Fact Sheet
Working Party:ITU-R WP 5C / Document No: USWP5C19_45_03
Ref. Annex 25,
Document 5C/292,
Resolution160(WRC- 15), Agenda Item 1.14 / Date: October 4, 2017
Michael Tseytlin
Kathryn Martin
Access Partnership / Phone: +1-703-975-6813
Phone: +1-202-503-1571
Purpose/Objective: This document offers additional text and modifications to the working document for sharing and compatibility studies for broadband HAPS in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands.
Abstract: This contribution offers edits to the above working document and providesresults of the sharing and compatibility studies for Section 4, “Sharing and Compatibility Studies”, covering these services: FS, MS, FSS and RAS. This contribution will further progress the work on Agenda Item 1.14 in accordance with Resolution 160 (WRC-15).
Radiocommunication Study Groups /
Source:Annex 25 to Document 5C/292 /
Document 5C-XXX
XNovember 2017
English only
United States of America
in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency rangeS
Working Party 5C has developed the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands in response to WRC-19 agenda item 1.14. The working document is annexed in the WP 5C Chairman’s Report of the May 2017 meeting (Document 5C/292 Annex 25).This contribution provides the results of sharing and compatibility studies for the following services: FS, MS, FSS, and RAS.
The United States notes that inclusion of studies relating to System 6 does not prejudge the U.S. position on Methods for satisfying Agenda Item 1.14.
Attachment: Annex 25 to Document 5C/292 with proposed revisions added.
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5C/292(Annex 25)-E
Radiocommunication Study Groups /Source:Document 5C/TEMP/84 / Annex 25 to
Document 5C/292-E
X November 2017
English only
Annex 25 to Working Party 5C Chairman's Report
Working document FOR SHARING AND compatibilitySTUDIES
in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency range
Sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the
47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency range
This document includes the sharing and compatibility studies of HAPS systems in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequencyranges with services to which the bands are allocated on a primary basis.
It is intended to provide the sharing and compatibility studies referenced under further resolves 1 of Resolution 160 (WRC-15).
[Note: Introduce background to explain current use and need for this/these study/studies.]
2Allocation information in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
[Note: Insert table of allocation and include any adjacent frequency band information as appropriate.]
[Editor’s Note: For allocation details and footnotes text, please refer to the Radio Regulations, Edition of 2016.]
The Radio Regulation table of allocations is provided for reference below:
Allocation to servicesRegion 1 / Region 2 / Region 3
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.552
47.9-48.2 FIXED
FIXED-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 5.552
Table 11:
Allocation information in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz bands.
3Technical characteristics
3.1Technical and operational characteristics of HAPSsystems operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
[Editor’s Note: see SWG5C-3-AI 1.14 Drafting Group 2 – HAPS TECH COORD (share folder)]
3.2Technical and operational characteristics of Fixed service operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
[Editor’s Note: source Document 5C/-271/ (France)]
[Editor’s Note: Recommendation ITU-R F.758-6 is under revision and there is a need to review once the recommendation is updated. Some administrations do believe that this recommendation is valid to be used for the sharing study.]
[Editor’s Note: Mmoreover, some administrations believe that Recommendation ITU-R F.758-6 does not represent for the FS parameters.]
The technical and operational characteristics of fixed service to be used forfor the sharing studies is given in the table below.
System / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4Modulation / 2FSK / 4QAM / 16QAM / 256QAM
Capacity (Mbit/s) / 1.544 / 44.736 / 90 / 310
Channel bandwidth (MHz) / 5 / 50 / 50 / 50
Maximum antenna gain (dBi) / 46 / 46 / 46 / 46
Maximum transmitter power (dBW) / –11 / –12 / –2 / –2
Maximum e.i.r.p. (dB(W/MHz)) / 28 / 17 / 27 / 27
Receiver bandwidth (MHz) / 2 / 50 / 50 / 50
Receiver noise figure (dB) / 11 / 13 / 5 / 5
Receiver thermal noise (dB(W/MHz)) / –133 / –133 / –137 / –137
Interference criteria (dB(W/MHz)) / –143 / –143 / –147 / –147
Table 22:FS Parameters (ITU-R F.1608)
3.3Technical and operational characteristics of Mobile service operating in the 47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
[Editor’s Note: source- Document 5C/-207 and Document 5C/-271 (France) for IMT-2020]
[Editor’s Note: see liaison statement from WP 5A to WP5C – Document 5C/-183]
The technical and operational characteristics of mobile service to be used for sharing studies is given in the tables below.
