Beth Hamidrosh Hagodol

14270 Cedar Road

University Heights, Ohio 44121

April/May Nisan Iyar5763

Rabbi & Rebbitzin Shoshana, Mike & Betty, Officers & Board of Trustees, Office Staff &Volunteers extend heartfelt wishes to the entire synagogue family for a Happy & Kosher Passover week!!! See you in shul. Eruv Pesach Wednesday April 16th

Last Day ends Thursday April 24th after 9:16 p.m

Make sure a reliable Kosher for Passover certification appears on the package. Even washed or processed--peeled, washed, shredded fruits and vegetables may have certain antioxidants which are not kosher for Passover.

If you have a doubt about a product being Kosher for Passover, clarify the question with your Rav (382-1958 or 381-6977) Avoid problems of chometz she’avar alav haPesach by selling your Chometz through your Rav

Don’t assume the product is kosher for Passover just because it is in the Passover section of the supermarket. Often Kosher for Passover & non-Kosher for Passover products have identical packaging except for the “P” symbol (such as soda-pop which may contain corn syrup). Even with the best intentions a non-Kosher for Passover item could be purchased inadvertently.

Not all Kashrus certifications are created equal. A knowledgeable kosher consumer reduces the chance of buying “Kosher for Passover” products that may not qualify for a consumer’s personal kosher or Passover kosher standards. Stores often do not remove chometzdik matzos from the shelves even after the store is stocked with Kosher for Passover products!

Matzoh made with fruit juice or eggs, which includes “Kosher for Passover” Egg Matzohs, Egg Matzoh Crackers, White Grape Matzoh (and others) may not be eaten on Pesach, according to Ashkenazic practice except by the sick or elderly who may not be able to eat regular matzoh.

Kitniyos -legumes such as corn, beans and rice may not be eaten by Ashkenazim on Pesach. Sefardim who use these products (and Guinoa )much ascertain whether these products contain additives (or vitamins) must check them before Pesach for extraneous matter. Lecithin is sometimes listed as “emulsifier” and corn syrup as “glucose”; and canned vegetables require special Pesach certification because many frozen vegetable plants process pasta, breaded vegetables on the same equipment; eggs should be purchased before Passover as the chicken feed may contain chometz and it is a custom to not eat eggs laid during Pesach.

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Chometz she’ovr olov haPesach is any Chometz held over Passover under

Jewish ownership. This Chometz may not be used or sold after Pesach, as a

penalty for failure to properly rid the Chometz from Jewish ownership either by

destruction or by selling to a non- Jew before Pesach. Care should be take not to

benefit after Pesach from chometz or leaven belonging to a Jew who did not, or

who is suspected of not having sold the chometz before Pesach.


MINIMUM SIZE OF WINE CUPS (KOSOS) 3.5 fluid ounces in size in two swallows

MINIMUM AMOUNT OF MATZOH SHMURAH 6 x 4 inches Korach sandwich 6 x3 inches

MINIMUM AMOUNT OF MOROR leaves to cover the area of 12 x 10 inches.

Other (Romaine) Lettuce 3 x 5 inches stalks to cover that area

HORSERADISH 1.1 fluid ounces

AFIKOMEN should be finished on first night before 1:26 am


The Torah prohibits the consumption of chometz, as well as its possession during Passover. If, therefore, one cannot dispose of all chometz before Pesach, then a Jew must arrange for ‘mechiras chometz’ to a non-Jew. This transaction is arranged and carried out by all Orthodox Synagogues who arrange and pay for the agent. The Rabbis do not have a set fee.


During Passover, the Jewish law FORBIDS the consumption or POSSESSION by Jews of edible fermentedgrain products (Chometz) or related foods. Therefore, even foods and household products)which meet the strict, year - round dietary regulation and are considered kosher, are, nevertheless, often unacceptable, or require special preparation.

