ICF “International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine”
on implementation of the Programme Supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria
“Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine”
Issue # 11-12, 15 April – 1 July 2005
Phase 2 for Ukraine of the Global Fund-supported Programme
“Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine”…………………………………………………………………………..2
PROGRAMME COMPONENT ACTIVITIES:……….………………………………………………………………………..2
Procurement and Supply Management:
- Cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Ukrainian Government…………..……………………………………..2
- ARV Medical Supplies……………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
- Other Medical Supplies and Equipment……………………………………………………………..…………………..2
General Component Activities:
- Key News …………………………………….………………………………………………………...…………………..3
- New ART Adherence Projects…………………………………………………………………………………………….3
- Substitution Therapy……………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
- Trainings…………………………………………………………………………………………………...………………..3
- Operating Projects.…………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..3
- Working Meetings...………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
All-Ukrainian Public Event Dedicated to AIDS Memorial Day – 2005
‘I remember. Do you?’...... ………………………………………………...4
- Operating Projects………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
- Trainings……………………...………………………………………………………………………..……………………5
- Publications…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) for Vulnerable Communities
- Trainings on Preparation of IEC Materials………………………………………………………………………………6
Education Work and Resource Centres on HIV/AIDS Issues…………………….…………………………………….….6
Mass Media Work:
- Public Events for Mass Media Professionals.…………………………………………………………………………...6
- Regular Newsletters for Mass Media Professionals.…………………………………………………………………...7
- National M&E System and National Response to Epidemics………………………………………... ……..………..7
- Special Surveys.…………………………………………..………………………………….…………………………….7
- Operating Project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...7
- Programmatic Monitoring and Evaluation...……………………………………………………………………………..7
- Monitoring Visits………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………8
The 11-12th issues of the e-newsletter provide an update on implementation of the GFATM-supported programme ‘Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine’ during the second quarter of 2005. It highlights key events, achievements and challenges. The programme is implemented by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance).
Phase 2 for Ukraine of the Global Fund-supported
Programme “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine”
By May, 20 2005, the country proposal for the second phase of the programme “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine” was submitted to the Global Fund. The proposal was developed jointly by all stakeholders – government structures, national and international NGOs, prominent experts in HIV/AIDS. It was also reviewed and approved by a mechanism of thematic groups, consolidation group, the recently established National Coordination Council for prevention of HIV/AIDS and the Ukrainian Government. After review by Global Fund experts, On July 13, 2005 the Global Fund made the decision to commit additional funds for Phase 2 of the programme “Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine”.
Detailed information about the Country proposal can be found at at the Alliance Ukraine web site:
Cooperation with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Ukrainian Government
The distribution plan for the medicine Sumetrolim for prophylaxis and treatment of pneumocystic pneumonia in adults living with HIV/AIDS, the distribution plan for the medicine Bactiseptol for prophylaxis of pneumocystic pneumonia in children living with HIV/AIDS and the distribution plan for infant formula for feeding children born from HIV positive mothers were signed and approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in May 2005.
The distribution plan for substitution therapy was signed by the MoH on April 13, 2005.
ARV Medical Supplies
On 18 April 2005 agreement 5/ARV/GFATM/, between IDA and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, was signed. This agreement covers ARV procurement for the extension period from March to September 2005.
The order is planned to be delivered in parts and all goods are scheduled to arrive in July–August. The first part of the order arrived at Boryspil airport on 19th June 2005 and was customs-cleared on 27th June.
Other Medical Supplies and Equipment
In April and May activities were centred on preparation of the request to the Global Fund for continuation of funding (phase 2).
In June Addendum 3 to the PSM Plan with Appendices was approved by the Global Fund. Main changes reflected in the Addendum are as follows: the National Aids Centre has composed detailed specification for DOIs and drugs for treatment of side effects. Following recommendations of the CHAI expert in laboratory systems, it was decided to exclude tests for CD8, CD19, and CD16+CD56 from the list of reagents in the extension period. Instead there will be 6,000 CD4 tests with True Count test tubes. Also some changes in specifications of consumables were made and information about progress in arrangement of decentralised procurement was reported. Addendum 2, indicating existing costs and those be incurred until September 30, 2005, was constituted.
Information regarding volumes and specific items of procurement of syringes, condoms and alcohol wipes, which compose the most significant part of costs for health products purchase of Alliance sub-recipients, has been collected and analysed and main suppliers have been identified and contacted in order to centrally negotiate a price range. As a result of negotiations a Memorandum of Understanding between the Alliance and the company Vogt Medical, exclusive representative of BD syringes (the main portion of consumables procured by sub-recipients)б was signed in April 2005.
