A meeting of Mumby Parish Council was held in Beckets on
Wednesday 19th October2016at 7.00pm
Present:CouncillorsJean Bradley (Chairman), Roger Gilburd, Joan Stapleton, Selma Harrington, Mick Spencely, Dianne Baxterand Jean Morlini
Also Present: PCSO Kirsty Simpson and2 members of the public.
CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed all those present and invited the public to speak.
PCSO Simpson reported that crime figures were up from last year for the Alford area from 12 to 23, vehicle crime up by 8, shoplifting up by 8, and criminal damage/arson by 4 but none of these were from Mumby.
She would look into the reported apparently abandoned car on Parklands.
She explained that from a request from the clerk she and a colleague had visited the village on the 5th October with the speed gun and were very surprised at the number of vehicles passing (336 in 1 hour 20 mins). Only one driver was above the speed limit at 39 mph and he would be sent a warning letter. No doubt seeing a police presence in the village had slowed down the traffic. They would hopefully be visiting the village once a month to carry out the same exercise. A member of the public noted that traffic between 9.30 and 10 p.m. were speeding considerably. The police would not be able to help in this instance as it would be considered to be unlawful to have police traffic monitoring in the dark. The Chairman thanked her on behalf of the council for her help.
- APOLOGIES – All councillors present
- NOTES OF LAST MEETINGheld on 21st September2016were unanimously approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.
a)Contact had been made with Road Safety Partnership who had suggested she contact the police on the speeding issue which she had done. (See Public Forum)
b)The waste cuttings from the leylandi trees would be shredded shortly – see also item 9(a).
c)The vehicle had been removed from the grass verge outside Hill Rise.
d)Castletree Care had confirmed that they will start work on the churchyard trees in November.
e)Grasscutting – item 9(a) on the agenda
f)Anglian Water had been asked to cut the trees/bushes in the layby at Hogsthorpe Road. Clerk had been informed this will take 4-8 weeks.
g)Highways have been contacted re the willow tree – this has been passed to the LCC arborist.
h)A slip was sent out with the village newsletter asking residents to cut their overgrown hedges.
Neither County nor District Councillors were present to give a report.
The clerk reported that she had attended the open meeting with DONG Energy who were setting up a grant scheme of £430,000 per annum for 20 years. Applications would need to be sent as soon as possible after the opening date of 3nd December as large numbers were anticipated.
- CORRESPONDENCE– None to report
a)The financial statement for the 6 month period to the end September showing a balance of £11,449 was unanimously accepted.
b)Payment of accounts was unanimously approved for£18 to R Gilburd for purchase of trophies and £79.35 to clerk for expenses.
c)It was confirmed that as agreed last year, allotment fees would be increased for the year 2017/18 by £5 to £25 per annum and allotment holders would be requested to pay this amount as at the 1st April 2017.
a)It was unanimously agreed to object to application number N/125/01840/16 to provide a winter store for up to 20 caravans at The Bungalow, Mumby Road on grounds of visual intrusion in open countryside.
b)The clerk noted that the planning variation request for the passing place at Coots Lane would come before the Planning Committee on the 20th October.
The clerk had agreed with the grass cutting contractor that he would shred the large pile of waste, cut the back hedge at the churchyard and strim the island at Parklands in place of parts of the contract which had not needed to be done in the current year. The current contract came to an end in 2017. It was agreed to invite tenders by an advert in the local paper which must state that their own insurance and equipment was necessary.
The request for a seat at the bus stop opposite the church would be considered at the next meeting.
The clerk had been in touch with Father Terry Bardell who had agreed that the heating in the church could be replaced. One of the members of the PCC had obtained information on new heating systems and this information could be made available. It was agreed that Cllr Baxter would attend the next PCC meeting to discuss this with them. The clerk would investigate what systems were used in Bilsby and Alford churches.
Five out of seven thought a Christmas tree should be purchased for the village. Problems associated with this were where to place it for an electricity connection. Cllr Gilburd would investigate the lighting issue and whether adequate solar lighting could be obtained. Cllr Baxter would look into the purchase of a suitable tree.
The next meeting date was confirmed as Wednesday 16th November 2016 7p.m. at Becketts.
The Langham Lane sign had been knocked over – clerk to report to Highways
It was agreed that a letter from the owner of Oakwell next to the church would be discussed even though this had been received too late for the meeting. The resident was asking for permission from the Parish Council to reduce the Sycamore tree in the churchyard to let more light into his property. This work would be undertaken at his own cost. The clerk was asked to confirm in writing that this could be done in line with the BS3998 recommendations for tree work already quoted to the occupant.
The meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.
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