WHAT ARE THE RITUALS FOR THE DAY BFORE PASSOVER BEGINS? Wednesday 6:40 A.M. April 14th after davening is a Siyyum for Jewish FIRSTBORN. Following the siyum firstborn break their fast.


SEARCH FOR CHOMETZ AFTER NIGHTFALL Ten pieces of bread are distributed throughout the house. No talking during the search. The text for the blessing before search - AHL BIUR CHOMETZ - is in the Haggaddah. After search, the BITUL blessing of public disclaim of ownership of chometz is recited Tuesday April 15thth after 8:50 p.m. CHOMETZ IS BURNED the following day. Drop off all remaining Chometz. In back of the shul. Special arrangements will be made to pick up the Chometz.

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SHMURAH MATZOH, MAROR- bitter herbs consisting of either iceberg lettuce or horseraddish or only the heart/stalk of romaine lettuce

Additional reminders:

Ma nishtana: What makes the mussaf

amidah on the first day of Pesach

different from all other amidahs of the

entire year?

ANSWER: At all other amidahs of the

entire year, either everyone mentions wind

and rain in the second berocho, or nobody

Beginning with mussaf on Shemini Atzeres,

and continuing through shacharis on the first

day of Pesach, everyone says "mashiv

horuach umorid hagoshem". (Or "hageshem"

if you prefer.) Beginning with mincha on the

first day of Pesach, and continuing through

shacharis on Shemini Atzeres, depending on

local custom one either says "morid hatal" or

makes no mention of the weather. Nobody

says "mashiv horuach".
But mussaf on the first day of Pesach is

unique. Those who have the custom of saying

"morid hatal", say it. Those who don't, say

"mashiv horuach umorid hagoshem".

HAIRCUTS and NAILCUTS BEFORE MIDDAY on EREV PESACH. Be sure to check pockets of coats or dresses for chometz. Check children’s school bags for chometz. Put away lunch boxes. Clean office desk, car, all drawers, closets, locker, baby furniture, fridge, freezers , freezers, stores and ovens.

All working areas cleaned & covered with either specially made tops or foil and taped. Be sure to check with the Rabbi regarding microwaves, dishwashers, blenders and mixers, or any other question. Throw away vacuum cleaner bags.

WHAT DO THE MEN WEAR AT SEDARS? The kittel. Now is your chance to buy your hubby or dad a beautiful kittel, tallis, tefillin, Kiddush cup, Hagaddah, or Pesach matzoh cover. Hubbies for wives.--a beautiful Siddur, machzor, hagaddah, apron, jewelry, etc. Kiddies should take a nap in order to stay alert during the Sedar (so should parents if possible).

WHAT ELSE? AFIKOMEN should be finished on first night before 1:26 am

Do not eat any matzoh BEFORE Sedorim. Set the 1st Sedar table during daytime - also, prepare the salt water, hard boiled eggs, Korbon Pesach for both nights.

We have a Commmittee called

 The Sunshine Committee.

Please notify the office or Chairman, Lorna Shulman (216-291-4233) if anyone is in the hospital or not feeling well or wants a visit. 

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Tape to Fridge   = candle lighting

Friday April 4 - Nisan 3 ParshaTazriah  6:35 pm7:46

Sunday April 6th Daylight Savings Time, ‘Spring’ forward one hour

Friday April 11 - Nisan 10 Parsha Metzora  7:44 pm8:58

Shabbas Hagadol Mincha 6:30 followed by Drasha The Subject-The Messianic Era and the World to Come

Everybody is invited for the Seuda Shlishi

Tuesday April 15thBedikas Chometz after nightfall 8:50 pm

Recite: “All manner of leaven which is in my possession that I have not seen or

have not destroyed shall be as naught and as the dust of the earth.”

