East Asian -Think-Tac-Toe Project Pick three in a row-however, you must go through the middle! So…your choices are: (1,5,9), (2,5,8), (3,5,7), (4,5,6)
Country choices for the projects include:
1. Japan 5. China
2. North Korea 6. Taiwan
3. South Korea 7. Macau (special administrative region)
4. Mongolia 8. Hong Kong (special administrative region)
1. Write a paper – “Take a Stand” issues may include such things as the “One Child Policy” in China. This must be compared to another issue studied earlier this year. *For details, see direction sheet. / 2. RESEARCH BASICS – BIBLIOGRAPHY REQUIREDUsing an Inspiration Template,, pick one of the 8 countries above to research. Create a web of useful information. *For details, see direction sheet. / 3. Research a famous, historical person that was important to one of the countries listed above (Empress Wu, Emperor Ch’in, Mao Zedong – for example) Video tape a mock interview between the two of you. Bibliography required *For details, see direction sheet.
4. Research a special Asian holiday like the New Year’s celebration – tell us the details. Very important – make a model to represent this holiday! * For details, see direction sheet. / 5. The Required Middle Section**Zodiac Assignment**
Zodiac signs are fun to learn about. How well do you think they fit for the people you know? In this paper you will write about yourself and people you know.
*For details, see direction sheet. / 6. RESEARCH BASICS –
Pick one of the 8 countries listed above to research. Decide on a “foldable” style to showcase your important information. *For details, see direction sheet.
7. RESEARCH BASICS Plus –Web Quest…Find answers to a variety of questions by going on an Asian Web quest. *For details, see direction sheet. / 8. Conduct research on China’s many inventions. Write a full page magazine advertisement and make an infomercial or commercial advertising it! *For details, see direction sheet. / 9. RESEARCH BASICS-
“Awesome Asia in a Can ”
Pick one of the 8 East Asian countries to research. Make an informative speech. Using a decorated can or box, pull objects out to explain. *For details, see direction sheet.
Projects will be graded on:
1. Following direction sheet (completeness)
2. Accuracy of materials used
3. Creativity/Neatness
4. Bibliography (Works Cited) in proper MLA format –
( utilizing the Citation Machine)
Information for Research Basics will include:
Country Government Exports
Land features Types of Animals Current Problems
Natural resources Tourist attractions Facts: (historical, interesting)
People Location Holidays and Celebration
*For details, see direction sheet.