Summer research credit for Biology 198, 199 or 300 is available to students working both within and outside of the Department of Biology. To receive Bio 198, 199 or 300 credit for research performed over the summer, you must submit this petition with the appropriate signatures (see back). Students working off-campus need to follow the guidelines and requirements for off-campus research (see handout on "Out-of-Stanford Research.")

Students working outside of the Department of Biology must have an approved petition on file for working outside the department; this petition is not a substitute for the petition for obtaining approval for Bio 198X, 199X or 300X credit; if you have NOT yet received approval for your out-of-dept. research, see the salmon-colored packet "Research Courses: Bio 198X, 199X, 300X and Petition for Approval to Obtain Research Credit for Working Outside the Department of Biology.")

DEADLINES:The "Summer Research Petition" is due about one week after the start of classes in the Autumn Quarter immediately following the summer research(the same day as out-of-dept petitions; for 2008/09, this date is Oct. 3). You will be notified by email about the status of your petition before the add deadline (so make sure your email address is legible!)

REQUIREMENTS: Students working both within and outside of the Department of Biology must write a 10 page paper summarizing their research. Two copies of this paper need to be turned in; one copy should be given to your research sponsor (or co-sponsor if you have one) and another copy turned in to Dr. Angela Lee (Gilbert 118). This paper is due by November 21, 2008 (the paper is still due Autumn Quarter even if you will be continuing to add the summer units during Winter and Spring Quarters [explained below]). The paper should be in the form of a research report including Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References and Appendices (figures and graphs of data may be included).

UNITS: Units are determined based on the total number of hours worked. During the summer students should earn 1 unit for every 40 hours of work. Students may receive a maximum of 10 units for full time research (40 hours/week) for the full 10 weeks of research over the summer (400 hours total). 40 is the maximum number of hours that can be counted per week. Students working less than 10 weeks will receive proportionately fewer units for full time research (ex: for 8 weeks, students may receive 8 units). NOTE: Units earned Summer Quarter may not be added retroactively; the units must be added into the Autumn, Winter or Spring Quarters subsequent to performing the research (and not the following year). Students continuing the research into the academic year will add the summer units to those earned during the school year (see example below). There will not be a separate course on the academic transcript to indicate "Summer" research - all summer research will be added as Bio 198, 199 or 300 units.

Example: Harry earned a total of 8 Bio 199 units for working full time (40 hrs/week) for 2 months over the summer. He can't fit all 8 units into Autumn Quarter due to a full course load, so he decides to add 4 of these Bio 199 units to Autumn Quarter and 4 units to Winter Quarter. Harry is also planning to continue working in the same lab Autumn Quarter and wants to enroll for 3 units of Bio 199 (for about 10 hours/week). Therefore Harry will enroll in a total of 7 units of Bio 199 Autumn Quarter. If Winter Quarter Harry decides to take 5 units of Bio 199, then he will register for 9 Bio 199 units (4 from the summer).

Students should remember that the maximum number of units allowed per Quarter is 20; to go over this students will need to petition to the registrar for an exception. Part of the registrar's petition will entail getting departmental approval (from the Student Services Office or Dr. Angela Lee), and this approval will not be given unless it is clear that the students need the summer units either for Honors or graduation requirements (for example students performing Honors research at a field station, in which all 10 units required for the Honors program will be earned over the summer).

Since units earned for summer work will be combined with units earned during the school year, all units must be enrolled with the same grading option, (for instance for a letter grade) since it is not possible to register for the same course twice, with different grading options (cannot have S/NC for summer units and letter grade for Autumn Quarter units).

Note: Remember that only 6 units of individual work (Bio 198, 199, 300) can be counted towards the BioSci major - and all other research units will just be general electives towards the 180 graduation requirement. In addition, only 10 units are required for the Honors program. Therefore, if you are planning to continue your research throughout the year and will earn enough units for Honors before you graduate, you may not need these summer units! It is a lot of paper work, plus the 10 page paper, and unless this is your only opportunity to earn Bio 199 units for Honors, you should seriously consider whether you need these units. Not all life experiences need to earn academic credit!



Turn completed petition in to Dr. Angela Lee, Undergraduate Research Coordinator (Gilbert room 118). Questions? Call 723-3767 or email . You will be notified by email about your application before the add deadline.

Student name ______Date declared major ______

Mailing address ______

SUID ______Phone ______

E-mail ______Departmental Advisor ______

Requesting credit for:____ Bio 198 (Directed Reading; S/NC only)

____ Bio 199 (Undergraduate Research; ____ Letter grade ____ S/NC)

____ Bio 300 (Graduate Level Research; ____ Letter grade ____ S/NC)

Number of hours/week worked over the summer ______

Total number of weeks worked over the summer ______# units requested ______

Please mark below which Quarters you intend to add the summer units (indicate how many units you will add into each Quarter). If you can't fit all the summer units into one Quarter, you may spread them out into the 3 academic Quarters this year:

Autumn ______Winter ______Spring ______

REMEMBER that YOU need to add these summer units each Quarter on Axess - the units will NOT automatically be entered into your study lists!


Sponsors and Advisors: "I agree with the amount of time this student has spent working on this research project over the summer". Sponsors: Please be aware that this student is required to turn in a 10 page paper to you at the end of Autumn Quarter in order to receive these summer units (see requirements above).

Sponsor's signature______Date ______

Sponsor's name (PRINT)______Email ______

BiologyAdvisor's signature ______Date ______