Wednesday, April 16 - Nisan 14 Erev Pesach 7:50 pm

Fast of Firstborn Siyum service 6:40 am

Chometz may not be eaten after 11:00 am. [10:49 (Magen Avraham) 11:13 (shitat HaGra)]

Latest time for annulling Chometz 12:07 (shitat Magen Avraham) 12:19 (shitat HaGra)

Chometz items locked and sealed in marked area.

Before Yom Tov, during the day put away one cooked & one baked item for Eruv Tavshilin

Thursday April 17 - Nisan 15 1st Day of Passovernot before 9:09 pm

Counting of the Omer starts at night. Prayer for dew.

No preparation of work for second seder before 9:09

Friday April 18 - 16 Nisan 2nd Day of Passover7:51 pm

Sefirah 1 Morning Services 9:00 am.

Shabbos Yom Tov Chal Hamoed Reading of Shir Hashirim

Gemorah class 7:05, mincha 7:45

Tuesday April 22 - Nisan 20 Chol Hamoed Passover  by 7:54 pm

Sefirah 5

Wednesday April 23 - Nisan - 21 7th Day Passover not before 9:16

Sefirah 6 morning davening 9:00 Festive lunch at home after davening

Thursday April 24 - Nisan 22 8th Day Passover PesachAcharon Shel Pesach -

Yiskor is recited approximately 10:30 am followed by festive lunch at home

mincha/maariv 7:45 Pesach ends after 9:16 pm

Sefirah 7 Put away Pesach items before bringing up Chometz after Pesach

Friday April 25 - Nisan 24 Parsha Achre Mot7:57 pm Shabbos ends after 9:10

Shabbos Mevorchim Blessing of the New Month of Iyar Sefirah 8

Friday May 2 - Nisan 30 Parsha KedoshimRosh Chodesh Iyar8:05 pm ends after 9:26

page 5--continued from previous pageSefirah 15 ”

Friday May 9 - Iyar 8 Parsha Emor8:14 pmShabbos ends after 9:23

Sefirah 22

Friday May 16 - Iyar 15 Parsha Behar8:21 pm Shabbos ends after 9:30

Sefirah 29Pesach Sheini

Tuesday May 20 - Iyar 18 Lag B’Omer mourning is suspended on this day Sefirah period

suspended Sefirah 33 ---33rd Day of Counting the Omer weddings allowed



Mazel Tov:

Avner & Yelena Cohen on the Bar Mitzvah of Reuven

Francis Sensor & Arlene &Tuvia Bennet & Family on the birth of grand/ great granddaughter

Barbara and Martin Gulko on the birth of a grandson; Ester Adler on the birth of a grandson


Toda Raba Mr. Jack Mandel and his helpers--Toby Geduld, Betty Hoffer, Lorna Shulman, Barbara Schlesinger & Rose Nagler for making those yummy yummy Hamantoshin& thanksto everybody who helped with the Purim Seuda. It was fun, delicious, entertaining and enjoyed by all.

Happy Birthdays to: (April)

Robert Boyce, Dr. Sidney Cohen, Sylvia Cohen, Morris Cyncynatus, Ronald Fleeter, David Geduld, Dale Hartman, Marcia Hucul, Claire Lefkowitz, Yisroel Mendenhall, Abraham Metz, Dr. Joel Peerless, Albert Pollack, Judith Richman, Helen Rothman, Dorothy Samuels, Michael Shack, Manya Smilovich

Happy Anniversary to:

Mr. & Mrs. Isak & Marion Kampinsky, Mr. & Mrs. Harry & Margaret Schuster

Condolences to: Dr. Sidney Cohen on the passing of his father; The Family of Tillie Rosen;

Gerda Metz on the loss of her mother

Refuah Shelama to:

Arthur Lefkowitz, Yaacov Vogel, Ervin Mandelbaum, Channah Perkel, Edward Haas

 

Thank You to the following

for Sponsoring Kiddush, Shalosh Seudot & making donations &/or sending cards for various reasons &/or honors: 

 Rachel & Yaacov Vogel, Ed Haas & Claire & Art Lefkowitz thank everyone for their prayers & best wishes

- Jill & Mindy on the loss of Judy Richman’s father

-Moshe & Elaine Boyce in honor of all the kindness by Rabbi & Rebbitsin Shoshana

-Milane Aboody Yahrzeit Jacob Abram

-Rabbi & Mrs. Justin Hofmann - condolences to Hillel Seltzer & Family on the loss of father

-Zev Sharaby - donation

-Mrs.Sophia Kazina Tzedaka

-Mrs. Dorfman Tzedekah

-Kurt & Rita Kohr - condolences on the loss of Judy Richman’s father

page 6_ Donations Continued from page 5______”

-Lena Katz to Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Shulhof on the loss of mother, Florence Kahn

-Rachel & Jacob Vogel condolences on loss of mother to Bruce Thaip

-Irwin & Lorna Shulman-Mazel Tov to Francis Sensor on the birth of your great-granddaughter; in honor of A Safe and wonderful experience in Eretz Yisroel to Moshe & Elaine Boyce

-Marla & Martin Lipman - Seuda Shlishi in memory of her mother

-Alex Adleman Seuda Shlishi in Memory of mother

-Hyman & Esther Sherman Yahrzeit for AbeSherman

-Francis Sensor in Honor of great granddaughter Ariella Masha

-Hilda & Morry Blatt, Arsham-Katz Fund, in memory of Judy Bernsteins’s sister Anna

-Lena Katz, Arsham-Katz Fund, in memory of sister Anna& Get Well Jacob & Rachel Vogel

- Harold & Edith Schacter Shala Seuda in memory of his Father

-Arthur & Claire Lefkowitz & Tzedokkah

-Dr. Ervin & Ruth Levin in memory of grandmother, Golda Leah Levin

- Gloria W. Resnick Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund/ Hamantashin

- Charlotte Grossman; Get Well to Dr. Harold Fisher

-Dr. Fred & Katia Bolotin Tzedokah

- Zigmond & Gizella Jacobs; condolences to Mira Glazer on the loss of her Father & to Eva Goldner on the loss of her husband

- Alex & Betty Schnittlinger;Refuah Shelemah Jacob Vogel

- Yehoshua (Jay) Lipsey, Mazel Tov to Reuven Cohen on Bar Mitzvah & Thank You to Michelow & Bander Families

- Sam & Judy Richman condolences to the Family of Bill Hirsch

-Gladys & Aaron Ritzenberg in Honor of Anniversary

- Marjorie Graines in memory of Samual Zimet

- Helen & Fred Rothman; Refuah Shelemah Arthur Lefkowitz

- H Lenny & Penny Beer donation

- Lola Mandelbaum PurimGroggers

-Herbert & Toby Geduld in memory of Dr. Sidney

Cohen’s father; in memory of Lil Grunberger’s brother; Refuah Ed Haas & Art Lefkowitz

- Esther & Tamas Meuncz donation

- Max & Klara Heizler donation

-Charlotte Grossman Get well to Ivan Saunders

-Hanna & Abbie Fields Yahrzeit

Passover Appeal Moas Chitim

Meyer & Betty Hoffer Gershon & Mary Ireland

Rabbi Justin & Sofie Hofman Harold & Faig Males

David & Stephanie Garber Charles Zeitler & Sandra Schultz H Lenny & Penny Beer Dr. Bryan & Raizel Michelow Alex & Millie Charabry

Claire & Art Lefkowitz Marvin & Judy Gale

Mike Getz Jack Mandel

Moshe & Elaine Boyce Harry Nathan

Richard & Barbara Schlesinger Beatrice Weiser

Herbert Speiser Lena Katz

Esther & Tamas Meuncz Max & Klara Heizler

Neil & Isabel Parks Dr. Bela Glazer

Cy & Natalie Handler Harry & Marcy Tessler

Dianne Millstein Daniel & Randi Waxman


Yehoshua (Jay) Lipsey Alex Schnittlinger, Zigmond Jacobs Carl Berger

Gershon Ireland Rabbi Isadore Pickholtz, Alex Adleman Herbert Speiser

Mike Vasiil Aaron Ritzenberg

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What’s Cooking?


