Haringey Local Safeguarding Children Board

My Say…

This leaflet is to help you take part in your Initial Child Protection Conference

It is very important that we know your views

Your social worker will fill this out with you


Conference participation for young people

Has the child protection conference been explained to you?



Has your social worker asked you for your views to put in their report for the conference?



Is there any information that you would like the child protection conference to know?



If yes, please write it here:

What would you like to change in your life?

What makes you feel that makes you feel sad, worried, scared or angry?

If you could change anything in your life, what would it be?

How safe do you normally feel in these places / with these people?

Is there someone who is important to you that you would like to be part of this Child Protection Conference?



If yes, please write their name here:

Has your social worker spoken to you about your rights, including your right to see your file, to complain and to have an advocate?



How would you like to be involved in your conference?

I want to come to part of the conference myself

I want to write down what I think for people to read at the conference

I want my social worker to tell the conference what I think

Is there another way you wish to participate? Please tell us how.

Is there anything else you think we should know now about you to help us at the Conference?

Thank you for telling us what you think – it is really important as it will help us make the best decisions for you. Well done!

If you would like this leaflet, providing information to help young people participate in a Child Protection Conference in your own language, please tick the box, complete and return this form to the Freepost address below.

Another language – please specify: ______

Please tell us if you would like a copy of this charter in any of the following formats, and send the form to the freepost address below:

In large print

On disk

On audio tape

In Braille

Name: ______



Haringey Council Translation and Interpretation Services

8th Floor, RiverPark House

225 High Road

London N22 8HQ