Title: The effect of Martial Arts on the REG Machine
Lucia Bonilla
Carrie Holst
Faculty: Robert G. Jahn and Brenda J. Dunne
To observe whether or not there is a correlation between being a high level martial artist and having a high degree of operator control over REG machine.
We assume, due to the challenging physical and mental requirements necessary to advance in belt/sash levels in martial arts, that the mind of someone who has martial arts training will have a higher level of control over his/her body than the average person will (where average translates to one who has not undergone the same mind/body exercises; thus, we assume that the average person has a weaker mind/body relationship because he/she has not developed it through martial arts.)
We will utilize the random events generator. The experiment will involve two groups of people, a control group (the average participants) and a martial artist group. We are aiming to find 10-15 subjects to participate per group. We will test and observe the degree of success that the participants collectively as a group have as operators; that is, the mean performance of each group will be used as the measure. Statistical analysis will then be used to measure the significance (or insignificance) of the results.
Anticipated findings:
We are exploring just one characteristic of a person, and looking at whether this characteristic affects human/machine interaction. We believe that this characteristic has the potential to affect the performance of a person as the operator of a machine in a positive way. That is, we believe that we will see a positive relationship between what the machine does and what the person of the martial artist group wants it to do. We hypothesize that this relationship will not be as pronounced or observed to the same degree in the case of the control group. If a martial artist has more control over his/her body than the average person does over his/her own body, it could have important implications for what a person with higher cognitive abilities can control in his/her environment.