EMCDDA Standard Reporting Template 9

Prevalence of hepatitis B/C and HIV infection among injecting drug users (IDUs)

Notified cases of hepatitis B/C among IDUs

This template is intended for the collection of data on the prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV among samples of injecting drug users (IDUs). Preferably IDUs are defined as ‘ever injectors among recent (last 12 months) problem drug users’. If this definition is not possible to apply please provide the data available and describe these clearly in Standard Table 9 part1 – methods prev Templateunder questions Definition of Injectors andDescribe sampling method / selection for testing / other issues).

In addition, there are Templates for collecting behavioural data and data on notified cases of hepatitis B and C related to injecting drug use. If no new information is available, please submit a Template with the status “No new data”.

If you are reporting PREVALENCE DATA (% with positive serological test result in a sample), please useTemplates:

Standard Table 9 part 1 - methods prev

Standard Table 9 part 2 - serology prev

Standard Table 9 part 3 - behaviour

Standard Table 9 part 1 - methods prevtemplate describes the study or sample, Standard Table 9 part 2 - serology prevtemplate describes the seroprevalence results. Standard Table 9 part 3 – behaviour is new and voluntary. It is intended to collect behavioural data from the same prevalence studies as reported under Standard Table 9 part1 and Standard Table 9 part2, as well as some key data on risk and protective factors. I.e. the information on Standard Table 9 part1 should provide the study methods information for both Standard Table 9 part2 and Standard Table part3, if these are from the same study (if not: please fill in a separate Standard Table part1 andStandard Table part3).

For reporting NOTIFIED CASES of hepatitis B or C infection (numbers of cases notified) please use:

Standard Table 9 part 4- notifications


For one prevalence study please use only one Standard Table 9 part1 – methods prev. However, you may fill in multiple Standard Table 9 part2 – serology prev templates according to:

data on different viruses in the same study (HIV, HCV, HBV)

geographic breakdowns (regions, cities) per virus

main settings where data were collected, per virus and per region (e.g. please don't report prison data and treatment data in the same Standard Table 9 part2 – serology prev)

in case of HBV, please provide prevalence of antibodies (or all markers) separately from antigen prevalence (HBsAg)

If data are available and you are willing to provide these, please similarly fill in one copy of the Standard Table 9 part 3 – behaviourfor the same study (or, if possible, a copy per region/setting) if sample size allows.


Please fill out different templates for:

acute cases

chronic cases

Reporting period

The main focus of data requested is for the previous year, e.g. by September 2008 you are requested to provide data for the year 2007. However, please do provide additional data as recent as possible, also if not provided before please provide data from earlier years for that study. If you find it gives you more overview to paste in older data that was already provided to us, you are welcome to do so, the template has been designed to look at the full time series at once. It would be very useful to provide data from at least the year before. However you are also welcome to only provide the new data not provided earlier - note however that this can more easily lead to data problems and data clarification questions from our side as our experience is that it is more difficult to have overview if the data are in many different versionsof ST9.

Minimum reporting standards "core implementation" (and extended reporting options)

Prevalence data:

Data on samples of injecting drug users

Prevalence of hepatitis C and HIV in the reporting year (Extended: also provide HBV, HAV etc.)

Data from drug treatment and non-treatment settings, where non-treatment settings should minimally include data from low-threshold services (Extended: add prisons and other sources)

Routine monitoring of diagnostic data (Extended: routine monitoring + repeated surveys)

Data from selected (main) cities / regions (Extended: regional breakdown with national coverage)

Data on new injectors and young injectors (Extended: all breakdowns in ST9)

Stimulate and actively support longitudinal (cohort) studies

Convene the national DRID expert group at least annually

(Extended: also provide behavioural data)

Data on notified / reported cases:

National HIV-IDU case reporting (to ECDC) (Extended: HCV and HBV notifications to EMCDDA)

Notes: This working version is an update from the minimum requirements as formulated at the 2001 EU expert meeting (see 2001 meeting report). In this working version, core implementation is the agreed required minimum, extended implemention is not required but desirable.

Minimum sample thresholds for prevalence and notifications data

Please note that there are some minimum thresholds for the samples and sub-samples requested: In case of PREVALENCE data, please do not report the figure if the sample size does not reach 10. You may combine data for different years to increase sample size – indicate the years of data collection in question Additional information / comments in Template Standard Table 9 part2 and put the combined data under the middle year or the most recent of two mid years. For NOTIFICATIONS, please report all national totals regardless of sample size, however for the breakdowns please do not report data for a certain year if the total for that year is less than 10.

Decimal places, symbols, questions and comments

Please provide all proportions with two decimal values. Please use a decimal point, not a decimal comma if possible. Please, do not use '%'. Please insert all your comments inside of the comments fields, else they will get lost during the data processing. Please try to answer all questions.