Date: March 6, 2014
From: Jerry Powidajko, Superintendent Leadership Development and School Support
Kelly Krug, Climate for Learning and Working Coordinator
Subject:Digital Citizenship – THINK poster
In our continuing efforts to support schools with digital citizenship, bullying prevention and character attributes this Peel District School Board poster you have been sent reminds us to THINKbefore we tweet, facebook or text.
We hope to see this poster in every Peel District School Board classroom as a visual reminder and for a tool to help staff talk about digital citizenship.
This poster extends Peel’s Choose Actioncampaign from the 3rd week of November, which is our provincial Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. Next school year our theme will be, “Choose Actionto be a positive digital citizen.”
This poster might be a starting point for further work:
Enhance it!Ask students to add to the THINK list or suggest other words that might be used.
Create it!Ask students to design their own digital citizenship poster for your class or school.
Critique it?Ask students to write a review of the posterwith suggestions for improvement and acknowledgement of what is missing.
Journalize it.Encourage students to share their emotional response to the poster. How does it make them feel? What are they thinking about now?What is their experience with digital citizenship? What does it mean for them in their life?
Share it...How might students share this poster with others?
For instance, they might create a workshop for younger students, create a presentation for parents, share it with the global community
Commit to it...Students might make a written or oral promise statement to their community about digital citizenship
Consider it...Co-construct with students what might the consequences be for NOT being a positive digital citizen. Consider consequences to self, family, school community, and the larger community. Follow-up with a further conversation around what might be done if/when you make a mistake. Supports like KidsHelpPhone and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection ( should be highlighted.
Hoping you will please SHARE your activities with us on Twitter @ClimatePeel or email them to
We would really like to share all the good work with our Peel community #PeelFam!
To support your on-going climate work and initiatives at your sites, please feel free to contact a member of the Climate for Learning and Working Team,
- Nancy Annibale, MFO ()
- Kelly Krug, CBO ()
- Raquel Walker, NFO ()