State Park, backpacking at FDR State Park in Georgia, taking Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews training, climbing at the rock gym, enjoying the bonfire at the church, enjoying 2 Venturing Super Weekends, participating at Scoutfest, hiking on the Lake Lafayette Heritage Trail, going to the beach at St. George Island, planning meetings, movie night at the church, fundraisers, and service projects. The service projects included collecting food for the Scouting For Food drive, helping with the community picnic at the church, Parkinson’s Moving Day, Kid Fest, assisting with the Tiger Prowl for first-year Cub Scouts, Cub Family Weekend, and Winter Camp. The highlight for the year was backpacking for 110 miles at the Philmont Scout Reservation in New Mexico in July.

One of our Venturers, Kyle Reynolds, took the National Youth Leadership Training Course in June where Christi Reinman and Ewan Nicholson served as staff and Kevin Schaper volunteered in support. Christi served as the first Venturer and female Course Leader/Senior Patrol Leader for this youth-led program in the council and did an excellent job. We now have only one crew member that has not taken the course. Christi, Ewan, Kevin, Miles Newmyer, Malcolm Newmyer, and Katherine Ferguson also served as staff for the council’s Wallwood Summer Camp in 2014.

The crew earned the top “Gold Level” in Scouting’s “Journey to Excellence” unit evaluation for 2014, for the fourth consecutive year.

For 2015, the crew plans to overnight on the USS Yorktown carrier in Charleston, camp with Troop 10 at Anastasia State Park, canoe, hike, climb, camp, attend Venturing Super Weekends and National Youth Leadership Training, and spend a week at the Florida Sea Base.

We’d like to thank the congregation and staff of Lafayette Presbyterian Church for the support of the Venturing Crew. We have a great group of young men and women in a structured, wholesome program, developing leadership as they move forward in fun activities and giving back through service to others. We greatly appreciate the opportunity you have given us. Thank you.

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Reinman, Advisor, Crew 10