Tariff Rule Filing Request

Tariff Number / 000138-060
Rule Number / 21-S
Rule Name / Free Time and Detention for Stuffing
Trade / TAEB
Filing Date / 2016/03/24
Effective Date / 2016/05/01
Status / A

Rule Content

Free Time and Detention Charges at Loading Ports/Receiving

Points in USA:

1. Charges applicable to the Interchange of

Equipment under this Agreement shall be as


Container Type Free Time USE Charge (Detention)


Dry Container 4 working days First day/Beyond after

free time $95.00/day

Flat rack/ Open top 3 working days First day/Beyond after

free time $180.00/day

Temperature 3 working days First day/beyond after

Controlled Container free time $300.00/day

Note: Equipment Substitute for dry use by temperature controlled container,

so called “DLR (Dry Load Reefer), the free detention time and use charge

shall apply for 3 working days. Beyond the given free time, the assessable

charge at $300/day shall apply.

2. Free Time

Except as may be elsewhere provided in Owners tariffs or service

contracts on all Equipment the User shall be granted free time

of four business days during which no charges will be assessed.

The four day period shall run from the day of Interchange plus

three additional business days. After expiration of free time,

the charges set forth in subsection 1. shall apply.

3. Once free time expires and use charges begin, such charges shall

apply to any 24 hour period or fraction thereof (including

Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays).

4. When repairs to Equipment are to be made pursuant to Section V

of this Agreement, User agrees to pay Owner per diem charges

as shown in subsection 1 of this Section while the Equipment is

out of service, or, if the Equipment is extensively damaged,

per diem charges will continue until Agreement is reached

between Owner and the User that the User pay the value of the

damaged Equipment or the replacement value thereof as specified

in Section VI hereof if the Equipment is a total or constructive

total loss.

Note: The carrier may extend the allowable free time on any

marchandise if terminal operations or movement of merchandise

are interrupted by war, earthquake, flood, fire, riot, or any

unusual occurence which in the judgement of the carrier, warrants

the extension of such free time.