To maintain a safe and secure working environment and protect the interests of the company and its customers, pleasereport all incidents, suspicious activities, and non-adherence to company policy immediately, no matter how small.

Incident/Suspicious activity reported by: …………………………………Date/Time:……………….…

(Leave blank if you wish to remain anonymous)

Email Address: …………………………………………………………Contact Number: …………………

Type of Incident

Sabotage* / Break-in / Theft / Vandalism / Bomb Threat / Other (please specify , i.e. Suspicious Behavior, Assault, Fraud)

*Sabotage defined under NERC CIPS 001 requires immediate reporting per Sabotage Reporting Procedure.

Incident / Suspicious activity(please delete as appropriate) Date/Time _ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _ hrs _ _ mins

Incident Location, Plant/ Project……………………………………………………………………………

Name of person seen or suspected:………………………………………………………………………

Description if name not known: ……………………………………………………………………………..

e.g. sex, age, build, ethnic background, accent, recognizable physical features, clothing, weapons; vehicle model & license #

Investigating Police Department:……………………………………………………………………………

Investigating Officer: …………………………………………Contact Number: …………………………

Police Report #…………………………Replacement Cost of Stolen/Damaged Property: ……………

Provide description, details of incident:


Thank you for reporting this incident/suspicious activity. Please do not carry out investigation yourself or interview suspects if it may compromise a police investigation or collection of evidence.Instructions for Form are on the back. Please send completed forms, scene photos, additional sheets(and copies of Police report when available) to your direct supervisor, your EHS staff, and to:

Gary LeMoine, CIH, CSP
Director, Environment Health Safety Security

1125 NW Couch,Suite 700

Portland, OR97209
503-796-7736 desk; 503-804-9018 cell; 503-478-6345 fax

Reportable Security Incidents

To maintain a safe working environment and protect the Company’s interests, report any actual or suspected security breach e.g. theft, break-in, and vandalism at the 1st available opportunity. Major breaches of security resulting in an operational emergency must be reported immediately to yourManager, Director and Officer, and theDirector-EHSSto help ensure security of assets, implementation of emergency and restoration response procedures, and notification of government agencies if applicable. For Sabotage Events, under NERC CIPS 001 (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) the Department of Energy formEIA-417 must be immediately completed and submitted,or other reports as may be required by other agencies to the local office of Department of Homeland Security. A full investigation should be carried out in such circumstances in coordination with designated law enforcement and Dir- EHS, and insurance carriers may need to be notified if substantial losses are incurred.

Examples of Mandatory Security Reportable Incidents that must be reported if detected:

  • Theft or misappropriation of any Company property, (i.e. copper theft, vehicles, fuel, tools, parts or equipment, laptop computers)
  • Break-ins or attempted break-ins, (i.e. cut security fencing, broken padlocks, forced doors, tailgating into secured areas)
  • Vandalism, disfigurement, destruction/ removal of property (i.e. spray painted turbines/ major signage damage, broken plant or vehicle windows)
  • Criminal offense (other than minor driving offences in personal vehicles) related to operations or construction projects
  • Bomb threats, shooting incidents, threats against personnel, contractors, consultants, assault
  • Suspicious or potential criminal activity, i.e.,
  • repeated intrusions by unauthorized personnel into unauthorized work areas,
  • surveillance or videotaping of plant activities (not just general sightseers)
  • inappropriate or unlawful attempt to obtain plant security information, or intentional violations of plant lock & key policies
  • Serious computer misuse (e.g. introducing viruses, hacking tools or introducing offensive materials into business systems – please contact IT Security instead of using this form).
  • Breaches of internal financial controls, disclosing company information for personal gain (Contact Office of General Counsel, Director of Business Controls instead of using this form)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. Should you feel concerned about any issue please communicate it to yourManagement or Director- Environment Health Safety Security.

Report Preparation

The first report may be made by any means such as phone, fax, e-mail etc.Details of the basic information required are outlined in the Security Incidents/ Suspicious activity Reporting Form on the reverse side. The information in this report is necessary not just for tracking, but to recommend appropriate measures to prevent a recurrence at this and other sites. The incident is tracked by the Director- Environment Health Safety Security, and may be necessary for insurance claims or other purposes. Supporting information including photos of crime scenes or damage, and police reports are helpful in cases of similar events. Local management shall ensure the incident is properly investigated in liaison with the Business Unit Management, local law enforcement and Dir EHSS.Reports are confidential with limited internal distribution only.

If faced with a situation where an employee may be suspected or accused of criminal activity such as theft of company property, these cases must be handled appropriately to ensure the employee’s rights and reputation are maintained during the case evaluation. Accordingly, a manager faced with this reported incident should not discuss the case with anyone other than their senior management, the Director EHS, and Office of General Counsel and Human Resources unless specifically directed to do so by those individuals. Treat as highly confidential.

Managers have a responsibility for detecting improprieties in the work place. These are covered in the Iberdrola Renewables Code of Conduct, and may be matters that managers either become aware of themselves or have had referred to them through internal reporting. Managers also have a responsibility to record all complaints or referrals under this Policy and to refer these to theOffice of General Counsel or Director of Business Controlsfor investigation.