Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2015
Present: Mark Rendell (Facilitator), Maurice Bonner, Wyman Burns, Tricia Chesser, Christine Hill, Laura Lovett-Estima, Kathy McGinn, Terence O’Leary, Cynthia Poole, Rick Poulette, Sandy Rohn, Marty Sanders, Vanessa Tillman, Martha Vickers, and Helen Wild.
Agenda; Minutes from December 4; and Letter of Understanding concerning payroll deduction of membership dues for CWA members.
Check In
Time Constraints: 4:30
Meeting Highlights
I. a. Acceptance of December 4, 2014 Minutes. Thumbs Up.
i. Item III did not reflect there was discussion about possible Language change to Policy 6.11 to offset a problem the CWA was having with the Language. Kathy McGinn related that the Policy Review Committee met on January 7, 2015. Superintendent Yost requested the School Board Attorney review the Language and meet with Maurice Bonner regarding any impact to employees. The CWA was reassured that the Language in Policy 6.11 does not impact any of the Bargaining Units.
II. Letter of Understanding (LOU) Concerning CWA Membership Dues – An LOU was presented for review regarding payroll deduction of membership dues for CWA members. This LOU proposes Language changes to Article 3 of the CWA Contract which would implement changes to the current deduction system. Members will formally resign from the Union by filling out an NCR form which will be distributed to the local Union President, Payroll, and the employee. Discontinuing the deduction of dues will occur within 30 days after the Union President and the Payroll Department receive the form. Employees wishing to resign from the Union should contact their Union Representative. Outcome: Thumbs Up.
III. Sub-Committee (SC) Updates:
a. Compensation/Benefits – No update. A meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
b. CTA Bargaining/Contract Language – No update. There is a Faculty Council meeting scheduled on January 20, 2015 which may produce changes to Contract Language. Apart from this, the Contract is settled and waiting for ratification.
c. CU Bargaining/Contract Language – The SC has not met and is waiting on the CTA Sub-Committee to finish its work in order to mirror that Contract Language.
d. Supplements – No update. The SC is waiting on compensation data. Mark Rendell will schedule the next meeting.
e. Lesson Plans – The SC met on December 12, 2014 and found that members are pretty far apart on the issue. The SC decided to delay further meetings until the Planning Time SC has completed its work with the intent to use the outcomes of the Planning Time SC as a resource. This SC is on hold.
f. Planning Time – The SC met on December 17, 2014. The SC is making great progress. Members were able to tell the story, define the story, and were allowed to clarify things. The next meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2015 and hope to make inroads to specific Language.
g. Job Description Analysis – The SC has had two meetings and another is scheduled for January 20, 2015. They are working on a process to analyze the job descriptions. The SC is exploring different resources and tools to use for the process. They are working on one employee group at this time.
h. Sick Leave Bank – The Letters of Understanding for each Bargaining Unit will be approved by the Board on January 13, 2015. Work is complete.
The next enrollment period begins January 12, 2015 through February 9, 2014. Maurice Bonner will send an email to all employees on January 9, 2015 concerning Sick Leave Bank Enrollment.
IV. New Sub-Committees
a. Safe Driver Plan – The old SC will reconvene to review policies and come up with possible Language changes to the Safe Driver Plan.
Charge: Review Safe Driver Plan and create possible Language changes to the Plan.
Timeline: Recommendation by the March 5, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting.
Membership: Rick Poulette, Martha Vickers, Wyman Burns, Maurice Bonner, and Don Carter.
Facilitator: Kathy McGinn
The first meeting is scheduled on January 28, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Personnel Conference Room 320.
b. Tool Allowance
Charge: Review the way employees access funds to the tool allowance and make appropriate Language changes.
Timeline: Recommendation by the February 5, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting.
Membership: Rick Poulette, Wyman Burns, Rick Esposito, Marty Sanders, Tim Bargeron, and Kim Albritton.
Co-Facilitators: Rick Poulette and Marty Sanders
The first meeting will be scheduled by Marty Sanders and Rick Poulette.
c. Leave Approval
Charge: Develop Language regarding the approval of leaves.
Timeline: Recommendation by the March 5, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting.
Membership: 4 CTA, 4 District Office, 3 CWA with the option of a 4th. Names will be sent to Laura Lovett Estima
Facilitator: Laura Lovett Estima
The first meeting will be scheduled.
d. Testing
Charge: Assess the amount, viability, and scoring of standardized testing in the District.
Timeline: Recommendation by the March 5, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting.
Membership: 4 CTA and 4 District Office. Names will be sent to Helen Wild
Facilitator: Helen Wild
The first meeting will be scheduled.
e. Domestic Partnership – Due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the State of Florida on January 6, 2015, this SC is no longer needed.
V. Letter of Understanding Concerning Salary Schedule Condensing for the CU – Discussion concerning reducing the amount of lanes in the CU Salary Schedule to 15 credit hours, 30 credit hours, 60 credit hours, or Bachelor’s Degree. A lane for the 30 credit hours does not exist. This issue will be discussed at the Compensation SC meeting scheduled for January 16, 2014.
VI. Other Issues and Concerns
a. Discussion concerning Faculty Councils. The CTA is working on appointing their members for each site’s Faculty Council. The CTA is concerned that some sites held Faculty Council Meetings this week, but the CTA appointee was not present at the meeting. Concerns will be discussed at the next Faculty Council meeting scheduled on January 20, 2015.
b. Discussion concerning clarification of the Letter of Understanding regarding Faculty Councils in relation to the timeline for distribution of minutes. The minutes from each meeting is to be given to employees and a copy sent to the CTA President within one week. The timeline remains the same as with the BLPT. The method of delivery - whether paper copies, e-mail, or a link to on-line documents – may change. The CTA does have access to the District’s on-line documents either through One Drive or through a common-shared site.
c. Discussion concerning the communication of information for the Wellness Program and Health Fairs. Each school site has a Wellness Champion who is responsible for getting information out to the employees at that site. Terence O’Leary, Chief Information Officer, has met with Carlye Fabrikant, Wellness Manager, concerning communication plans on how to get information out to employees in ways other than e-mail such as newsfeeds, Face Book, and Twitter posts.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
VIII. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 5, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Location: The Board Room at the District Offices located at 4204 Okeechobee Road, Fort Pierce. The Facilitator will be John Lynch.
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January 8 Mark Rendell
February 5 John Lynch
March 5 Kathy McGinn
April 2 Kevin Perry
May 7 Terence O’Leary
June 4 Wyman Burns
August 6 Helen Wild
September 3 Sandy Rohn
October 1 Christine Hill
November 5 Rick Poulette
December 3 Maurice Bonner
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