SCSU Literacy Center

Diagnostic Report Guide

Student Name: Present Date:

Parent Name: Telephone:


Dates of Diagnosis:

Age: Birth date: Grade:


School Address:

Literacy Center Diagnostician:

was seen for a diagnostic reading evaluation on ______in order to .


This report will discuss the observations made during the diagnosis and will focus on the following questions: What is ‘s current level of achievement? What is his/her reading potential? What factors, if any, are interfering with his/her reading potential? And how can he/she be helped to achieve more consistently with his/her reading potential? In order to answer these questions, the following standardized tests and informal tasks were used:

Qualitative Reading Inventory-IV/ Basic Reading Inventory (BRI)

BRI/QRI (word list)

words in isolation (provide word list levels)

BRI/QRI (oral)

narrative (levels…names…)

BRI/QRI (silent)

narrative (levels…names…)

Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised (PPVT-R)

Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)

Gray Oral Reading Test

Test of Written Spelling

Test of Written Language (TOWL-3)

Sentence and Spelling Writing (Dominie)


Include information gleaned from the Parent Interview and the Student Attitude/Interest Survey/Inventory. (about 1-3 paragraphs)


To assess the level at which could be expected to read in terms of mental ability, he/she was given assessments related to phonological processing, word reading efficiency, fluency and graded word tests and passages and tests of spelling and written language.

You must complete each of the following:


______’s knowledge of phonological processing was examined on the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing. ____ ‘s performance on this test was

(extend with results from subtests)


‘s knowledge of word meaning was further examined on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test -Revised. ______’s listening vocabulary was found to be in the ______ range.

(extend with results from assessment)


‘s knowledge of word reading efficiency was further examined on the Test of Word Reading Efficiency. ______’s score was found to be in the ______ range.

(extend wit results from assessment)


‘s knowledge of written language was further examined on the Test of Written Language. ______’s score was found to be in the ______ range.

(extend with results from subtests)


Reading Skills

During oral reading of the QRI passages, it is possible to identify how efficiently _____ recognizes words, analyzes unfamiliar words, and comprehends the facts in the passage.

This part of the report requires you to describe your client in particular. Use the transition sentences given thoughtfully as they pertain to your client. Some areas may not be pertinent!

Describe oral reading strategies while reading the instructional level and frustration level passages. For example, up to which level did the reader effectively use context? Up to what level did you observe self-monitoring? What reading behavior did you observe when the reader came to an unknown word? etc.

Sample Framework:

_____’s oral reading of the QRI passages indicates that he/she is able to read up and through the ______grade level with good comprehension for narrative text. ______has wonderful reading fluency and word attack skills. Although his/her reading was fluent at the ______grade level, he/she was unable to comprehend the meaning of the passage. As the reading passages and the content material becomes more complex, ____ has a difficult time comprehending and answering explicit and implicit questions.

The results of the readings that ____ was asked to read silently proved to be the same. He/she can understand material given up and through ______grade with excellent comprehension. As he/she reached the ______grade level, his/her comprehension became unclear and this became a frustration for _____.

Describe oral reading strategies while reading the instructional level and frustration level passages. For example, up to which level did the reader effectively use context? Up to what level did you observe self-monitoring? What reading behavior did you observe when the reader came to an unknown word? etc.

Qualitative Reading Inventory
Student: Bono / Grade: 7 / Age: 14
Oral Reading / Silent Reading
Level / Word List % / Word List RL / Word Recognition % / Word Recognition RL / Comp.
% / Comp.
RL / Comp. % / Comp.
5 / 100 / Ind. / 100 / Ind. / 100 / Ind. / 88 / Instruct
6 / 95 / Ind. / 99 / Ind. / 88 / Instruct / 88 / Instruct
UM / 55 / Frus. / 89 / Frus. / 50 / Frust / 63 / Frust

Other related areas that you need to consider, each different according to client performance, skills, etc.:

Word Recognition

‘s sight recognition of words was further assessed using the TOWRE. (explain)

‘s comprehension skills ( word meaning, ability to retell, etc) were further evaluated with the GORT-4. (explain results)

‘s comprehension and reading rate were further studied with GORT-4.


The results of the diagnosis indicate that ______is reading approximately at the grade level. This is where we might expect him/her to read on the basis of his/her verbal capacity. He/She is having most difficulty in the area(s) of

Instructional Implications

Individual /Small Group Instruction

What goals of instruction do you see as requisite for success?

What teaching strategies can be used to foster success for each goal?

Consider how classroom instruction can be coordinated with individual instruction and why. Discuss strategies that classroom teachers can feasibly use while working with an entire class as 1) a whole group, 2) in small groups, or 3) on an individual basis. You may also want to consider discussing appropriate computer technology applications that may be appropriate.

Classroom Program

What can be done in the classroom?

Home What can parents do?

To maintain progress, ______will need support at home as he/she continues through ______. Mr. and/or Mrs. ______can lend such support by______

PLEASE do not ask mom and dad to be classroom teachers! Make home recommendations things that parents can accomplish.