I/We support the aims of the Uganda Church Association and I/we wish to become a member/members & receive Newsletters

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Email address…………………………………. ………………....

* I/We enclose a Donation of £……......

* Please send me a Standing Order form, as I wish to make a regular payment through my bank.

*I wish to make donations under Gift Aid and have completed the enclosed Gift Aid declaration (If you are a UK taxpayer, this will enable us to add a further 25% to your donation in reclaimed tax)

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Signature…………………………...... Date………………

If you wish to become a member of the Association, please detach this half of the sheet, complete it and return it, with the completed Gift Aid Declaration (if appropriate) to:

Charles Woodd, Treasurer, UCA, 94 Harnham Road,

Salisbury, SP2 8JW

email: phone 01722 323447






Registered Charity Number 1015425

Helping you to keep in touch with God’s Church in Uganda and to support its work

The Uganda Church Association exists to:

  • Advance the work of the Church of Uganda by encouraging awareness, informed prayer, interest and financial support
  • Encourage links with and between Ugandan Christians in Britain
  • Have an informed concern for the wider Christian scene in Uganda and the well-being of people in every part of Uganda
  • Be a critical friend and genuine partner to the Church in Uganda
  • Foster strategic relationships and project support in Uganda

For current information, see

The Uganda Church Association’s main activities are:

  • Holding an Annual Reunion and Annual General Meeting (normally just after Easter) with invited speakers bringing recent news from Uganda and the opportunity for informal discussion.
  • Publishing an annual Newsletter with up-to-date news from across the Christian spectrum in Uganda, including the NGOs.
  • Through the annual Newsletter - Informing people of the life and work of the Church of Uganda, and stimulating prayer support.
  • Providing some financial support, particularly for some of the programmes of the Church of Uganda & theological training.

The AGM elects Officers andCommittee members, who meet two or three times a year, to take responsibility for the Association‘s activities.

President: The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda

Current Trustees and Officers of the Association:

Chair: Revd Amos Kasibante

Secretary: Rev Dr Michael Hunter

Newsletter Editor: Rev Dr. Kevin Ward

Treasurer and Membership Secretary: Charles Woodd

Committee member: Jenny Ottewell

Membership of the Uganda Church Association is open to all who have a concern for the Church in Uganda, and wish to support the work of the Association.


  • Individuals (and couples) of 18 years and over who wish to become members:

-receive a copy of the annual newsletter,

-can attend the Annual General Meeting,

-are able to support the Church in Uganda through informed prayer and through funding UCA’s grants programme.

There is no set membership fee, but the Committee suggest a minimum donation of £10 a year, which covers the cost of the newsletter, the annual meeting and the running of the Association. Donations of more than £10 will enable UCA to continue its valuable programme of grant support for training and ministry in the Church in Uganda.

If you wish to become a member, please complete and return the form overleaf to the Treasurer, Charles Woodd.

  • Corporate members,who are either fellowships of Ugandan Christians who are based in the UK and other Christian groups, orother charitable organisations that have a particular link with Uganda:

-receive two copies of the newsletter,

-can send representatives to the Annual General Meeting,

-can have a link on the UCA website in order to promote their existence and activities,

-are able to support the Church in Uganda through informed prayer and through funding UCA’s grants programme.

There is an annual Corporate membership fee of £50.

If your organisation is interested, please contact the Treasurer, Charles Woodd, at the address below for an application form and further details:

Charles Woodd, Treasurer, UCA, 94 Harnham Road,

Salisbury, SP2 8JW

email: phone 01722 323447