6th grade Advanced Language Arts Agenda for weekstwo through six of 4th quarter
Upcoming assignment due dates:
- The Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions are due Thurs., 3/29.
- The Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions are due Fri., 4/13.
- Lesson 15 vocab exercises are due Mon., 4/16.
- Lesson 16 vocab exercises are due Wed., 4/18.
- Short story unit assignment #1 is due Fri., 4/20.
- Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises, all problems, are due Tues., 4/24.
- Students will take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz on Thurs., 4/26.
- Short story unit assignment #2 is due Mon., 4/30.
Mon., 3/26
- Students will be able to identify demonstrative pronouns in sentences.
- Homework: students will read “The Luggage Store” and “The Off Season” before tomorrow’s class. The Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions are due this Thursday, 3/29.
Tues., 3/27
- Students will be able to identify interrogative and relative pronouns in sentences.
- Students will work on the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due this Thurs., 3/29.
Wed., 3/28
- Students will work on the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due tomorrow.
Thurs., 3/29
- Students will finish the Submission Four Martian Chronicles questions, which are due today.
- After you finish and share these questions with me, please begin reading the rest of The Martian Chronicles.
- Note: due to AZ Merit testing, we only have class on one day next week (Wednesday). Your assignment for Wednesday is to finish reading The Martian Chronicles.
Fri., 3/30
- No school today.
Mon., 4/2 and Tues., 4/3
- No class due to AZ Merit testing.
Wed., 4/4
- Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due on Fri., 4/13.
- Note: we only have class one class period before your Martian Chronicles questions are due, and that is next Thurs., 4/12; we don’t have class for the next five school days (Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday).
Thurs., 4/5, Fri., 4/6, Mon., 4/9, and Tues., 4/10
- No class due to AZ Merit testing.
Wed., 4/11
- No class today due to the B day schedule.
Thurs., 4/12
- Students will identify indefinite pronouns in sentences.
- Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due tomorrow.
Fri., 4/13
- Students will work on the Submission Five Martian Chronicles questions, which are due today.
- Homework due Monday: the Lesson 15 vocab exercises.
Mon., 4/16
- Students will check answers to the Lesson 15 vocab exercises, which are due today.
- Students will begin their literature group assignment today by reading the first story on their list of stories. The assignment for this first story is due this Friday, 4/20.
- Homework due Wednesday: the Lesson 16 vocab exercises.
Tues., 4/17
- No class today due to AZ Merit testing.
Wed., 4/18
- Students will check answers to the Lesson 16 vocab exercises, which are due today.
- Students will work on Exercise One in the pronouns packet in groups. The class will then reconvene as a large group and we will check answers.
Thurs., 4/19
- No class today due to AZ Merit testing.
Fri., 4/20
- Students will work on the assignment for story #1; this assignment is due today.
- If you finish your assignment, begin reading story #2 on your list.
Mon., 4/23
- Students will finish reading story #2 and will discuss the story with their group mates. Students will then begin working on the assignment for story #2.
- Homework due tomorrow: the Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises.
Tues., 4/24
- The Lessons 15-16 vocab review exercises are due today; please submit. Students will take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz on Thursday.
- Students will complete Exercise Two in the pronouns packet in class and will then check answers.
- Students will work on the assignment for story #2; this assignment is due no later than Mon., 4/30.
Wed., 4/25
- No class today due to the C day schedule.
Thurs., 4/26
- Students may have 10 minutes to study for today’s vocab quiz; students will then take the quiz.
- Students will work on the assignment for story #2, which is due by Monday. If students finish this assignment before the end of the period, they should begin reading story #3.
Fri., 4/27
- Students will complete Exercise Three in the pronouns packet in class and will then check answers.
- Any student who did not take the Lessons 15-16 vocab quiz yesterday should take it today.
- Students will work on the assignment for story #2, which is due by Monday. If students finish this assignment before the end of the period, they should begin reading story #3.