The table below shows the deployment related parameters for mobile services. The parameters are from Recommendation ITU-R M.2101 and WP5D Lliaison Sstatement to WP5C (Document 5C/207) “Characteristics of Terrestrial IMT Systems for Frequency Sharing/Interference Analyses in the Frequency Range between 24.25 GHz and 86 GHz” for:
–Base station Outdoor Suburban hotspot
–Base station Outdoor Urban hotspot
–Base station Indoor Office
–User Terminal.
Outdoor Suburban hotspot / Outdoor Urban hotspot / IndoorBase station characteristics/Cell structure
Downtilt / 10 degrees / 10 degrees / 90 degrees /ceiling-mounted
Spurious emission/TRP (dbm/MHz) / -13 / -13 / -13
1 / Antenna Characteristics
1.1 / Antenna pattern / Refer to Recommendation ITU-R M.2101
1.2 / Element gain (dBi) / 5 / 5 / 5
1.3 / Horizontal/vertical 3dB beamwidth of single element (degree) / 65º for both H/V / 65º for both H/V / 90º for both H/V
1.4 / Horizontal/vertical front-to-back ratio (dB) / 30 for both H/V / 30 for both H/V / 25 for both H/V
1.5 / Antenna array configuration (Row×Column)
NOTE 2 / 8×16 elements / 8×16 elements / 8×16 elements
1.6 / Horizontal/Vertical radiating element spacing / 0.5 of wavelength for both H/V / 0.5 of wavelength for both H/V / 0.5 of wavelength for both H/V
User terminal characteristics
1 / Antenna Characteristics
1.1 / Antenna pattern / Refer to Recommendation ITU-R M.2101
1.2 / Element gain / 5 / 5 / 5
1.3 / Horizontal/vertical 3dB beamwidth of single element (degree) / 90º for both H/V / 90º for both H/V / 90º for both H/V
1.4 / Horizontal/vertical front-to-back ratio (dB) / 25 for both H/V / 25 for both H/V / 25 for both H/V
1.5 / Antenna array configuration (Row×Column)
NOTE 2 / 4×4 elements / 4×4 elements / 4×4 elements
2 / Transmit power control
2.1 / Power control model / Refer to Recommendation ITU-R M.2101
2.2 / Maximum user terminal output power, PCMAX
NOTE 3 / 22 dBm / 22 dBm / 22 dBm
Table 33: Deployment related parameters for bands between 45.5 GHz and 52.6 GHz
NOTE 1: The BS (sector) density must be translated into the Inter-Site Distance (ISD) according to the network topology for use as input in Recommendation ITU-R M.2101. Dense urban environments are likely to be served by single sector small cells.
NOTE 2: The antenna pattern for base station or user equipment depends on the antenna array configuration and the antenna element pattern and gain. For example, the antenna array composed of 8×8 identical antenna elements with 5 dBi gain each produces a maximum 23 dBi main beam antenna gain for base stations and an antenna array composed of 4×4 identical antenna elements with 5 dBi gain each produces a maximum 17 dBi main beam antenna gain for user terminal. Antenna gain in directions other than the main beam is reduced according to the antenna model described in Recommendation ITU-R M.2101. The use of antenna array configurations other than those indicated in the table above should not lead to an increase of interference to other services to which the bands are currently allocated and should not increase the e.i.r.p., by adjusting the other relevant parameters.
