The Grail Link to the United Nations Network(GLUNN) core team meets monthly all through the year to prepare for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) which meets annually for two weeks in March. Cindy Cheyne, Joy Garland, Lucy Jones, Sharon Joslyn, Mpanda Kalala, Mary Kay Louchart,
Simonetta Romano, Maureen Tate and Lillian Wall have annual UN ground passes and participate in monthly GLUNN team meetings. Sharon and Mary Kay are active as our representatives with the Working Group on Girls. Joy and Lillian participate in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Bernadette Gemmell,
Mary Gindhart, Abida Jamal, Sonia Monteiro, Fuva Muiambo, and Maria Carlos Ramos (International Leadership Team) are part of the inner circle GLUNN team by email. Sister Alice Giordano,OSU, has a Grail annual pass and works with GLUNN in the local schools.
The Bronx Grail House is an essential part of the program every year, where participants live and create community, prepare for and debrief after sessions, pray and eat together and take their rest. The Bronx Grail House and St. Luke’s Convent become a center of the hub of activity around the CSW for the Grail.
The Grail’s presence at the 2015 CSW was robust. Central to this work is the transformation that is wrought in each individual that participates, especially those who come for one week or more.
As we seek to build a better future, our goal is to empower these young women and girls who will be – and indeed already are – the change agents of society’s future. The support of the entire Grail is essential to this work as much as the focused dedication of a portion of the Grail to ease the entry of the young or inexperienced into the complexity of international advocacy.
The interns who stayed for three months to help GLUNN prepare for and carry out the Grail’s participation in the CSW were necessary and integral to this work. In 2015 Sonia Monteiro and Fuva Muiambo performed the task before them with ability and grace.
For the first time this year, GLUNN and the Cornwall Grail Center sought and received support from the International Grail to hold a one week ‘CSW Follow-up’ to allow participants to debrief from the intense two-week experience and to prepare their thoughts and plans for a take-home project.
Also new this year will be an immersion experience in the summer held at Cornwall (June 30 to July 18) to provide a deep level of preparation for 20 young women in “Sacred Activism,” our title for the kind of advocacy carried out by the Grail in this international setting as well as Grail work in local communities. Some of those women who will hopefully return to New York in next March will be better prepared than ever to contribute to and to learn from the experience of the Grail at the Commission on the Status of Women.
The annual session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-59) was from March 9 to March 20, 2015 at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York City.
This year, 30 girls and women from 10 countries representing four continents were hosted at The Bronx Grail Center and at St. Luke’s Convent. These are Grail members or in some way connected with The Grail. They came from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Mozambique, Portugal, Sweden, Tanzania and the United States.
The two weeks of CSW are organised so that participants from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) can be present at the official sessions of the CSW, at the side events organised by Permanent missions of Member States to the UN and UN entities and to parallel events organised by NGOs.
The 59th Session of the CSW commemorated the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 (from we get the Beijing Platform for Action) and the events organised during this years' Commission covered subjects around the 12 critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action. These events showcased the situation of women and girls in some region and/or country along with the different efforts and projects being created and implemented to solve the issues at hand.
The women and girls of The Grail participated in these many events and became more aware of the situation throughout the world. Also, each year The Grail sponsors a parallel event with girls as presenters speaking about the challenges and problems facing them. The Grail theme for 2015 was entitled: Now's Our Chance: Designing Our Future for the Next Twenty Years. Six of our girls spoke about their own reality and the changes they hope to see in the next twenty years. This year the Grail and UFER also organized another parallel event entitled: Sacred Activism. And with the Medical Sisters we co-sponsored a parallel event on spirituality and the earth. Some of the girls were also part of panels for other side event sponsored by the Working Group on Girls. Finally, the girls had also the opportunity to speak and be interviewed by the UN Radio.
This year through The Grail more than 170 people registered to attend and participate in the CSW-59 events and activities. Among them were girls and boys from several US high schools that, in a certain way, are connected with the Grail work in the United Nations context, such as Academy of Mount Saint Ursula, Dominican Academy, St. Jean Baptiste, Preston and Cardinal Hayes. This was also the first year that The Grail welcomed participants from other organizations: the Girls Justice League and the Girls Leadership Camp. This participation is mainly due to the efforts of the Grail Link to the United Nations Network (GLUNN) members to expand the network to other people, especially girls.
