Job Description:Isolation Room supervisor

  1. The Purpose of the School
  • To ensure that students become lifelong, independent learners and to make progress commensurate with their ability;
  • Through the curriculum we provide, to ensure that all our students can make a positive economic and social contribution to society;
  • To produce moral, confident, fulfilled citizens of the future who can take up their place their local, national and international communities;
  • Through the support, advice and guidance we provide, to ensure that our students make maximum use the opportunities they are offered;
  • To ensure that staff are fulfilled, proficient, and continually developing so that they are able to contribute to the future of the school.
  1. Priorities for current PMR Cycle
  • To achieve 66% 5A*-C including English and Maths
  • To ensure the behaviour and safety of the students is exemplary.
  • To ensure that we meet the needs of all our students.
  1. Job Details

Job Title:Isolation Room Supervisor

Reports to:Inclusion Manager

Salary Range:H6

Hours:35 TTO (8:00am – 3:30pm)

Date:May 2015

Line-Manager:Inclusion Manager

  1. Purpose of the post

To support staff in maintaining high standards of behaviour throughout the school by managing a well-run and highly disciplined Isolation Room which will enable students with behavioural problems to continue to learn and to improve their behaviour without disrupting the learning of others.

Principal Duties

  • To effectively run and manage the Isolation Room
  • To monitor the quality of work done by the students
  • To track the use of the Isolation Room and report analysis to the Inclusion Manager

Main responsibilities:

  • To supervise students whilst in the Isolation Room, maintaining a disciplined and purposeful working environment.
  • To liaise with Faculty Leaders about the provision of work for students in isolation and to ensure completed work is returned to the teaching staff.
  • To keep accurate records of attendance in the Isolation Room and update the school databases accordingly
  • To attend weekly meetings with Line Manager.
  • To ensure students keep the Isolation Room tidy during the day and at the end of the day
  • To model appropriate behaviour at all times
  • To be responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and young people for whom the post holder is responsible, or comes into contact with.

Additional Duties:

  • Attending INSET sessions and participating in meetings as necessary and appropriate
  • To undertake daily admin tasks to support the Inclusion Department and Heads of Year
  • To undertake all other duties, responsibilities and tasks as reasonably requested from time to time by the Head teacher.

It should be noted that the above list of principal duties and responsibilities is not necessarily a complete statement. It is intended to give an overall view of the position and should be taken as guidance only. Beyond these, any further duties and responsibilities will be subject to agreement between you and your line manager.

The Job Description is current as at the date shown below. In consultation with you it is liable to variation by management to reflect or anticipate changes in the job.

Principal Accountabilities

To be accountable for;

  • The quality of the work completed by students in the Isolation Room
  • The ethos of the Isolation Room.
  • Students should work effectively and clearly follow the rules of the Isolation Room as set out in the Isolation Room code of conduct and operating procedures.
  1. Review of Duties

(An organisation chart is attached)

Signature of Post-holderDate:

Signature of Head TeacherDate: