Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organisation

The Vision of Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh

Founder and CEO of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organisation


The Role of the Youth in Development and Prosperity of Society and Supporting National Economy through Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Muscat, July 9, 2013

TAG-Org boasts an array of services that it has developedin Oman since the Renaissance. I am proud that we have progressed hand-in-hand with the Sultanate in all fields and consider it an honour to have participated in this development, which is thanks to the productive business and investment environment that stimulates growth and economic development, not to mention the rule of the law.

In this brief introduction, I wanted to say that our talk about thedevelopment of business and enterprise reflects our 40 years of service tothis country, dating back, by coincidence, to the Renaissance.

The development and prosperity that we see today are due to the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed. He has provided safety and security to this country, the main bricks for the investment environment. Under his reign, plans and programs have been modernized to encourage developments in all fields including health, education, training and capacity building, with all benefiting from the ICT revolution.

Oman is light years ahead of other Arab countries in terms of attention given to the youth capacity building programs. We are proud to partnering the ICT Authority in a pilot project for the training of public servants on Cambridge IT Skills, a program duly accredited by Cambridge University and implemented by TAG-Org. Our aim is to eliminate the digital divide for public servants and private sector employees in using computers and granting them Cambridge International IT Diploma.

TAG-Org has also trained and qualified thousands Omanis in all professional fields (management, accounting, information technology, languages). We pride ourselves on providing pioneering and qualitative services on the basis of our social responsibility in Oman. For example:

  • The voluntary private project “Abu Ghazaleh Knowledge Center” in Muqnaiat city in Al DhahiraGovernorate. This model project trains and qualifies women.
  • A project for training and qualifying accredited trainers from those with special needs- deaf and dumb people - in IT skills. All participants in this project have obtained jobs and become productive members of society.
  • A project for training the sons of social security beneficiaries to obtain the Abu Ghazaleh IT Diploma.
  • A project for training the blind people to use IT skills.
  • Training and qualifying a group of Omani youth, including more than 60 male and female fresh graduates, to become the nucleus for small and medium sized enterprises for management of training programs, as well as to work with small existing institutions, including 15 secondary centers.
  • The successful project of knowledge society Omanization launched by TAG-Org in 2008 and accomplished in several stages.

On this occasion, we appreciate the decisions and initiatives taken in the SMEs seminar held for three days in Seih A Shamekhat in Bahla region under the sponsorship of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said. We also praise the prompt implementation of these decisions by establishing an independent authority that is responsible for running and supporting these SMEs, as well as the unification of the various funds under one fund called "Al Rafd Fund" to be headed by H.E. the Minister of Commerce and Industry to finance such projects. In this connection, I would like to stress that this decision is a strategic and prudent one given the fact that more than 80% of the successful projects and companies in the world are small and medium-sized, and represent magnitude weight in the economy where the young and graduates may be employed. These projects are vital to reducing unemployment.
We have great confidence in thechildren in the Sultanate of Oman as they have the ability and desire to develop their potential and to maketheir presence known in different institutions and businesses.
In terms of our other professional services, our Group is a leader among the institutions operational in the Sultanate. It provides a spectrum of services in the fields of auditing, intellectual property, consulting, training, legal consultations, translation, information technology, communications and educational consultations. Moreover, we have contributed to the establishment of several companies and projects, and we also organized and participated in most of the conferences hosted by Muscat over the past years as well.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization has transformed its business, activities and services in our80offices around the world to become a knowledge organization to keep up with the rapid developments in the information technology and communications sectors. We also focus on the development of higher education, where Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Graduate School of Business, and Talal Abu Ghazaleh University College have become established.