Enrollment Management Committee Meeting
March4, 2014
3:30-5:00 pm / E-304
Attendance: Marilyn Flores, Craig Rutan, Leonor Aguilera, Ruth Babeshoff, Debbie Brooks, Rudy Carrion, Corinna Evett, Barbara Garrahy, Regina Lamourelle, Tuyen Nguyen, Andy Salcido, Randy Scott, Barbara Sproat,
Absent: Lucy Carr-Rollitt, Elizabeth Elchlepp, Lourdes Fajardo, Kari Irwin, Linda Miskovic, Narges Rabii, Martin Stringer, Robert Waldren
- Approval of Minutes: 11/19/13
- Report from Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (PIE) Committee
- Update on approvals for EMC Implementation Plan and for Mission and Committee Responsibilities
- Identify data elements for Dept. Chair Tool
- Establishing Data Elements for College Engagement
- FMCAR Report
- Topics for next meeting
Mission and Committee Responsibilities were approved by Academic Senate and will be approved at the next College Council meeting.
Data for Dept Chair Tool: 3 years access
- Section Info
- Waitlist (? – get clarification if in system as on or off)
- Fill rates (% enrolled to course cap)
- FTES and Headcount
-1st day of classes
-End of term
Future Considerations for Tool:
- Pre-req’s
- Goal of course
Awareness Phase: 3 year Historical
- Degree/Certificate/Transfer completions by term (time to complete 2 years,3 years, 4-6 years)
- Number of sections offered for each discipline/department
- Section Info
- Percent of FTF, Hybrid, Online
- Waitlist info and percent enrolled into class
- Cancelled courses/last term successfully offered/cancelled and reason code
- First time taking online course – success and persistence
- Demographics
- Percent of students receiving financial aid
- Number of students taking Basic Skills (CB code), CTE (Sams code), Transfer (CB code) CSU/UC
- Placement levels for ACE, Eng, Math, Chem, Read
- Student success, persistence, retention
- Percent of full-time and part-time students
Review the costs, retention, persistence, number of students, number of courses and type of courses for Intersession 2014.
Decide on questions to guide our review of other college enrollment plans.
Assign committee members to review the various community college enrollment plans. / Motion to approve the minutes as presented
(R. Babeshoff/L. Aguilera) was passed unanimously
Will have Sergio begin designing the tool.
Further discussion at the next meeting.
Further discussion at the next meeting.
Further discussion at the next meeting.
Marilyn and Craig will work on obtaining data and sample EMC plans for review.
Next Meeting / March 18, 2014
Mission Statement
SantiagoCanyonCollege is an innovative learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster student success and to help students achieve these core outcomes: to learn, act, communicate and think critically. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence and providing an accessible, a transferable, and an engaging education to a diverse community. (Approved by College Council 4/12/11)