St Edward’s

Church of England

Primary School

Havering Drive, Romford, Essex, RM1 4BT

For office use B/C




Application for Admission to St Edward’s Primary School

(Reception to Year 6)

State the month and year when the child would start:


Child’s surname:


First names:


Sex:Date of birth:


Criteria for Admission to St Edward’s Primary School (Reception to Year 6)

The school offers 90 places in Reception each year

The Governors will consider all applications. If the school is oversubscribed places will be allocated according to the following criteria in descending order of priority. Places will be offered to applicants involved in the worship and work of churches which are members of Churches Together in England and/or Free Churches Group. (see attached list.)

1.Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they

were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order). See definition on page 2.

2.In pursuance of their policy of inclusion, Governors will offer places where there are

special social, pastoral or medical circumstances for the admission of the child to this school. Applicants under this criterion may, in exceptional cases, not be members of a church, but all applications must be accompanied by supporting evidence from an appropriate professional, for example, a doctor, social worker, church minister or head teacher.

3.Those families at the heart of the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) or

guardian(s) attend church once a week or more frequently, and have done so for a period of two years or more.

4.Those families committed to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) or

guardian(s) attend church once a fortnight, and have done so for a period of two years or more.

5.Those families attached to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) or

guardian(s) attend church once a month, and have done so for a period of two years or more.

6.Those families known to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) and/or

guardian(s) attend church less frequently than once a month.

7. All others wishing to attend the school.

Under criteria 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 if the number of applications meeting any of these criteria exceeds the number of places available, the following tie-breakers will be applied in descending order of priority:
a.siblings of children attending the school on the date when the child is enrolled;

b. attendance at an Anglican church (except criterion 7).

With reference to criterion 7a – ‘Siblings of children attending the school on the date when the child is enrolled’ - ‘Sibling’ refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, or the child of parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the school place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling and who will still be in attendance at the date of the applicant’s admission.

If the number of applicants meeting the requirement of any of these tie-breakers exceeds the number of places remaining to be allocated, the final places will be awarded to those families who live closest to St Edward’s Church of England Primary School as measured by a straight line from home to school. The measuring is undertaken by the Local Authority’s computerised system as detailed in its composite prospectus “StartingSchool in Havering” under the heading “Distance of the home address from the school”.


Looked after children – definition

A looked after child, as defined by Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989, is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority. Priority is also given under this criterion for looked after children who ceased to be so because they:

(i) were adopted under Section 46 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002;

(ii) became subject to a residence order under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989, which settles the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom a child is to live;

(iii) became subject to a special guardianship order under Section 14A of the Children Act 1989, which is an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian(s).

The closing date for application for Reception Year 2014 is 15th January 2014. You should normally apply for admission any time during the twelve month period before the closing date. Parents will be notified whether or not their application has been successful during April 2014.

If your child is unsuccessful in gaining a place at St Edward’s Church of England Primary School their application will be held on file indefinitely, or until you notify us otherwise. Should a place subsequently become available the criteriaon page 1 will be applied to all applications held by the school for that particular year group.

A copy of the child’s birth certificate must accompany this application.

Applicant’s Section

Please complete the Applicant’s section by ticking the appropriate boxes. Then give the form to your church clergy or minister with a stamped envelope addressed to the school for them to complete the clergy/minister’s section and return the form to the school.

If you have very recently changed churches, you may wish to ask your former church clergy or minister to complete an additional clergy/minister’s section and send it to the school.

Child’s surname:First names:


Date of birth:


Address (including postcode):



Local Authority:


Telephone no. (including STD code):


Full names of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) with whom the child resides:




Full names and address(es) of Parent(s) with whom the child does not reside:




Will the child have one or more siblings attending the school on the date of intended enrolment?

Yes  No 

If yes, please give name(s) and class(es)

Surname First Names Class





Church and Worship

The list below describes the categories which the Governors will use to decide how to award the places. Please tick the category or categories, which most closely describe your circumstances. Choose only one from categories 3 to 6.

