LSLTA Board Meeting January 20, 2011

Members Present----Gary Richardson, President; Eddie Randle, Vice President; Laura Auger, Treasurer; Samantha Potter, Secretary.....Directors Curt Juergens, Lisa Rutherford

No minutes were done for 11-11-10 meeting, social meeting only.

Treasurers Report—balance in our account$2,197.25

*2011 Events Schedule* What needs to be kept, what needs to be changed or freshened up? All tournament and league coordinators need to be contacted for this year.

1. Spring Party.....Friday April 29th at 5:00pm or rain date May 6thCoordinator-Gary Richardson

2. Memorial Day Compass....Saturday, May 28th or rain date Monday, May 30th Coordinator-Laura Auger if Curt Juergens & Lisa Rutherford are coordinating Stover Memorial..see below.

3. Stover Memorial…..Fri-Sun June 24-26th. Does Pat Hacker want to be Coordinator for the Stover Memorial? Samantha will contact her, if not Curt Juergens & Lisa Rutherford will take over.

4. Ladies & Men’s Doubles….Sat & Sun July 9&10Gary will find a Coordinator amongst the men’s league, then that man will ask one of the ladies to assist. Possible female candidates CJ Klepser, Becky Maupin, Kathie Meyer, Cathy Thurwachter?

5. Ladies Round Robin… Wednesday, July 27th Samantha will ask Lisa Hamilton if she still wants to be Coordinator. Samantha will be Coordinator if she doesn't want to.

6. Singles Tournament…Saturday, July 30th Coordinators Tom Delong & Julie Gordon

7. Parent Child Tennis Party…. Saturday, August 6th Coordinator Samantha Potter

8. Labor Day Tournament …Saturday, September 3rd or rain date Monday September 5th,Gary will ask Rodger Hollenbeck to be Coordinator

9. 55+ Tennis Social…… Saturday, September 17th Samantha will ask Sue Ware if she is still interested in being Coordinator. If not, possible new Coordinators Lee & Molly Jones

10. Is Whitmoor Challenge still relevant after many difficult years? Curt will contact Craig Tidwell at Whitmoor to discuss. Samantha and Eddie will investigate getting together 4 clubs for a new tournament including Whitmoor, in late September.

Old Business

1. New Tennis Courts---we are still approved for $184,000 by CA Board. We need to keep going with it! What will the timing be? Should be done by Memorial Day?

2. Sponsors----everyone is responsible for finding someone to sponsor us! $300 includes getting your name on the annual tee shirt. Last year we had Kirks Eye Care, Pilates for Life, Pat Stover, ACT, Chad Matlick, LSL Mothers Club/Jr Tennis. We have more events this year and more sponsors will be necessary.

New Business

1. CA Members as Tennis Instructors--- New plans for CA instructors to teach clinics. “Stroke of the Day Clinic” could be run.More at the next meeting

2. Glass box/ bulletin board needs to be mounted on the tennis court fence for league schedules, tournaments, lessons...Samantha will find out prices.

-Leagues, Jr. Tennis, Teen Tennis Camp, Trinket Sales to be discussed further at next meeting Thursday, Feb 10th 7:00pm.