PADA Board Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2013, 7:00 PM

Location: Clubhouse, 4001 Edgely Drive, Philadelphia, PA


Jeremy Kauffman (JK)

Rick Atkins (RA)

Kevin McCormick (KM)

Liz Thompson (LT)

Jay Soda (JS)

Jim Brose (JB)

Darrell Thomas (DT)

Stacey Spencer (SS)

Brittany Bigley (BB)

Chris Vanni (CV)

Action items from this meeting are in BOLD

Scorecard – areas to focus on

Outings – discussion of ideas to appeal to members/increase participation

-Green team workdays

-Combine outings with pro games?

-PADA- related adventure run/marathon spectating/party?

-Winter outings – ski weekends?

-Beer/wine tasting?

-Key: market to membership early to increase early deposits/commitments and reduce any financial risk to PADA

Resources – how to utilize what we have and acquire what is needed

-Capital/structural assets

-Business connections with vendors outside PADA

-Member skills/resources/business connections to offer: build database of those who have offered to use skills to help PADA and give back by asking about specific skills/certifications on a proposed volunteer questionnaire


-RA suggests that PADA can tie volunteering to “sliding scale” of league fees in return for ongoing work such as landscaping, clubhouse cleaning – these consistent volunteers could take leadership and ownership of a set of tasks

-JS suggests rolling this out for the fall to allow people to do work to help with their next round of membership fees for 2014 in December

-LT to email volunteer coordinators from other cities to get structural and recruitment ideas, including improving volunteer awareness and communication on website (volunteer profile)

Action Items From Previous Meeting

-Development and PR joint team meeting (JK) – consensus to form project-based committees (possibly dissolving formal Development team) for development tasks, since team has concluded sponsor-level plan

-Who calls a special-projects team and describes/delegates the responsibility?

-BB to begin a formal update report on YO, especially considering recent big leaps forward

-DT – create an admin-only page on for institutional memory, with reports like the proposed YO report, list of possible special-projects volunteers

Elections – planning for next Board

-Andy started election planning this week; start voting approx 8/10, extend through approx the Monday after FPSL finals weekend; plan email blast soon with recruiting info, candidate statements, timelines (confirm timelines with Andy)

League Updates

-Summer League (note that Joe Ford was invited to tonight’s meeting, but was unable to attend). Immediate priorities include

  • Planning for playoffs and communicating format to members early
  • Discussion of playoff structure and scheduling, respective roles of coordinators, PD, board, and additional volunteers as needed in helping administer this.
  • Discussion of administration of replacement players and pickup players
  • Readiness for finals weekends for FPSL and regional leagues?

-Fall League

  • Discussion of possible formats and areas of member feedback from last year that may be utilized in creating 2013 format, including factors of competitiveness, logistics, and social experience
  • Discussion of fall league coordinator search and recruitment

PD Report (RA)


  • Spent approx $19,000, including expanded captain’s gifts (down from $30K) for summer league
  • Breakdown of $19K:($4K is capt’s gifts, $2300 is merchandise for PADA to sell, both at FPSL and regional leagues, maybe Wildwood;discussion of possibility of selling online versus additional concerns this would pose for inventory management)
  • Discussion of streamlining/efficiency of shirt ordering (time/money)
  • Coordinator handbook would be valuable for training, problem-solving
  • Policy for use of fields and clubhouse (and post on website) would be valuable; hourly/daily rate vs weekend rate vs flat rate?)
  • Resolved that RA create policy first and then share with board and other stakeholders (maybe beginning with 6 month trial); JK to collaborate as needed
  • PHLY league has been well-attended (even with weather trouble) – U16, younger crowd than last year
  • Philly Ultimate camp went well at Edge, running another at Abington this week
  • MLU-PHUEL contribution – PADA and PHUEL grateful for generous contribution; continuing follow-up with MLU for delivery of this contribution
  • Ultimate without Borders – use Kit Kat as fundraiser and a hat the next day, Board continues to support this cause
  • Permits for fall rec centers – in progress, working with status quo from last year for times/dates
  • Fall League shirts? Want to do a survey to see if members opinions on FL shirts (do we want to continue to get them?)
  • Discussion of transparency of costs and league perks to city versus regional leagues

Board Member/Team updates

-YO (BB)

  • sites are excited, attendance only limited by weather, free MLU tickets are a hit, communication and administration are smooth with BB and RA and YO administrators
  • next goal – PR for YO via local news – explore if the organizations we collaborate with can help with publicity?

-Events (CV)

  • Events team to finish draft of coordinator’s handbook; rewrite of PADA rulebook in progress, will shortly be submitted for review by board, then by members
  • Plan to email coordinators BEFORE leagues end, with template for post-season survey, and get them to send it out ASAP
  • Recruit more people for bigger ongoing projects to reduce workload on CV? Upcoming projects include recruiting Fall League coordinators, re-scrubbing player power rankings

-Green (JS)

  • Sprinkler functioning (thanks to Uhle’s welding!), still needs small bits of maintenance and assessing hoses for leaks; able to water fields 1-3 at this point; still difficulty pulling the system back in without it catching (perhaps solve with bigger tires?)
  • PADA now owns a gas-powered weed whacker! with chainsaw to cutting low-hanging branches
  • Continuing to investigate effectiveness of proposed solar light for parking light (based on recent Chamonix experience where sufficient lighting has not been provided)
  • Rain gutters to be adjusted at next workday
  • Workday planned for Aug 3-4 (“Work for Pork” – publicity on website planned)
  • Workday possible to coincide with tournament Aug 10 or 11
  • Fields marked, but looking for brighter cones, as new green cones blend into field

Finance Report

-Taxes for 2012 update

-Development team has finished sponsorship plan, emailed to RA and others for review

Structural Issues

-St. Joe’s Prep Lacrosse exploring a role in Edgely field maintenance. However, it is noted that previous efforts by this group did not demonstrate sufficient expertise, with negative impact on fields. Discussion of best strategy for communication with this group.

-Clubhouse – efforts at structural maintenance, security, and appropriate accountability for those accessing the clubhouse continue to be ongoing issues

PADA-PHUEL relationship

-Discussions ongoing about financial relationship and understanding between the two organizations, in light of PHUEL’s autonomous bank account, but PADA’s continuing expenditures on PHUEL’s behalf.

-Discussion of insurance breakdown for expenses by the two organizations