9224 Woodlawn Ave N▪ Seattle, WA ▪ (253) 230-7021▪▪
- 5yrs experience web developing–responsive front end coding and web production, application to WC3 and modern developmentstandards, Wordpress template development, wide device and browser support – languages: XHTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript,JQuery, Gulp.JS,PHP; software: Dreamweaver, Node.JS, Photoshop
- 3yr in-office web developing experience –in close contact with supervisors and clients, under strict time constraints, high quota production goals, demanding QA requirements
- 5yrs free-lance web development –simultaneously managing multiple projects, providing accurate timelines on projects, high availability for last minute changes and emergency projects, collaboration on projects using GitHub
Web Developer II(Feb 2011-Present)
- Quality and Performance:
˗Constant effort to reduceproduction time, improve product quality, minimize the average loading times and stay current with modern web development standards
˗JQuery and JavaScript plugins and functions for appealing animation and dynamic interaction to improve overall user experience
- Reliability:
˗Quick edits and changes to oldprojects for clients and project managers
˗High availability for work in times of increased demand during trade shows, conferences and special events
- Leadership:
˗High knowledge in the web development field and in internal procedures, a diverse and available resource for technical support and company training
˗Outspoken to managers with ideas to improve our current products and entirely new products, leading the company’s latest web developments
‘Mobile 3’Product Developer(Feb 2012 - Mar 2012)
- Developed a unique backend framework to optimize build times, allow ease of use for employees knowing little or no web language, maximize customization of content and allow for global updates to the framework
- Utilized JQuery and JavaScript to incorporate the latest touch and swipe functionality and maximized screen real-estate by using animated and collapsible text content sections
- Framework-generated title meta tags, description meta tags and h1 tags to optimize for search and reduce site build time
- Studied current market trends, popular and intuitive user interaction and page load times to create a natural, globally appealing product
- Timeline: Developed while under a short deadline and frequent additions to the product for customizations were requested
- Extensive testing on different mobile devices and with wide ranges of content to ensure optimal performance and stability
Production Artist/SEO Production(Feb 2011 - Present)
Versatile Resource for Company:
- Able to switch from building sites to fast-paced, high priority production edits when build numbers are low or emergency cases arise
- High knowledge about SEO for co-worker training, including site content optimization, WordPress blogs, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools and social media strategies
Freelance, Web Developer
- High quality web building with cross-browser support, coherence with WC3 web standards and animation for slideshows and navigation.
Oct 2010- Dec 2010 / MABLE DESIGN / LAKEBAY, WA
Freelance, Web Developer
Dec 2009- Apr 2011
Jan 2011-
Present /
- Unique contemporary website build featuring cycling full-screen slideshow, WordPress integration, animated and collapsible content sections, product hover animations and animated carousel sub-navigation
Freelance, Web Developer / Webmaster / Designer
- Designed and built custom site in close contact with project manager with PHP restricted access zone, PHP email forms with validation, animated slideshows, minimized load time and high cross browser compatibility
- Regular duties for cosmetic updates to site, adding and removing pages and content and fast turn-around for emergency updates
Freelance, Web Developer / Webmaster
- Built a personal portfolio sites to showcase projects, photography and personal resume using JavaScript, JQuery, Wordpress and Bootstrap for animated features and scalabledesigns -( |
Web Design & Open Source Web Development Certificate
- Expert in Adobe Photoshop for design and photography
- Knowledgeable in Adobe Illustrator, Flash Professional, Adobe Premiere
- Very talented in portrait and landscape photography– Personal photography blog can be viewed at
Excellent professional references and portfolio available upon request