Project: “Horizon Centre (earlier Horizon Centre Towers 2,3,4,5 & 6)”, DLF City Phase V, Gurgaon

Six-monthly Compliance Report of Environmental Clearance Conditions Page 2 of 22


/ Description / Page No. /
Chapter 1 / Introduction and Project Description
1.1 / Introduction / 3
1.2 / Project Description / 3
1.3 / Present Status of the Project / 4
1.4 / Purpose of the Report / 4
Chapter 2 / Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance
Part A / Specific Conditions / 5
I. Construction Phase / 5
II. Operation Phase / 10
Part B / General Conditions / 14
Chapter 3 / Details of Environmental Monitoring
3.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 17
3.2 / Ambient Noise Monitoring / 19
3.3 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring / 20
3.4 / Soil Monitoring / 21
3.1 / Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 17
3.2 / Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 18
3.3 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results / 18
3.4 / Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations / 19
3.5 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Results / 19
3.6 / Details of Water Quality Monitoring Station / 20
3.7 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results / 21
3.8 / Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location / 22
3.9 / Soil Monitoring Results / 22
3.1 / Location-wise Variation of Ambient Air Quality / 18
3.2 / Location-wise Variation of Ambient Noise Levels / 19
1 / Test reports of Air, Noise, Water and Soil
2 / Environmental clearance letter from MoEF

Chapter 1

Introduction and Project Description

1.1 Introduction

The proposed project Horizon Centre (earlier City Center Towers 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) is a commercial building located at Zone-6, DLF5, Sector-43, Gurgaon. Earlier the project in the name of Horizon Centre Towers 2,3,4,5 & 6 a commercial complex has been granted the Environmental Clearance by State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Haryana, vide letter no. SEIAA/HR/2010/573 dated 20.07.2010, and awarded Gold Grading. For revision/ modernization, the project in the name of Horizon Centre (earlier Horizon Centre Towers 2,3,4,5 & 6) has been granted the Environmental Clearance by the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Haryana, vide letter no. SEIAA/HR/2013/1243 dated 25.11.2013 and awarded Gold grading.

The project has also been granted the Consent to Establish (CTE)/ No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Haryana State Pollution Control Board (HSPCB) vide letter no. HSPCB/TAC/ 2011/689 dated 07.03.2011. The project has been cleared by the Department of Town & Country Planning (DTCP), Govt. of Haryana.

1.2 Project Description

Salient Features

The salient features of the project are as given below:

Location / Zone-6, DLF City, Phase-V, Sector-43, Gurgaon, Haryana
Number of floors / Ground + 23 floors (max) and 4 basements
Total plot area / 27,727.87 m2
Total built-up area / 210,555.22 m2
Maximum height of the tower / 104.025 m
Total fresh water requirement / 136.2 kld
Wastewater generation: / 347.6 kld
Sewage Treatment Plant Capacity / 9,000 kld capacity common STP for DLF5 at Sector-43, Gurgaon
Power requirement / 4,991 kW from Energy Centre to be located in the basement of the project building.
Solid waste generation / 1,043 kg/day
Parking provided / Total 3,121 ECS (Stilt: 367+ Basement: 2,754)


The project is in construction stage.


Provision has been made for adequate space for parking in the project. Parking will be provided in the form of surface parking and basement parking. Proper entry and exit system for vehicles will be developed to avoid traffic congestion in the area. Entry route and exit route to the complex will be separate.

Water Supply

Source of fresh water in operation phase will be the municipal supply water supplemented by existing 2 (two) no. of bore wells registered in Central Ground Water Authority. The water will be first disinfected and then supplied. There is no requirement of fresh water for cooling. The water requirement for landscaping will also be met by the treated sewage from Common STP in DLF 5, Sector-43.

Sewage treatment

Sewage generated in the project will be treated up to tertiary level in existing Common Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) located in DLF5, Sector-43. The entire (100%) treated water from STP will be recycled/ reused for toilet flushing, cooling and horticulture in the project.


Power requirement for the project in operation phase will be met from energy centre to be set-up at basement. Further there will be provisions of DG sets as power back-up incase of power failure. All the DG sets will be located at the basement in acoustically treated room.

Fire Safety

The building will be well equipped with all fire fighting equipments (i.e. fire water tanks, fire pumps, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, hose reels etc.) as required under the local fire norms.

Rain water harvesting:

The rainwater collected from the rooftop and other paved areas within the project area will be conveyed into the rainwater harvesting system consisting of Desilting chamber, Oil & grease separator and Recharge pit with bore well for recharge into the groundwater.

Disposal of municipal solid wastes:

Solidwastes generated will be segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components and collected in separate bins. Both the biodegradable wastes and non-biodegradable/ recyclable wastes will be sold to authorized vendors.

1.3 Present Status of the Project

At present the project is at construction stage. Construction of Ground + 21 floors is completed. 22nd floor is under construction.

1.4 Purpose of the Report

This six-monthly report is being submitted as per the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Order. Further, this compliance report depicts the environmental impacts on the local environment due to the project.

The environmental compliance report is carried out to verify:

§  That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and its surrounding

§  Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Letter.

