Submit Part I of Emergency Plan: Identify four areas where reactionary planning is necessary and four areas where resiliency planning is appropriate, and describe the risks associated with each area.

Part I of the Emergency Plan is part of the final course project that requires you to identify four specific areas where resiliency planning is an appropriate action and four specific areas where reactionary planning is an appropriate action. You will begin by reviewing the demographic information provided for the example city (Metropolis, FL) to gain an understanding of the city for which they will be creating an Emergency plan.

Next, you will search for sample emergency plans already created by other cities and jurisdictions that are specifically designed to address potential terrorist attacks. You are encouraged to conduct and Internet search using the phrase, “Terrorism Emergency Plans.” It is recommended that you review a minimum of three different emergency plans to gain a wider perspective of the types of issues that government agencies consider when planning for terrorist attacks. You should also review information related to Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (HIRA) provided by the Department of Homeland Security. A link to this website is provided in the Unit II Required Readings. You are also encouraged to search for other information related to creating emergency plans.

Using the information found in the sample emergency plans created by other agencies, the Department of Homeland Security HIRA information, and any other relevant information related to this topic, you must create Part I of the emergency plan that identifies four types of resiliency planning and four types of reactionary planning that would be appropriate to consider when creating an emergency plan for Metropolis, FL. For each identified area, you must (1) identify the potential risk area or concern that the planning will address, (2) explain why this potential risk area or concern is important and relevant to Metropolis, FL based upon its demographics, and (3) decide whether the component will focus upon a resiliency or reactionary planning approach.

You must use references to other existing plans, information provided by the Department of Homeland Security or other relevant agencies, or any other reputable information available to support why the eight selected areas should be part of an emergency plan. The instructor will provide feedback regarding whether the identified areas are appropriate and properly categorized (resilient vs. reactionary). You are expected to incorporate instructor feedback into the final version of Part I, which will be submitted with the full emergency plan in Unit VIII.

Part I of the emergency plan should be formatted in APA style and four to six pages in length, not counting the cover and reference pages. Please review the general guidelines for papers to obtain a description of other formatting requirements.