NOTE 3: Maximum user terminal output power depends on the antenna array configuration and conducted power (before Ohmic loss) per antenna element. For example, the antenna array composed of 4×4 identical antenna elements with conducted power per antenna element 10 dBm produces 22 dBm maximum user terminal output power. The reduction of maximum user terminal output power resulting from power control model is applied to each element within antenna array; i.e. conducted power (before Ohmic loss) per antenna element is reduced to same extent as PPUSCH reduced compared to PCMAX.
3.4Technical and operational characteristics of Fixed Satellite service operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
[[Editor’s Note : Source- Lliaison Sstatement from WP4A to WP5C (Document 5C/-289)]
FSS Uplink Parameters (Interfered with)Frequency range / GHz / 47.2-47.5 47.9-48.2 / 47.2-47.5 47.9-48.2 / 47.2-47.5 47.9-48.2
CARRIER / Carrier Name / Carrier #15 / Carrier #34 / Carrier #44
Noise bandwidth / MHz / 100-600 / 115 / 50 - 500
Peak receive antenna gain / dBi / 45.7 / 41.7 / 35
Antenna receive gain pattern and (3-dB) beamwidth / – / Section 1.1 of Annex 1
Rec. ITU-R S.672-4
Beamwidth: 0.92
LS=-25 / Section 1.1 of Annex1 of Rec. ITU-R S.1528 Ls=25
Beamwidth: 1.5 / Rec. ITU-R S.1528 Ls=25
BW= 3.15
System receive noise temperature / K / 600 / 600 / 600
Interference protection criteria
Interference to Noise Ratio I/N / dB / [-12.2] / [-12.2] / TBD*
Additional Notes / NGSO system with an circular orbit having an altitude of 8062 km. / NGSO system with an circular, orbit having an altitude of 1400 km.
*See discussion on protection criteria in covering liaison statement
(*see doc.5C/-289)
Table 44: FSS Victim Parameters
FSS Uplink Parameters (Interferer)Frequency range / GHz / 47.2-47.5 47.9-48.2 / 47.2-47.5 47.9-48.2
EARTH STATION CARRIER / Carrier #16 / Carrier #34
Antenna diameter / m / 6.8 / 1.8
Peak transmit antenna gain / dBi / 68.6 / 56.9
Peak transmit power spectral density (clear sky) / dBW/Hz / -54 / -73.7
Antenna gain pattern (ITU Recommendation) / – / Rec. ITU-R 465-6 / Rec. ITU-R 465-6
Minimum elevation angle of transmit earth station / ° / 10 / 10
Additional Notes / NGSO system with a circular orbit having an altitude of 8062 km.
Table 55: FSS Interferer Parameters
3.5Technical and operational characteristics of Radio Astronomy service operating in the 48.94-49.04 GHz frequency range
[Editor’s Note: source Document 5C/-271/ (France)]
[Editor’s note: Table 6 needs to be updated]
[Editor’s note: also see Document 5C/-160]
The use of the band 48.9449.04 GHz is allocated to the radio astronomy service on a primary basis (Radio Regulations No. 5.555).
Technical Characteristics of Radio Astronomy Service
The technical and operational characteristics of radio astronomy service to be used for the sharing studies is given in the table below.
Radio Astronomy interference criterion per Recommendation ITU-R RA.769-2, Table 2 and Radio Astronomy characteristics per Recommendation ITU-R F.1612-0, Table 1 have been used.
Parameter / UnitPFD limit / dB(W/m2.MHz) / [-149 (ITU-R RA.769-2)]
Antenna pattern / [ITU-R SA.509-3]
Antenna maximum gain / dBi / [70 (ITU-R F.1819)]
Minimum operational elevation angle / degrees / [5 (ITU-R RA.1513-2)]
Table 66: Radio Astronomy receiver parameters
3.6Propagation models for sharing and compatibility studies in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2GHz frequency ranges
The sharing and compatibility studies, in accordance with Resolution 160(WRC15), are to be conducted based on the propagation models as provided by Working Parties 3J, 3K and 3M in Document 5C/211.