§  That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures and safeguards in true spirit as suggested in the approved Form-1, Form-1A, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and building plans.

§  Any non-conformity in the project with respect to the environmental implication of the project.

Chapter 2

Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance


Construction Phase

S. No. /

Conditions of Environmental Clearance

Status of Compliance
1 / “Consent to Establish” shall be obtained from Haryana State Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before the start of any construction work at site. /
“Consent for Establish” has already been obtained from the Haryana State Pollution Control Board.
2. / A first aid room as proposed in the project report shall be provided both during construction and operational phase of the project / First aid facility is provided at project site during construction phase. First aid facility will also be provided in operation phase of the project.
3 / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at the site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open defecation by the labourers is strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities has been provided for construction workers.
In construction phase, wastewater is treated and disposed through septic tanks with soak pits.
4 / All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/ landscape development within the project site / The excavated topsoil has been stored within the project complex and will be used later for horticulture.
5 / The project proponent shall ensure that the building material required during construction phase is properly stored within the project area and disposal of construction waste should not create any adverse effect on the neighboring communities and should be disposed of after taking necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. / Separate raw material storage yard is made during construction phase:
▪ Cement bags separately stored under cover in bales.
▪ Sand stacked neatly under tarpaulin cover.
▪ Bricks and steel are laid in open
6 / Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the groundwater and any hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. / Recyclable construction spoils like cement bags, steel etc. are being recycled. Waste construction spoils like brick bats etc. are being used as filling material for road. There was no waste bituminous material as this is a construction of new building.
Except used oil from DG sets no other hazardous waste is being generated in construction phase. The DG used oil is being disposed by contractor through authorized recycler.
7 / The diesel generator sets to be used during construction phase should be of ultra low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. / “Low sulphur diesel (LSD) is being used for running DG sets during construction phase. The DG sets installed has adequate stack heights and are Enclosed type” DG sets which conforms the air and noise emission within permissible standard as per CPCB norms.
8 / The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. / DG sets in construction phase have been arranged by the contractor. There is no underground diesel storage tank. Diesel for construction DG sets has been stored in daily storage drums in very low quantity as per threshold limit applicable for temporarily storage for which no clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives is required.
9 / Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated residential standards / Ambient noise level monitoring has been carried out and it is observed to be within the prescribed limit of commercial area standards both during day and night. Monitoring of ambient air quality, noise level and groundwater quality has been conducted and the results are given in test report attached as Annex 1.
10 / Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly ash Notification of September 1999 and amended as on 27th August 2003. / Fly-ash blocks and ready mixed concrete containing fly ash are being used for construction.
11 / Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various applications should be ensured. / Storm water is managed to prevent flooding in nearby area. Storm water is being controlled by laying proper internal drainage network within the project site. Rainwater recharge pits will be constructed at site to recharge groundwater aquifer as per the CGWB guidelines
12 / Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices. / Pre-mixed concrete is used for construction of the project.
13 / In view of the severe constrains in water supply augmentation in the region and sustainability of water resources, the developer will submit the NOC from CGWA specifying water extraction quantities and assurance from HUDA/ utility provider indicating source of water supply and quantity of water with details of intended use of water - potable and non-potable. Assurance is required for both construction and operation stages separately. It shall be submitted to the SEIAA and RO, MOEF, Chandigarh before the start of construction. / Total water requirement in construction phase is 285.3 kld. Out of which 9.0 kld domestic water is met from tanker water and 276.3 kld construction water by treated effluent from existing Common STP in DLF5, Sector-43.
In operation phase, total water requirement for the project is 407.4 kld. Out of which 136.2 kld (33.4%) will be met from fresh water from the municipal supply supplemented by two nos. registered bore wells existing at site and the balance 271.2 kld (66.6%) will be met from recycle of treated sewage from the existing Common STP in DLF5, Sector-43.
Assurance letter from HUDA for water supply and Registration of existing bore wells by CGWA submitted to SEIAA.
14 / Roof should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation material. / The project envisages construction of roof as per energy conservation building code during construction of roof.
15 / Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is desirable for non-air-conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. / The project ensures meeting the stipulated norms for opaque wall according to the Energy Conservation Building Code.
16 / The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building on account of earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments etc. as per National Building Code including protection measures from lightening etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under Forest Conservation Act shall be obtained from competent Authority / All necessary approvals from the competent authority will be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments etc. as per NBC including lightning arrestors.
No forest land is involved. The project will be built at site earmarked for commercial usage as per the local authority development plan.
17 / Overexploited groundwater and impending severe shortage of water supply in the region requires the developer to redraw the water and energy conservation plan. Developer shall reduce the overall footprint of the proposed development. Project proponent shall incorporate water efficiency/ savings measures as well as water reuse/ recycling within 3 months and before start of construction to the SEIAA, Haryana and RO, MOEF, GOI, Chandigarh. / The wastewater generated at project in operation phase will be treated in existing common STP of DLF5 and entire treated sewage will be recycle and reused for toilet flushing and horticulture at project site and also irrigation of golf course making the project as zero discharge. Moreover water efficient fixtures will be installed to reduce the water consumption. Water conservation plan including water reuse/ recycle and water balance submitted to SEIAA.