  1. The child is a looked after child (see definition on page 2). 
  1. There are special social, pastoral or medical circumstances for the admission

of the child to this school and the application is accompanied by supporting 

evidence from an appropriate professional.

  1. The family is at the heart of the church, where the child and/or the parent(s)

or guardian(s) attend church once a week or more frequently, and have done

so for a period of two years or more.

  1. The family is committed to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) 

or guardian(s) attend church once a fortnight, and have done so for a period

of two years or more.

  1. The family is attached to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s)

or guardian(s) attend church once a month, and have done so for a period

of two years or more.

  1. The family is known to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) 

and/or guardian(s) attend church less frequently than once a month.

Name of church you attend:


I/We the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the above child, apply for his/her entry to St Edward’s Primary School and declare the above facts to be true.





Dated : ______

Clergy/Minister’s Section

Those completing this section of the form are advised that the school will treat this reference as confidential. However, should the application not be successful and the family appeal against that decision, they will have the right in law to see this reference as part of the appeal process.

Head Teachers supporting applications of families not involved in a church should do so in a letter.

The list below describes the categories which the Governors will use to decide how to award the places. Please tick the category or categories which most closely describe the circumstances of the child and family. Choose only one from categories 3 to 6.

1. The child is a looked after child (see definition on page 2). 

2. There are special social, pastoral or medical circumstances for the admission 

of the child to this school and the application is accompanied by supporting

evidence from an appropriate professional.

3. The family is at the heart of the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) 

or guardian(s) attend church once a week or more frequently, and have done

so for a period of two years or more.

4. The family is committed to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) 

or guardian(s) attend church once a fortnight, and have done so for a period

of two years or more.

5. The family is attached to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s)

or guardian(s) attend church once a month, and have done so for a period

of two years or more.

6. The family is known to the church, where the child and/or the parent(s) 

and/or guardian(s) attend church less frequently than once a month.

SignedParish Priest/Minister Date




Address (including postcode)





Telephone No. (including STD code) ______

Name of church ______

Is your church a member of Churches Together in EnglandYes  No 

and/or The Free Churches Group?

Evidence of membership should be provided if the name of your church does not appear on the enclosed list.

To assist parents/carers, when making an application for admission, the list below identifies those Churches who are members of Churches Together in England & The Free Church Group.


Antiochian Orthodox Church

Assemblies of God

Baptist Union of Great Britain *

Catholic Church

Cherubim & Seraphim Council of Churches

Church of England

Church of God of Prophecy

Church of Scotland (Presbytery of England)

Churches in Communities International

Congregational Federation *

Coptic Orthodox Church

Council for Lutheran Churches

Council of African and Caribbean ChurchesUK *

Council of OrientalOrthodoxChristianChurches


EvangelicalLutheranChurch of England

Evangelische Synode Deutscher Sprache in Großbritannien

Exarchate of Orthodox Parishes of the Russian Tradition (Ecumenical Patriarchate)

Free Church of England *

Ground Level

Ichthus Christian Fellowship

Independent Methodist Churches *

International Ministerial Council of Great Britain

Joint Council for Anglo-Caribbean Churches


MethodistChurch *

MoravianChurch *

New Testament Assembly *

New Testament Church of God *

Oecumenical Patriarchate

Redeemed Christian Church of God

Religious Society of Friends

Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)

Salvation Army *

Transatlantic Pacific Alliance of Churches

United Reformed Church *




Christ Apostolic Church

The Church of the Nazarene

The Countess of Huntingdon’s Connexion

The Fellowship of Churches of Christ

The Free MethodistChurch

The Old Baptist Union

The Wesleyan Reform Union

The Baptist Union of Wales

The Presbyterian Church of Wales

The Union of Welsh Independents


*It should be noted that membership of a local Churches Together Group, (eg Churches Together in Romford) does not constitute membership of Churches Together in England or the Free Church group.