(Open wine bottles and boxes of matzos BEFORE YOM TOV)


2 apples grated or apple sauce. Mix with 2-3 Tbsp. wine, ½ cup ground nuts, cinnamon - to bind together as mortar.


Roast the gorgle (neck of chicken) and broil or roast the egg (betza), for Seder plate.

PASSOVER COOKIESGebrogt(cake meal or matza meal is Gegrogt)

2 eggs1 c potato starch

1 c sugar½ c oil

1 c cake meal3-4 tbsp. orange juice

If you have a doubt about a product being Kosher for Passover, clarify the question with your Rav (382-1958 or 381-6977) Avoid problems of chometz she’avar alav haPesach by selling your Chometz through your Rav

chocolate chips or raisins----Beat eggs, add sugar, then add rest of ingredients and beat. Add chocolate chips or raisins. Drop on greased baking sheet, sprinkle with sugar and bake at 3750 for 15 minutes. (Always check your own oven - oven temperatures vary


2 c sugar½ c potato starch

2/3 c margarine1 c matzo cake meal

4 eggs1 c chopped nuts, raisins

Mix well. Add 4 tbsp cocoa. Grease 9x13 pan and fold in mixture. Bake at 3500 for approximately 30-40 minutes.


(for not gebroks use potato pancake mix and a little potato starch)

2 stalks celery1 ½ c matzo meal

2 carrots1/ to ¾ c oil

l large onion(or zuccini)1 tsp paprika

salt to taste ------Grind celery, carrots and onion. Combine all ingredients until dough is formed. Bake in casserole or wrap in aluminum foil. Bake at 3500 for 1 ½ hours.


4 eggs separated¼ c sugar¼ c red wine

1 c grated raw carrots2 tbsp lemon juice

½ c shredded apples1/3 potato starch

First beat whites and set aside. Beat yolks until light. Add remaining ingredients. Fold whites. Bake in casserole dish at 3750 for 45 minutes.

BOULKES (rolls)

½ c margarine½ c matzo cake meal

1 c water1 ½ c matzo meal

1 tbsp sugarsalt to taste

4 eggs -----Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil and grease with oil. Combine margarine and water and bring to boil. Remove from heat. Pour boiled margarine and water over dry ingredients and wet thoroughly. Then add 4 eggs and beat. Shape into bagels or rolls with oiled hands and bake at 350-3750 for approximately 1 hour. (check your oven)

The Passover festival remains the test of Jewish longevity and devotion. The Laws of Passover are amongst the strictest we have in our religion. The Jewish wife certainly knows how difficult it is to usher in this Festival in the true sense of our Tradition but the reward is unique; no other season of the Jewish calendar offers us the profound assurance that Israel, the Jewish people are the chosen people as does the Passover with its countless beautiful ceremonies. We are brought face to face with our ancestors and we join the ranks of our people as they march forth from slavery to freedom, from darkness to great light. May the Passover bring us The Redemption for all our people and all our world.

Special Pesach Issue Inside





Cleveland, Ohio

Permit No. 3129

Beth Hamidrosh Hagodol

14270 Cedar Road

University Heights, Ohio 44121


Dr. Daniel Schur, Rabbi

Meyer Hoffer, President

Gershon Ireland, 1st V.P.

Jeffrey Muller 2nd VP

H. Leonard Beer, Treasurer

Moshe Boyce, Financial Sec’y

Neil Parks, Recording Sec’y

Arthur Lefkowitz, Sergeant-at-Arms

Gabboyim Fred Bolotin & Martin Lipman

Lena Katz and Randi Waxman, Administrative Staff

Betty Arsham, Volunteer