Ashley and Pam: Ladies Night


Ashley ran.

Her every stride covered a quarter of a mile.

Her booted foot gouged out huge prints in the soft earth.

Just eight hours earlier she had been just another

young woman, just another person, enjoying a warm

summer day, floating in the bay. But a quirk of nature

had caught her in some strange transformation. The

rolling waters had turned into a bubbling cauldron, and

that magic potion had taken a nice young lady and turned

her into an awesome eight hundred foot tall goddess.

Over the course of the day she had shed inhibition

after inhibition, realizing the power and the pleasure

of her brobdignagian body in a lilliputian world.

Now she ran across the countryside, crushing houses,

trees, farms, with fine impunity. For she had seen that

the bay was not drained of its potency, and realized that

she wanted to share her newfound power. Her best friend

Pam was a brash young woman. Ashley was sure she would

leap at the opportunity to share her friend's wondrous


Nor was she mistaken.

Ashley thundered towards Pam's house, clearing

entire hills with ease, occasionally diverting her path

to crush a house, a car, or a lone fleeing little man

under her pounding booted foot.

Suddenly she stopped.

She looked down, mildly astonished.

And laughed delightedly.

Pam's bright yellow 1976 Ford Pinto was unmistakable.

A little yellow deathtrap that Ashley had always hated

having to ride in. The car was parked on the top of a

little hill, and Pam was standing on the car's roof,

wildly waving her little arms.

Ashley squatted down and held out her right hand for

Pam, who leapt onto her palm without hesitation, hauling

a heavy duffle bag along with her. Then she started

shouting. But Ashley shook her head, she couldn't

understand a word and there wasn't time to talk if she

wanted to get Pam back to the Bay before sunset. But

there was time for one thing. With a mischievous grin

Ashley reached out with her left hand for that wretched

little car. Pam was looking peeved, but was helpless

as her gigantic friend closed her hand on the car and

crushed it in her fist. Opening her hand Ashley admired

the crushed and ruined blob with approval, then cast it

aside. On her palm, Pam stomped one tiny foot and yelled

at her. But Ashley only smiled and stood up. Cupping

her hands together she raced back to the bay, this time

taking no detours. Taking great care with her precious


The sun was still an hour from setting when they reached

the beach. Wading into the water Ashley located the

bubbling spot, and stopped. She was a little afraid of

risking more contact with the stuff. Pam seemed to understand.

and she threw her dufflebag into the bay and dove in after it.

Struggling with her clothing and the bag, she swam into

the strange water.

The transformation was swift.

Startling actually.

Once instant Pam was struggling in deep waters. The next

she was climbing to her booted foot, sputtering, water raining from

her clothes. She pulled a jar out of the dufflebag and

filled it with the water, closed it and threw it in the bag.

Then she turned and stared at Ashley who threw her arms open

and laughed.

Suddenly they were in each other's arms, hugging tightly,

both of them laughing and talking at the same time.

Then Pam took a step back, and glanced up and down Ashley's

clothed body. "I like your outfit." she said.

Ashley struck a pose and batted her eyes, "Do you really?

It's all the rage for women over a hundred foot tall."

Then she noticed the duffle bag. "Did you bring clothes?"

"Just some playthings." said Pam, "You're not feeling modest

are you?"


"Oh hell, hang on." and Pam began to strip. Unbuttoning her

blouse she took it off and tossed it onto the beach. Her

sneakers and jeans followed a moment later, then her bra and

panties. Naked and beautiful she combed her fingers through

her long brown hair and let Ashley look at her.

Pam was a gorgeous sight. About the same height as Ashley,

with rich brown hair that curled about her shoulders. Her

eyes were a provokative black, her lips full and red. She

had a voluptuous body, full firm breasts only a little smaller

than Ashley's imposing 42D's, a well kept, strong body. She

worked out at the health clubs more often than Ashley. Her

ass was an artist's dream, and her snatch was black and lush;

whereas Ashley's was almost auburn and soft as down.

The women regarded each other silently. They were good

friends, and had seen each other naked before. But this was

different. Something else was happening.

Then Pam giggled like a schoolgirl, breaking the spell.

And stepping forward, dragging the dufflebag, she took Ashley

by the arm. "Come on." she said, "Let's talk." And together

they waded out of the water and sat down on the ultrasoft sand

of the beach, their long legs stretched out before them,

dipping their booted foot in the tiny waves. And while the sun

fell and evening settled into night, Ashley explained

everything about the day: how she came for a relaxing swim,

the strange water, her confusion, and then her lust.