Additionally, donation agreements for infant formula and domestically-purchased consumables were concluded with the National AIDS Centre and final delivery of cotrimoxozole was made to Ukramedpostach on April 30.
Preparation for substitution therapy was the focus of May. A Humanitarian Aid agreement with Sociotherapy was signed on May 12 and contract negotiation with Liky Ukrainy for logistics services also began in mid-May. The month ended with a meeting of the Specification Review Committee on the 30th May, where specifications for the second purchase of substitution therapy and equipment for HIV drug resistance testing were approved.
Regional laboratories received deliveries of equipment, test reagents, and consumables in June. The laboratory in Dnipropetrovsk is fully installed and functional, however laboratories in Kyiv, Odessa, and Simferopol are still undergoing renovation. June concluded with the release of tender documents for purchases from the commodities extension list and preparation for tender review on July 15.
Key News
1813 patients were enrolled in ART under the programme ‘Overcoming HIV/AIDS epidemics in Ukraine’ by July 1, 2005: 1614 adults and 199 children.
New ART Adherence Projects
On 20 May 2005 the Call for proposals was announced under the programme “Medico-social and psychological support of ART for adults and children” in nine regions where ART has been recently introduced. The following organisations were winners of the competition and will receive funding for project implementation till 31 September 2005:
Kharkiv oblast – Kharkiv Regional Department of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA;
Poltava oblast – Charitable Organisation “Light of Hope”;
Zaporizhya oblast – Charitable Foundation “Spodivannia” with initiative group “Avangard”;
Kherson oblast – Kherson Regional Department of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA;
Ivano-Frankivsk oblast – Charitable Foundation “Solidarnist”;
Sevastopol – NGO “Youth Centre for Women’s Initiatives”.
Substitution Therapy
On 23-26 May 2005 expert groups carried out an assessment of narcological dispensaries’ readiness to start substitution therapy programmes. Assessment visits to Kyiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Mykolaiv regions and AR Crimea indicated that institutions are ready to introduce substitution therapy.
On 23-27 May 2005 AHF Global Immunity conducted a Training of Trainers (ToT) on ART issues in the framework of the “Intensive Clinical Preceptorship Programme”. Seven infectionists from six regions took part in the first phase of the ToT. During the second phase, 20 June–30 July, the preceptors will visit six regions to provide guidance and give recommendations to Ukrainian specialists.
On 15 June 2005 the project on training for paediatricians from 27 regions of Ukraine was signed. The project includes two workshops, the first of which is to be held in Kyiv on 12-15 July.
Operating Projects
47 projects continue to work on HIV/AIDS prevention among vulnerable groups.
26 projects are working in eight priority regions and 14 projects in second-line regions.
In Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Donetsk, Kherson, Cherkasy regions and AR Crimea seven prevention projects are working in prisons.
Working meetings
A quarterly working meeting of 29 prevention project coordinators took place in Alushta (Crimea) on June 14-16, 2005. Participants were able to exchange experience and discuss problems and possible solutions. During sessions the issue of integration of the project “SUNRISE” with the Global Fund programme was raised, issues of accounting and programme monitoring were discussed, and a presentation of the database for harm reduction projects was held. The electronic version of the database was distributed among project coordinators for testing and further suggestions for improvement.
A meeting of harm reduction project coordinators dealing with HIV/AIDS prevention in prisons was held in Alushta on 16-17 June. Participants found the presentation of State Penitentiary Department of Ukraine representative Natalya Kozhan extremely useful.
All-Ukrainian Public Event Dedicated to AIDS Memorial Day – 2005
‘I remember. Do you?’
The All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA and the ICF ‘International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine’ in the framework of the GFATM-supported Programme conducted the 5th Annual All-Ukrainian public event dedicated to AIDS Memorial Day ‘I remember. Do you?’ in 40 cities and towns all over Ukraine.
The main topic of AIDS Memorial Day 2005 was shaping a tolerant attitude to PLHA. The slogan ‘I remember. Do you?’ was chosen by members of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA at the meeting of the Board of Regional Representatives in April in Kharkiv.
Among different activities in the framework of AIDS Memorial Day were memorial ceremonies, theatre performances, concerts, memorial quilt presentations, round tables, information fairs, meetings with patients of AIDS Centres, thematic meetings with medics etc.
