February 2010
Douglas L. Kriner
Department of Political Science, BostonUniversity Phone: (617) 358-4643
232 Bay State Rd. Fax: (617) 353-5508
Boston, MA 02215 email:
BostonUniversity (2006-present). Assistant Professor of Political Science. Director of Undergraduate Studies. Courses: American Congress; American presidency; Domestic politics and the use of force; American institutions in a system of separated powers; Graduate-level American politics field seminar; Graduate-level quantitative research methods.
Ph.D., HarvardUniversity, Government, Major field: American Politics, Focus field: the Presidency, (June, 2006)
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Political Science and History, Phi Beta Kappa, (May, 2001)
After the Rubicon: Congress, Presidents and the Conduct of Military Action. Forthcoming. University of Chicago Press.
The Casualty Gap: The Causes and Consequences of American Wartime Inequalities. 2010. With F.X. Shen. OxfordUniversity Press.
Kriner, D. and F.X. Shen. 2009. “Limited War and American Political Engagement.” Journal of Politics. 71: 1514-1529.
Kriner, D. and L. Schwartz. 2009. “The Variance of Presidential Approval.” British Journal of Political Science. 39: 609-631.
Kriner, D. and M. Hiller. 2008. “Dynamics of Vice Presidential Selection.” Presidential Studies Quarterly. 38: 401-421.
Kriner, D. and L. Schwartz. 2008. “Divided Government and Congressional Investigations.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 33: 295-321.
Kriner, D. and F.X. Shen. 2007. “Iraq Casualties and the 2006 Senate Elections.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 32: 507-530.
Kriner, D. 2006. “World War II and the Variance of Presidential Approval.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 70: 23-47.
Kriner, D. Forthcoming. “War Powers.” In Paul Quirk and William Cunion (eds), Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Government. Facts on File.
Kriner, D. 2009. “Resolved, The Vice Presidency Should be Abolished (Pro).” In Richard Ellis and Michael Nelson (eds), Debating the Presidency: Conflicting Perspectives on the American Executive. CQ Press.
Kriner, D. 2009. “Can Enhanced Oversight Repair the ‘Broken Branch’?” BostonUniversity Law Review 89: 765-793.
Howell, W. and D. Kriner. 2009. “Congress, the President, and the Iraq War’s Domestic Political Front.” In Lawrence Dodd and Bruce Oppenheimer (eds), Congress Reconsidered, 9th Edition. CQ Press.
Kriner, D. 2009. “Presidents, Domestic Politics and the International Arena.” In George Edwards and William Howell (eds), Oxford Handbook on the American Presidency. OxfordUniversity Press.
Howell, W. and D. Kriner. 2007. “Bending so as Not to Break: What the Bush
Presidency Reveals about Unilateral Action.” In George Edwards and Desmond King (eds), The Polarized Presidency of George W. Bush. OxfordUniversity Press.
Howell, W. and D. Kriner. 2007. “Power without Persuasion: Identifying Executive Influence.” In B. Rockman and R. Waterman (eds), Presidential Leadership: The Vortex of Power.OxfordUniversity Press.
Howell, W., J. Pevehouse and D. Kriner. 2007. Two coauthored chapters in W. Howell and J. Pevehouse, While Dangers Gather: Congressional Checks on Presidential War Powers.PrincetonUniversity Press.
Review of Christopher Gelpi, Peter Feaver and Jason Reifler, Paying the Human Costs of War (Princeton, 2009) in American Review of Politics.
“Congressional Leadership of War Opinion: Conditional Influence and the Risk of ‘Backlash.’” With William Howell. Under Review.
“The Electoral Payoffs and Perils of Vice Presidential Selection.” Under Review.
“The Legislative Impact of Presidential Public Appeals.” With Kate Mikels.
“Inequality and American Casualty Sensitivity.” With Francis Shen.
“All Politics (Even Wars) Are Local: Local Casualties, Congressional Rhetoric and Popular Support for the War in Iraq.” With Francis Shen.
“Racial Attitudes and Support for the Obama Health Care Initiative.”
Dirksen Center Congressional Research Award for archival research into congressional investigations of the executive branch, (2009-2010). $3,500
CQ Press Award for best paper in Legislative Studies Division presented at the 2006 APSA Meeting, “Hail to the Chief: Two Mechanisms of Congressional Influence Over Presidential War-Making,” (2007).
Herrnstein Prize for "the best dissertation that exhibits excellent scholarship, originality and breadth of thought, and a commitment to intellectual independence" by the GraduateSchool of Arts & Sciences, HarvardUniversity, (2006-2007).
Dirksen Center Congressional Research Award for archival research into congressional influence over presidential conduct of military action, (2006-2007). $3,000
Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences grant for research on war and public opinion (with William Howell, Summer 2005)
HarvardUniversity Committee on Undergraduate Education Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, (Spring 2003, Spring 2005)
Dissertation Fellowship for research assistance, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, (Summer 2005). $4,000
Summer Grant for Enlarging Competence in classical languages, Program on Constitutional Government at HarvardUniversity, (Summer 2003). $2,500
Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics, Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences, (Summer 2002)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award, (Fall 2003- Spring 2006)
MIT Pressman Award for Undergraduate Thesis Research in American Politics, (2000-2001). $2,000
Undergraduate Fellow, Center for the Study of the Presidency, (2000-2001)
American Political Science Association: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
Midwest Political Science Association: 2007, 2010
BostonUniversityLawSchool Conference on Congress: 2008
WashingtonUniversity Conference on the Vice Presidency: 2008
American Politics Workshop, University of Chicago: 2008
University of Minnesota Conference on the Vice Presidency: 2008
American Politics Research Workshop, HarvardUniversity: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Political Psychology and Behavior Workshop, HarvardUniversity: 2003
International Studies Association Workshop: 2010
American Political Science Review
American Journal of Political Science
Journal of Politics
International Organization
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Public Opinion Quarterly
Legislative Studies Quarterly
Political Behavior
Foreign Policy Analysis
Congress and the Presidency
Party Politics
Contemporary Security Policy
Perspectives on Politics
American Review of Politics
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Political Science (Fall 2007 – present)
American Politics Search Committee (Fall 2007; Fall 2009)
Political Science Graduate Program Committee (Fall 2009 – present)
Social Sciences Curriculum Committee (Fall 2006 – Fall 2008)