Form A (2017)

Data Protection Notice

(for licensed clergy, PTOs, licensed lay workers and readers)

In order to comply with Data Protection legislation the Diocese of Southwark needs to ensure that all office holders know what data is held on them and how it will be used. We also need to offer you the opportunity of opting out of receiving third party mailings and, for all except stipendiary clergy, having your name and contact details on the Diocesan website.

You should fill in the form whether or not you wish to opt out. If you have filled in one of these forms before then we will assume that nothing has changed unless you send us a new form.

What information is held on you?

The Diocese of Southwark holds your name, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, date of birth and clerical appointment details and other necessary details relating to your ministry. Some departments of the Diocese hold additional information in respect of members of Boards, Committees and other networks in order to fulfil their respective roles. You are entitled by law to receive a copy of all data held about you by the Diocese of Southwark on payment of a small fee (from 24 October 2001 the law extended this to paper based material) and any requests should be addressed to Wendy S. Robins the Director of Communications and Resources at Trinity House.

For what purposes is the information held?

a)compiling the Diocesan Directory

b) preparing the monthly Diocesan mailing

c)occasional mailings from Diocesan organisations and Church related bodies

d)calculating stipends and other personnel and pastoral matters relating to your ministry

If you wish to opt out of c) above please indicate on the form below and return it to us. If you have previously opted out there is no need to do it again.

We rarely allow others to have a copy of our address labels and if we do they are vetted thoroughly but we do, on occasion, allow the Archbishops, etc. access. Please note that the Diocesan Directory is a public document and as such is sold to individuals and organizations. It is not currently available on the web, but might in the future become so, probably in a restricted area.

Diocesan Website

At present only details of stipendiary clerics’ name, address, phone number and e-mail address appear on the web. At some stage in the future we may extend the material which appears on the web to include all clergy. If you are not stipendiary clergy and you do not wish your details to appear on the Diocesan website now or in the future, please indicate on the form below and return it to us.

Form A (2017)

I (wish/do not wish) to receive third-party mailings

I (wish/do not wish) my details to appear on the Diocesan website


Full Name ......

Parish ......

Address ......


Telephone number (state if home or work) ......

Signed ...... Date ......

Return to Wendy S. Robins, Trinity House, 4 Chapel Court, Borough High Street, London SE1 1HW