The event ‘I remember. Do you?’ in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was held by the All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA and the Alliance, supported by the City Centre of Social Services for Youth, the Synod department of charity and social services of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and Olena Franchuk Foundation ‘Anti-AIDS’.
On May 15 a memorial ceremony was held near the Red Ribbon monument in Kyiv. Among participants were: Volodymyr Zhovtyak, head of the Co-ordination Council, All-Ukrainian Network of PLHA; Nina Karpachova, ombudsman, Verkhovna Rada; Viktor Rybchuk, deputy minister of health of Ukraine; Andriy Klepikov, executive director, ICF ‘International HIV/AIDS Alliance’; Olga Rudneva, director, Olena Franchuk Foundation ‘Anti-AIDS’; Jo Lauri, official representative of the International Red Cross Society in Ukraine; Olena Voskresenska, deputy regional director, AIDS Foundation East-West; Alla Shcherbynska, director, Ukrainian AIDS Centre; Eliot Pearlman, head of board, International HIV/AIDS Institute; Arkadiusz Majszyk, UNAIDS Ukraine country coordinator; Zahed Islam Mohammed, head of mission, MSF Holland in Ukraine; representatives of Ukrainian and international organisations, journalists, Lavra patients and others. Participants made short speeches, remembered people who have died of AIDS with a minute of silence and laid flowers on the monument.
The Reverend Metropolitan Volodymyr blessed a ceremony for the dead held by Archbishop Mytrofan of Pereyaslov-Khmelnytsky near the Red Ribbon memorial. After the ceremony the Metropolitan expressed sympathy to all people present and blessed those who help people living with HIV. One more ceremony for the dead and public prayer took place at Svyato-Troyitsky Ioniyivsky monastery.
Among other events organised by the Network in Kyiv were a forum of Ukrainian NGOs devoted to issues of harm reduction and overcoming HIV/AIDS, an exhibition of creative works of children living with HIV, delivery of foodstuffs to AIDS Centre patients and presenting flowers to medical stuff.
On May 15 the Network of PLHA, the Alliance and Kyiv City Centre for Social Services for Youth organised an informational fair and concert in Shevchenko Park in the centre of Kyiv, which provided information on Memorial Day, different aspects of HIV/AIDS and work of AIDS-service organisations. People who visited the event enjoyed a concert by youth groups. Public favourites were Anna Zakletska, Sergiy Havrylyuk and children’s group ‘Me mis’.
The Alliance and the Network were partners of the event ‘Amuse yourself safely!’ organised by UNDP, which took place during Eurovision in May in Kyiv. Volunteers distributed condoms and informational materials among people present at the event.
Operating Projects
Charity association Svitlo Nadiyi (Light of Hope) within its project ‘Partnership for Results’ targeted at protecting the right of PLHA to receive treatment successfully established a special counselling room for HIV-positive injecting drug users to treat abscesses and other problems associated with injecting drug use. The room was set up on the basis of the regional clinical hospital with support from the city health administration and government funding. Fourteen IDUs had received medical aid by the end of June.
In May 2005 Vinnitsia Human Rights Group (VHRG) signed an agreement with the State Penitentiary Department of Ukraine on joint activities regarding protection of human rights of HIV-positive inmates. According to the agreement three special seminars for medical penitentiary personnel were conducted by VHRG and its partners in the regions (Sevastopol Human Rights Group, Luhansk Committee for protection of constitutional rights of citizens, Kherson Oblast Foundation for Charity and Health, and Dnipropetrovsk Branch of International Human Rights Association). A total of about 100 officers from different Correctional Facilities attended these seminars.
On June 8, Kyiv Club Eney within its advocacy project conducted a special seminar for 60 police officers from the Kyiv City Drug Enforcement Department on harm reduction and human rights protection issues featuring HIV prevention among injecting drug users and substitution therapy. The project was successfully completed in June.
The PLHA Network is continuing its work on advocacy for better representation in and coordination with the oblast Councils on HIV/AIDS in 14 regions of Ukraine.
Sumy NGO Krok na Zustrich (Pace forward to meeting) within its advocacy project for methadone maintenance in Sumy signed an agreement with Sumy AIDS centre and regional Drug Enforcement Department on joint cooperation on this issue.
On June 7-9, the Alliance held a three-day training for 17 PLHA Network regional representatives and their partner organizations dedicated to advocacy on HIV/AIDS issues and protection of rights of PLHA. Professionals in advocacy, jurisprudence and human rights protection from the South-Ukrainian Training Centre, Vinnitsia Human Rights Group and the Alliance were involved as trainers.