[Editor’s Note: the table is kept for reference till the November 2017 WP5C meeting]
The sharing and compatibility studies, in accordance with Resolution 160(WRC15), are to be conducted based on the technical and operational characteristics provided below:
5C Doc. number / Source / Services/ApplicationsWP 4C / Mobile-Satellite (MSS)
Radionavigation-Satellite Service (RNSS)
289 / WP 4A / Fixed-Satellite (FSS)
Broadcasting-Satellite (BSS)
160 / WP 7D / Radio Astronomy (RAS)
161 / WP 7B / Space Research (SRS)
Inter-Satellite (ISS)
Earth Exploration-Satellite (EESS)
22 / WP 7C / Earth Exploration-Satellite (passive) (EESS (passive))
Space Research (passive) (SRS (passive))
173 (Annex 13)[1] / WP 5C / Fixed (FS)
183 / WP 5A / Land Mobile Systems
200 / WP 5B / Aeronautical Mobile (AMS) & Radiodetermination
207 / WP 5D / IMT
Table 77: Relevant Recommendations for Compatibility Studies
4Sharing and Compatibility Studies
[Note: Insert titles of relevant sharing and compatibility studies, contained in the Attachments, for each of the concerned service/application(s), including technical studies on mitigation techniques, as appropriate. E.g. Attachment 1 could be all the studies with FSS, attachment 2 all the studies with passive services, attachment 3 all the studies with …]
[Editor’s Note: the following attachments is are a compilation of input contributions received by May 2017 WP5C meeting and have not discussed and agreed upon.]
[Editor’s Note: For the methodologies to be used in the sharing and compatibility studies between HAPS and primary incumbent services, see Annex XX of Document 5C-XX.]
Attachment 1Sharing and compatibility study of Fixed service and HAPS systems operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
Attachment 2Sharing and compatibility study of Mobile service and HAPS systems operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
Attachment 3Sharing and compatibility study of Fixed Satellite service and HAPS systems operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
Attachment 4Compatibility study of Radio Astronomy service in the adjacent band 48.94 49.04 GHz and HAPS systems operating 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
Attachment 1 (HAPS and FS)
Sharing and compatibility study of fixed service and HAPS systems operating in the 47.2-47.5 and 47.9-48.2 GHz frequency ranges
1Technical Analysis
1.1Study A
The HAPS parameters (gateway and CPE links) used in this study is for System 6 from Annex 14 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292). For HAPS protection criteria, I/N= -6 dB is considered for this study.
Table 8 shows the FS (P-P) transmitter and receiver parameter used in this study. These parameters are taken form latest version of ITU-R F.758-6 in Annex 13 of the WP5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292). Note that worst case parameters are chosen for this study in terms of maximum gain and power spectral density. Based on ITU-R F.1608, for FS protection criteria, I/N= -10 dB is considered. Table 8 shows the FS (P-P) transmitter and receiver parameter used in this study. These parameters are taken form latest version of ITU-R F.758-6 in Annex 13 of the WP5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292). Note that worst case parameters are chosen for this study in terms of maximum gain and power spectral density. Based on ITU-R F.1608, for FS protection criteria, I/N= -10 dB is considered.
Parameters / FS (P-P)Maximum Gain (dBi) / 46
TX & RX Antenna pattern / ITU-R F.699
TX power spectral density (dBW/MHz) / 28
TX and RX Elevation angle (deg) / 0 & 5
Noise figure typical / 5
Receiver noise power density (dBW/MHz) / -137
Protection criteria / I/N = -10 dB
Table 8: FS (P-P) receiver parameters
Knowledge of rain fade dynamics is important in the design of new HAPS systems. Adaptive Transmit Power Control (ATPC) is one of the countermeasure techniques to address rain fade by increasing transmitted power to compensate for rain fade on the propagation path. The potential higher susceptibility to interference is successfully overcome by careful planning of link budgets and when necessary in the coordination procedure, the use of ATPC to limit transmitted power in congested networks. In this study, the results for both clear sky and rain fade (i.e., full power) conditions are presented. The following table shows the power control that was considered.