Our days were spent on the UN premises or nearby where the events were being held. We met at 19h00 at the Bronx Grail house for a community dinner and prayer. This was a moment for sharing and exchange of the day and preparing for the next days.
This report was compiled by the GLUNN with collaboration of the Grail participants at CSW-59 who attended the follow-up week at The Grail Centre in Cornwall-on-Hudson, and also input from other participants which focused on their experiences and point of view. The report is comprised of an overview of the Grail Side events, Building Community, Networking, Learning/Experiences, Commitment and Way forward including preparation process for the next CSW. At the end is the common prayer made by all and also some pictures showing the emotions of experiencing CSW.
Some historical information about the Grail’s work with the UN: In 1953 The Grail joined with other Lay Catholic organizations to found UFER (International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples) and so gain consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). Since 1998, when The Grail was accepted in its own name as an NGO, we have been functioning with a twofold responsibility as UFER and as The Grail. We therefore have an increased possibility for more participants at UN sessions and a broader potential impact in the outcome documents. Because of this status The Grail is able to participate as a member observer and at times a participant in official sessions or in parallel events in the UN Headquarters.
Each year since 2007 The Grail has been preparing girls and young women to participate in the annual session of the CSW. The Grail also participates in the work of the Committee on the Status of Women (CSW NGO/NY) and as a member of the Working Group on Girls (WGG), a coalition of more than 80 NGOs and civil organizations dedicated to empowerment of girls and to promoting their human rights in all areas and in all stages of their lives.
This CSW experience is offered each year at the Bronx Grail Centre and it has been coordinated by the GLUNN. Since 2011, The Grail has also promoted a 3-month internship program for 2 young Grail members or young women that are exploring the Grail in their countries. The interns participate actively, working with the Working Group on Girls (WGG), with the two Bronx Grail girls groups, attend UN sessions even if not directly CSW-related in order to ‘learn’ about the UN and also help in many way to prepare the two weeks annual session of CSW.
It is a memorable time for all but especially for the girls as they live in community and experience the international dimension of The Grail. In other words, it is an opportunity to experience The Grail outside the boundaries of their familiar context. At the same time, this experience offers an opportunity for many to see first-hand the work of the United Nations and to experience a real part of this global movement as it attempts to transform the world into a more peaceful, sustainable and loving place.
A. Grail at CSW 59
A.1. Grail Participation
The Grail participated at CSW 59 in different ways including planning Grail side events for girls; co-sponsoring side events; being part of some panels; contributing in the writing of the annual girls’ statement; shared experience and gave testimony about the situation of girls and women in their countries and the implementation of the BPFA, followed the work of outcome documents; collaborated with enthusiasm in helping each other.
The Grail co-sponsored four side events:
Girls grade Beijing: Section L: The Girl Child, which marked the experiences of girls, a central part of the human rights project. In 1995, Section L of the Beijing Platform for Action put girls on the human rights map. Section L documented girls’ experience of discrimination and violence, as well as identified the importance of “promoting girl” awareness of and participation in social, economic, and political life” (BPFA, 1995, p.34). The event explores the progress made on behalf of girls’ lives globally, but also identifies current challenges to the document’s implementation. The panellist (only girls) addressed the progress, gaps and challenges they have witnessed on issues of gender equality, safety, violence, education, health and the media in their communities and nations. The girls evaluated Section L from their own perspective. Khensani Nhambongo (Mozambique) was a panellist.
Girls Political Empowerment: Building Effective Adult-Girl Partnership: This event explored how Girls become empowered political subjects. Girl activists shared their tools and strategies for resisting political apathy and creating meaningful change. Panellists showcased lessons learned in engaging girls in formal and informal political spaces. Irene Masausu (Tanzania) was a panellist.
Girls Advocacy Roundtable: This event provided a space for girls participating at the Commission on the Status of Women to speak to UN decision makers about their needs and challenges in relation to the UN development and sustainability agenda. Girl delegates attending CSW 59 shared their thoughts and experiences via roundtables focused on different themes, issues and topics related to the primary theme. Governments and UN Agencies have an opportunity to informally listen, ask questions, and receive input, suggest language and ideas on ways to engage girls and use their voices to advocate on their behalf. Khensani Nhambongo (Mozambique) and Irene Masausu (Tanzania) were panellists.
