Minutes of a Council Meeting held on Wednesday 13th March 2013
at 7.15 pm
PRESENT: Councillor R Tinnion (Chairman), Councillors J Clarke, w Graham, R Watson, D Billington, P Atkin, H Cain, G Clubbs
IN ATTENDANCE: Ken Hind (The Clerk). 5 members of the public
PART A – Open To The Public
620 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Parish Councillors W Galloway and S Bowman. County Councillor N Marriner. City Councillor D Parsons.
621 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – I, W J Graham declare that I am a member of the Development Control Committee of the Carlisle City Council and I will not take part in any planning issues.
I, Harry Cain working for Hayton Construction.
There were no requests for Dispensations.
622 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – Councillor Watson proposed that these be approved and seconded by Councillor Billington.
Councillor Tinnion proposed that an update on Council Minutes be taken in Part B of this meeting. Seconded by Councillor Billington.
- 573.1 and 547.8 Common Land at Hawkey Lonning – Mrs Taylford will be writing to the Clerk.
- 609 Council Website – Councillor Clarke proposed that the Council accept a quotation from John Kelly for £350 to design and create a website similar to Wetheral Parish website and this was seconded by Councillor Cain.
The Clerk would seek to obtain the grant offered by County Councillor Mallinson (£250) and the Council would pay the Balance.
- 610 Trees owned by the parish – The Clerk noted a quotation of £210 + VAT plus approximately £50 travel expenses for both trees
The Clerk would seek to obtain further quotations.
- A parishioner asked if there was a Tree Preservation Order on the Walnut Tree in Hayton and the Clerk would ascertain.
- Five parishioners raised their concerns and objections to planning application 13/0118. See Council Minute 626 below for a full description. The Chairman explained that their comments would be considered and parishioners also have the opportunity to submit any objections in writing to Carlisle City Council who will make the decision.
625 POLICE MATTERS – The March newsletter was noted and one Councillor considered it was lacking in contact that the Clerk would pass on.
App.n No: 13/0118
Location: Land to rear of Elmfield, Townhead, Hayton, Brampton, Carlisle, Cumbria
Description: Erection Of 3No. Detached Dwellings (Outline)
Parish Comments: The Parish Council have been made aware of the strong feeling from some nearby residents who spoke against the application who came to the last meeting to express their views. These include concern over traffic issues including vehicular access and increased demand on existing services. Five people spoke against the application at the meeting and were also advised to submit their individual objections to Carlisle City Council.
Proposed by Councillor Clubbs and seconded by Councillor Tinnion.
App.n No: 13/012
Location: Little Garth, Brier Lonning, Hayton Brampton CA8 9HL
Description:Erection of Replacement Porch and Sitting Area
Case Officer:Michelle Sowerby
Parish Comments:No Observations
NB this was circulated after the meeting electronically and councillors were asked for their views.
1. Income - None
2 Expenditure – Councillor Clubbs proposed that these be approved and seconded by Councillor Graham.
Cheque No / Payee / Description / Amount101319 / Corby Hill Meth.t Church / Room Rent for / 25.00
101320 / Ken Hind (Staples) / Stationery, Agendas, Postage etc / 37.43
101321 / Ken Hind / Salary for March / 477.27
101322 / HM Revenue Only / March / 119.31
- Bank reconciliation & Cleared Balance - £11,403.27
629 COMMUNITY RIGHT TO BID – Councillor Clubbs provided an overview of this initiative brought about by the Localism Act 2011 and referred to the work already done by Wetheral Parish Council. This involved the Council identifying what they considered to be Public and Private community assets.
Councillor Clubbs would look into the work to date by Wetheral Parish Council so that we may adopt this as a model and report back to the May meeting.
630 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK: The Council noted the following:
- An email from Rebecca Tiffen concerning the progress and future timescales for a Proposed Modification Order to the Footpaths at Townhead Woods.
- National Grid - North West Coast Connections Project CALC Presentation and Workshop – Meeting Report Wigton Market Hall, Wigton: 7-9pm, Wednesday 06 February 2013. This report is based on a transcription of the notes taken on flip chart paper at the front of the room.
Circulated electronically on 27 February 2013 and copies available on request. - Connecting Cumbria Newsletter Feb 2013.pdf circulated electronically on 27 February 2013.
- MotoCross at Low Gelt – Local residents had complained about disruption from recent events and possible contraventions of the planning conditions granted. The Clerk reported that an acceptable solution to residents had been agreed for future events.
- Notice of Elections for Cumbria County Council – distributed to Noticeboards.
- Next CPCA meeting at 7.j30 pm on 17th March at Hethersgill Village Hall.
- Community Right to Bid.
- New Footway on Haywain Hill at Little Corby – awaiting results of Safety Audit.
- Highways Issues on Junctions on Hayton to Castle Carrock road near Troutbeck Farm and Toppin Castle and How Mill – The Clerk would provide an update. Ref 604165. The Council noted a response and Councillor Clubbs would take this up on behalf of the Council and report back and the Clerk would circulate it electronically.
- Mirror on Junction at Langley Hall reported as deteriorating by a resident of Castle Carrock Parish – The Clerk would inform Cumbria Highways, Ref 604165. The Council noted a response and Councillor Clubbs would take this up on behalf of the Council and report back and the Clerk would circulate it electronically.
- Lay by at Low Moor on A69 – No Parking signs had been erected and the police will monitor it. The Council noted a response from Roadlink that was incomplete and the Clerk would circulate electronically to all Councillors.
- Pot holes around Hayton Village
a)Within Hayton Village
b)Between Hayton Lane End Pub on A69 towards Hayton Village.
c)Between Edmond Castle on A69 towards Hayton Village.
It was noted that these had been reported and were still outstanding. The Clerk would follow it up and liaise with Councillor Tinnion. Ref. 604/65.
- Hayton Townhead to A69 – drainage issues around sandpit entrance.
634 DATE OF NEXT MEETING - Annual Council Meeting at 7.00 pm on 15th May 2013 at Hayton Reading Room.
635 The Chairman confirmed that the appropriate response had been sent (see Council Minute 616).
The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.
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