Final WaRe Meeting

Grundtvig 2011-2013

First Grundtvig and River/Cities meeting


WaRe – Waterfront Regeneration

Learning from European best practices for a sustainable urban life

Venice, May 5th – 6th, 2013

First Grundtvig and River/Cities meetingRIVERS OF CHANGE


Venice, 14th – 17th February 2008



A room for each participant has been pre-booked by the City of Venice ies on Water at:

Don Orione ArtigianelliPatronato Salesiano Leone XIII and 3 nights (arrival 149 departure 1722 of AprilFebruaryfor partners coming from Slovenia and Czech Rep.)

• Antica Locanda Montin Snc (for partners coming from Portugal).

). Please mention the ‘WaRe’ project reservation when you confirm.

Each participant,partner will pay the room with the Grundtvig budget at the departure.

and the cost will be covered by the project budget.

Don Orione Artigianelli i FROM THE AIRPORT TO THE HOTEL

For Patronato Salesiano Venezia

Patronato Salesiano Leone XIII (Calle San Domenico 1281 – Castello, 30122 Venezia, tel. +39 041 5230796,email: ) is located close to the Giardini della Biennale, in the district (sestiere) of Castello. It is a religious structure organised also to welcome tourists and visitors.

s an old monastery built in 1422 now transformed into a modern cultural centre and it is located on the "Zattere", one of the most beautiful and typical Venetian waterfronts, at walking distance from the Accademia Bridge over the Grand Canal, with a wonderful view of the Giudecca Canal and the island of Giudecca.

This project is financed by the European Commission through

the Community Action Programme

to Combat Social Exclusion 2002-2006, Transnational Exchange ProgrammeLifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013, within the Grundtvig sectoral programme