meeting agendaw/ minutes

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

3pm-5pm, East | 8-105D

Introduction of Advisory Board members

Members in attendance | Robyn Brighton, Christie Miller, Leonard Bass, Valerie Burks, Nick Bekas, Val Woldman, Terry Rafter-Carles, Suzette Dohany, Deborah Green, and Douglas Taylor

Recognizing STUDENT work

  • Guest presenter, Douglas Taylor

Winter Park student, Douglas Taylor, shared his experience participating in Service Learning. He shared his views on why he values the program and expressed an interest in marketing the course to students.

Faculty Development

  • 2013/2014 course dates| Course dates will allow enough time for faculty to teach their integrated courses the following semester. In addition, an evening and summer course will be offered this year.
  • Requirements for faculty mentors | SLS2940
  • Requirements for faculty | Integrated courses | Faculty who wish to integrate Service Learning into their course need to complete the course. Faculty who would like to become mentors for SLS2940 will be contacted by Robyn Brighton for an info session.
  • Toolbox for participants | Participants will now receive a binder with the course documents at their first face-to-face meeting
  • End of course certificate | Participants will now receive a Service Learning certificate for completing the Faculty Development course

Strategic Goals | Progress

  • Goal 2 | Increase faculty and student awareness of Service Learning courses

Brochure | The group would like to see more photos that represent Service Learning and that are not on Valencia’s campus. Suggestion to use a photo from Christie’s trip to SD with the Leadership Track.

Informational sessions | West (10/22), East (11/5), & Osceola (11/14), will be adding an info session on WP and inviting the students enrolled in the Jeffersonian Track

Learning Support division events

Learning Support newsletters | Provided by Chip Turner and Terry Rafter-Carles

Grove announcement | 6/27

Student awareness and engagement in Service Learning


Consider contacting the West Campus Valencia Volunteers to join their fair

  • Goal 4 | Expand college/community partnerships

Campus Compact Annual Summit | 6/6

Community Partners Mtg. | 7/17

  • Goal 6 | Increase funding for Service Learning

Student Development | approved for $2,950 for pins and medallions

  • Goal 7 | Establish a process between Director, Curriculum Initiatives and campus administration for scheduling Service Learning sections and data collection

Attribute for coding transcripts | SHATCMT

Application process

  • 5 Step Application Process on-line
  • Registration deadlines | Deadlines are available on the on-line application. Valerie suggested to move up registration deadline for spring so students are not applying after the payment deadline

Semester schedules

Strategic Goals | Planning ahead

  • Goal 2& 3 | Increase faculty and student awareness of Service Learning courses

Social Networking opportunities | Reviewed the progress that Adrienne Trier-Bieniek is making to develop a fb, Twitter, and Tumblr pages

Activity | Marketing Campaign | In groups, each campus developed a marketing plan to that will encourage faculty to get involved with Service Learning. Suggestions included developing flyers and visiting department meetings, videos, and Suzette suggested creating a Service Learning experience similar to the INZ event. Robyn is going to talk to Karen Borglum and/or Jennifer Robertson to get information about funding an event like this.

  • Goal 4| Expand college/community partnerships

Develop relationships with Rollins and UCF | Ties to strategic goals of the campuses and may open up some resources for our students in Service Learning.

NobleHour| Valerie shared with the group that Sonya Joseph is revising the co-curricular QEP and in the process of purchasing a software, ForgSync, we may be able to use for tracking hours.

  • Goal 5 | Recognize and celebrate Service Learning Participants

Banquet | suggestions for funding, location, participants

  • Goal 6 | Increase funding for Service Learning

Researching grants | If we can identify exactly what Service Learning needs funding for, we may be able to pursue an endowed chair through the college.

  • Goal 7| Establish a process between Director, Curriculum Initiatives and campus administration for scheduling Service Learning sections and data collection

New registration process | spring 2014

Final Thoughts

  • Next meeting | January, campus?| Next meeting will be on Winter Park
  • Thank you for supporting Service Learning!