Intergenerational Dialogue: Women and Girls Talk Beijing+20: This event provided opportunity to share stories of success and opposition to gender equality in the Beijing+20 world. It also looked at the necessity of including adolescent girls in the review of Beijing +20. The event reflected on how Beijing has impacted girls and women’s lives globally sharing their thoughts on how to advance girls’ and women’s rights around the world through the BPFA. Khensani Nhabomgo (Mozambique) and Carolina Semedo (Portugal) were panellists.
Women’s Spirituality: Women’s Spirituality: Pioneering and Transforming. One of the speakers was friend of the Grail Miriam Therese Winter. The room was filled beyond capacity so it shows interest is strong related to this theme.
Girls’ Draft Statement: The Grail also was called upon to give contribution on Girls’ draft statement.
The Teen Orientation was another event that the Grail co-sponsored. It is an annual and session in preparation for the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Organized by the Working Group On Girls (WGG) that promotes young girls’ power to speak on their behalf at events like the CSW in order to promote women and girls' empowerment. Youth members representing NGOs from all over the world get together to prepare to be effective advocates at the UN CSW. It is the opportunity to share their passions and learn about gender issues with girl delegates from other countries. The Orientation also provided youth delegates the opportunity to learn the history, background and purpose of the United Nations and to understand better the scope of the violence directed at women and girls. During the Teen Orientation we had several Grail members or Grail-connected members work on registration and facilitating in various sessions (Tina Kalala, Fuva Muiambo, Sonia Monteiro, Lena Cheyne, Hyasinta Mgonja, Abida Jamal) with Sharon Joslyn as part of the coordinating group—so the Grail was very present.
A.2. Grail side events This year the Grail had two side events.
A.2.1. “Now Is Our Chance – Girls Designing Our Future for the Next 20 Years” for girls
This event was an opportunity for girls from several countries, with different social, cultural, economic and political contexts to share their opinions about the implementation of the Beijing Platform in their countries, what advances and challenges were obtained during the 20 years of implementation. They also looked specifically to see if the perspectives of girls have been included. The girls provided an overview of their challenges, achievements and experiences, related to the implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and presented their experiences of advocating on the issues regarding the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action through the work they have done in their communities. The event was attended by around 40 people and it was very nice to see each girl speak in public and express her opinions. These were important experiences for the girls. The panelists were: Karen(Brasil) with speech read in English by Melanie(Philadelphia), Irene(Tanzania), Anna(Italy), Khensani(Mocambique), Carolina(Portugal), Clara(Sweden), McKayla speaking her own poetry(Bronx), Tahylor(Philadelphia), and moderators: Nyazia(Philadelphia) and Diana (Bronx).
A.2.2. “Sacred Activism” for Grail members.
In the event “Sacred activism” the panelists gave insights on how a deep spiritual life and self-awareness are essential for carrying on effective transformative actions. The panellist where asked the following questions: Where does their desire to transform the world come from? What “pushed” them to get involved with transforming the world into a better place? How do they make a “sacred space” for them to engage with other people? How do they prepare themselves for being an agent of change? How do they nurture their “becoming the change they want to see?. The event was attended by around 40 people. It was a moment of sharing of the path of the speakers as activists and it allowed for exchange between the participants. It was a moment of serenity after two very busy weeks of CSW. Panelists: Marina(Italy), Fuva(Mocambique), Joy (USA/NYC), Azucena(Mexico) moderated by Maureen(USA/Philadelphia).
B. Building Community
B.1. Spiritual path - We gathered daily after dinner to pray together and share our day. This helped to refresh us and to prepare for the next day. Community prayer is very important to build community and to share life as we come together. We become participants into ONE space of all the experiences. It was an opportunity to update and deepen our faith journey as a community during two weeks while trying to understand the issues of CSW and how we can are make those issues relevant in our life and in our community.
B.2. Open House (Bronx and Cornwall Grail Centre - Every year there are two events to which local Grail members and friends are invited: Bronx Open House, Cornwall Open House. This is an opportunity for the CSW participants to share their experiences as well as meet local Grail members, and, for others to learn from the participants about CSW.
B.3. Formation – opportunity to talk about the Grail, view videos and discuss them like: Inspired Lives, explore myths and The Legend of the Grail (Sharon Thompson session at Cornwall), have the opportunity of intergenerational dialogue with Grail members and live in community with them. There was also time for reflection, meditation, prayer as well as preparing food together and doing other chores to keep the community functioning. It is a time for the core elements of the Grail to be explored together. Whether any of the girls become Grail members or not, it is an important formative life experience.