Pam nodded her head, and kept silent for the whole story.

"Yeah," she said, when Ashley was done, "You made all the

news stations. I'll bet the whole country watched you having

your way with the damned city." and she grinned evilly,

"So much for censorship, the news stations didn't cut a

fucking thing. You really went to town." And Ashley blushed.

"What?" Pam hooted, "You're not embarassed. Girl, it's too

late for that. Besides, I want you to show me all your

tricks. Especially that crushfest you had. You must have

stepped on the News van, 'cause the picture suddenly went

black. The radio's carried it though. God, the screams were

awesome. You really scared the shit out of a lot of tiny


Ashley looked up, "How did you know I would come looking

for you?"

Pam sighed, "I didn't. I hoped, that was all. But when I

heard that you were heading my way I took a chance and floored

Horsey all the way to that hill top." Then she reached out

and punched Ashley in the arm, "You bitch! You fuckin' broke

my car!"

"Uh huh." said Ashley and smiled wickedly. Pam giggled

and lay back on the ground. Her head resting in the

parking lot. The little lights shining about her face.

Ashley also laid down, on her side, her elbow on the ground,

her head resting on her hand.

Pam sighed, "God, we are going to bust this place up tomorrow."

"Why wait? Are you tired?"

Pam raised her head, "No way. Hey, you wanna do a night

raid on that abused little city of yours?"


They didn't need prompting, they got up, and following the coast,

headed towards the bright lights.

Towards the city...

* * * * * *

It was a beautiful night. The moon was nearly full, the

sky was clear, and a restful breeze wafted in from the

ocean. Hand in hand Ashley and Pam sauntered along one

of the eight lane arterials into the city. Not so much for the

guidence, but because the little lights illuminated the things they

were stepping on. Ashley was surprised, there was still a

suprising amount of activity, traffic and the like, despite

the terrible destruction she had wrought earlier. Pam tried

to explain the logistics of large scale evacuations, the

impossibility of sustaining groups of people numbering in the

millions away from the cities.

"Oh, they'll evacuate the cities", said Pam "whenever they

figure out where we're headed. But even when they succeed,

which won't be often, the people won't be able to go far.

They'll just be a little more spread out.

"I am worried about two things. We can't live on a diet

of little people forever. And sooner or later someone is

going to think to send the military after us."

Ashley gasped, "They'll kill us."

"Nah." said Pam, "Look, get a few things straight. It's

physically impossible for us to be this size; to even get to

be this size. And even when you grant that we are this size,

you didn't even so much as break a fingernail during your

reign of terror in this toy-sized burg. Something weird is

happening, almost magical. I don't think we have to worry

about the military knocking us off. But we do have to worry

about them wiping out the local populations as they attempt

to knock us off.

"In fact" she smirked "I'm kinda looking forward to playing

war with a real toy-sized army." And she stomped on a semi

truck for emphasis.

Ashley stopped, and Pam, still holding her hand stopped and

looked at her, then looked around. They were on the verges

of the city.

It was a pretty sight.

The buildings (those that remained) glowing bravely in the

night. The countless diminuative street lights, which didn't

even reach to the ankles of the girls, cast bright little

patches of radiance, looking like yellow rivers converging on

the city. And along those rivers rode tiny red and white

lights. Mostly white. It seemed they had been anticipated,

but too late.

"See" said Pam, "They're all jammed up. And if we busted up

all the big roads out of the city, nothing would move."

"I get it." answered Ashley, "Now watch. In order to avoid

getting crunched in their cars, most of the people are going to

get out and run back into the city. In a few minutes we're

going to have another good-sized mob."

Which was pretty much the way it went, though Ashley carefully

stepped on one or two of the cars whose occupants had not fled

to better urge on the others. Pam watched this deliberate

herding of tiny people with a growing appreciation. Ashley had

been considerably changed by her experiance. After about twenty

minutes, they were a quarter mile further into the city, and

following an impressive crowd of people.

Pam stared fascinated at the tiny screaming mob. There

were so many of them, and they were so small. With avarice

in her eyes Ashley took a step towards them and raised her right


"No! Wait!", Pam cried and Ashley stopped, andglanced at her

in surprise. "I want to watch." said Pam, and she fell to

her knees, placing her head near to the ground.