47.2-47.5 GHz & 47.9-48.2 GHz / GW uplink / CPE uplink / GW downlink / CPE downlinkPower control attenuation (dB) / -30 / -24 / -10 / -20
Table 9:Power control attenuation for both GW/CPE uplink and downlink
This study investigates the coexistence between HAPS and FS, considering Minimum Coupling Loss (MCL) method (deterministic), for each interference scenario. However, this method is considered to be overly conservative with full power and clear sky conditions. Results including ATPC are also presented. When HAPS ground terminal is transmitting, the MCL analysis determines a required separation distance. If the distance between the two interfering services is greater than that required separation distance, then these services will not interfere. However, below that required separation distance, there may be cases where the protection criterion is exceeded. Then, coordination on a case-by-case basis would be required. When HAPS platform is transmitting, the I/N for every distance between HAPS nadir and FS terminal is calculated and compared to the FS protection criteria.
The second step is to assess the feasibility of coordination in practice. Therefore, a statistical Monte Carlo analysis is performed when the results of the MCL analysis does not conclusively demonstrate sharing feasibility. If the probability of failure calculated on the overall number of iterations performed is low, this indicates that many operational deployment configurations can be found and straightforward mitigation techniques can be implemented.
1.1.1Methodology – HAPS CPE/Gateway to Fixed Service
The methodology used in this study is from methodology 2, option 2 of scenario 2 from Annex 26 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292).
This methodology is based on minimum coupling loss (MCL) approach which calculates the separation distance between a single HAPS ground terminal and a single fixed service pointing directly towards each other in azimuth. If the results of the MCL indicate that sharing is not feasible, then a Monte Carlo simulation is performed. Note, that if the MCL shows that sharing is feasible, the Monte Carlo analysis is not required.
The statistical approach (i.e., Monte Carlo) is employed to determine the probability of interference exceeding the protection criteria (i.e., % of failure) of a fixed service receiver by randomly altering the bearing between the HAPS transmitter and fixed service receiver over 50,000 iterations. For the Monte-Carlo method, methodology 2, option 3 of scenario 2 from Annex 26 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292) is used to conduct the studies.
The propagation model used in the analysis is based on ITU-R P.452-16 model.
For gateways, interference is mitigated by taking advantage of site shielding (up to 30dB) to reduce side lobe radiation, while maintaining system performance as referenced in Recommendations ITU-R SF.1481, ITU-R F.1609, and ITU-R SF.1486. –HAPS Platform (CPE/gateway link) to Fixed Service
The MCL methodology used in this study is based on methodology 1, option 3 of scenario 2 from Annex 26 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292).
This methodology is based on a minimum coupling loss (MCL) approach, which calculates the I/N between HAPS nadir and a single fixed service where the HAPS platform is pointing directly towards the FS terminal in azimuth. If the results of the MCL indicate that sharing is not feasible (i.e., calculated I/N is greater than the FS protection criteria), then a Monte Carlo simulation is performed. Note, that if the MCL shows that sharing is feasible, the Monte Carlo analysis is not required.
The statistical approach (i.e., Monte Carlo) is adopted to determine the probability of interference exceeding the protection criteria (i.e., % of failure) of a fixed service receiver by randomly altering the bearing between the HAPS transmitter and fixed service receiver over 50,000 iterations. For the Monte-Carlo method, methodology 1, option 4 of scenario 2 from Annex 26 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292) is used.
The propagation model used in the analysis is based on Free Space Path Loss model.
1.1.3Methodology –Fixed Service to HAPS CPE/Gateway
The methodology used in this study is based on methodology 4 of scenario 2 from Annex 26 of the WP 5C Chairman’s Report (document 5C/292).