Technical requirements for the Frontline course
Browser and software
To use all the features of the website you will need:
- A modern browser such as Internet Explore 6 or above or Firefox
- Screen resolution of at least 800x 600 pixels
- Flash minimum level version 6
- Javascript enabled
- Cookies enabled
Flash is a free multimedia plug-in which works with any browser and can be installed by following the link below. You may need to contact your IT department if you are barred from downloading plug-ins.
To find out how to enable cookies visit You can restrict enable cookies to this site only (URL:
- The internet browser security must be set no higher than Medium High. In Internet Explorer, click on Tools > Internet Options on the menu, then click on the Security tab. Click on the Internet zone. You should now see a sliding control that will let you select the level of security for that zone anywhere from High to Low. If instead you see "Custom - To change the settings click Custom Level", then click the Default Level button. This should restore the sliding control that will let you select your level of security. You may need to contact your IT department if security levels are set centrally.
- In rare cases, the site was blocked by an authority firewall. In this case the authority should make the URL itself an exception or a favoured site.
- Ideally, each user should use their own individual external email address in order to be registered and use the site. The site may be used with a free webmail address such as Google Mail, Yahoo Mail or Windows Live Hotmail.
- If users do have to share email addresses in those authorities where individual ones are not available and external emails can’t be used, the site will prompt the co-ordinator to identify the Trainee with a unique username instead. This will enable those Trainees who have to share an email address to use the site without having to share their course data with others as well.
- Trainees using external email addresses should put the frontline address ( ) in their address books as well as the email address of their Co-ordinator and their Supervisor. This ensures that the mails from these addresses are not blocked. However please be aware that occasionally free webmail accounts do completely block our emails – if this happens you will have to register a different address.
- The Frontline course enables communication between Trainees and Supervisors through a system of automatically generated emails. In some authorities this type of email is blocked. Please make sure that your mail server can accept all mail from the domain Your authority may need to list this as an excepted domain.
- Trainees taking the Frontline course will be asked to visit a few websites as part of the work they are undertaking. Please ensure that your system allows access to them:
Opening the Book 2008