Ashley giggled, and lowered her barefoot. Her heel struck

the road first, cracking it, squashing several people instantly.

Pam watched breathlessly as Ashley lowered her foot further,

casting a dark shadow over her victims. Her high arch

spared some people for a moment. Pam saw tiny people

running, falling, some held up their arms, as though their

puny strength could suffice to ward off the incalculable

weight of Ashley's foot. Those under the ball of her foot

were squashed without mercy, as were those under her great toes.

Then Ashley leaned forward onto her foot, which spread a

little to take her weight. The road bed bucked and cracked,

Ashley's foot sank into it like soft dirt. Little squirts

of crimson and gore rayed outwards from her foot, and

tiny mashed bodies oozed up slowly between her long lovely

toes. Then Ashley lifted up onto the ball of her foot,

tiny bodies and grease-spots stuck to her heel or lay mashed

in the bottom of her footprint. Lazily she twisted her foot

from side to side, grinding the remains of her victims into


Pam stood up slowly, her face filled with awe. "My god,

Ashley." she whispered, "That's fuckin' fantastic. Can

I try?"

Ashley laughed, "Can I watch?"

Pam nodded her, still a bit dazed. She looked down at

the thronging helpless mob, and slowly raised her right

foot. Then she hesitated.

These weren't bugs.

They were people.

Real, honest to god, everyday people. And she had been

one of them just an hour or so ago. She stared at them,

wondering what it was like looking up at eight hundred

booted foot of woman. Looking up at her foot. She sensed the

gut wrenching terror that they must be feeling. After all

why should she be any more merciful than Ashley?

Why indeed?

She had made her choice. She wanted this. She wanted to

be a goddess. And bet that despite their promised fate, there

were more than a few miniature hard-ons in that crowd. She

was an achingly beautiful woman, and this was her initiation.

She grinned at Ashley, who was waiting for her to start, and

looking down, slowly lowered her foot; carefully, gently,

as softly as she was able, until she felt the first tickles.

It was hard, holding this pose, balanced on her left foot.

But Pam held on a moment longer, then slowly and cruelly

pressed down.

For a moment, the pressure built, as scores of tiny bodies

resisted the mounting pressure of her colossal barefoot. Then

suddenly, with little pops and crunches, her foot settled

lower, crushing the little people into goosh. Pam felt the

street crack and sink as she crushed it too, then the gory

remains under her booted foot squirted out and rose between her

toes like warm mud. Between her big and second toe, one tiny

man who had somehow survived, was washed into view by the

grim tide. Pam felt no pity for him. Blowing him a little

kiss, and clenching her shapely toes together, she burst him

like a grape.

Ashley clapped her hands and laughed. Pam laughed too, and

reaching out again with her barefoot, stepped on some more,

slowly dragging her foot back, leaving a gory trail of squashed

little bodies.

With sexual excitment flashing in her eyes Pam turned back to

Ashley. "Show me the city." she said. Ashley got up and they

went deeping into the forest of buildings...

* * * * * *

They made up games: Who Could Cover the Most Cars with a

Single Step, Who Could Flush the Most People Out of a Building,

and a real heart stopper for the besieged city -- Tag.

Ashley slapped Pam on the butt, and took off yelling "You're

it!" Pam stood still for a moment in shock, then with a

whoop took off after her. Cars, buses, people, and houses

exploded under their great booted foot, but they didn't give a fuck.

That was the game: being a giantess meant not worrying about

what or who got in your way, in fact it meant delighting in

what and who got in your way. Once, Pam thrust her entire arm

through a building to tag Ashley. Ashley chased Pam and tackled,

her smashing a full city block. The two gargantuan women darted,

hid behind buildings, and ambushed at intersections.

They had a blast.

Pam stopped. "Hey Ashley!" she shouted, "Come're!."

"What?" said Ashley, walking around a building, "Oh..."

There, suspended nearly sixty stories above the ground, were

two tiny window washers. Working in one of those bench-like things

descending from cables hung from the top of the building. God

alone knew what the two halt-inch tall men were doing at that hour.

But there they were.

Pam bent over till her face was mere inches (to her) away from

the cowering little workers. "GENTLEMEN," she said, delighting

in their terror at the volume of her voice, "I'M PAM, AND THIS


Ashley giggled wickedly.


cupping her hands under her breasts she thrust them forward, so