Agency Name: NAMI Central Iowa Date: August 25, 2015
1.What community services are addressed by the Agency’s ASSET funded services, and how do you determine the community need?
NAMI Central Iowa provides education, support, and advocacy for individuals living with mental illness and their family members. We educate the public about mental illness, helping to break the stigma that keeps people from getting help. We educate family members about the illnesses and treatments, helping them to be a better support to their loved one. We help people navigate the maze of mental health care, referring them to other agencies to help with specific needs. We offer weekly support groups for persons with mental illness where they are able to get out of isolation, share their stories, and receive understanding and support from others who know their situation. We run a Mental Health Wellness Center on weekday afternoons, offering a whole health approach to mental health recovery.We administer a loan fund for persons with mental illness who need help paying for basic needs. We are able to offer all these services free of charge and on a timely basis, which is important for people who are in crisis.
The community need is great. One in four families nationwide is affected by mental illness. Mental health services in Story County are stretched to the limit. NAMI Central Iowa is able to help fill in the gaps.
- Explain the coordinating efforts with other organizations and agencies in providing these services.
NAMI Central Iowa gives referrals to Eyerly Ball, Central Iowa Community Services, Optimae Life Services, and Community and Family Resources. We are a part of the county mental health task force. We sponsor acandidates’ forum with ARC of Story County.We have co-sponsored a number of community educational events with the Ames Public Library. Mary Greeley Medical Center Behavioral Health refers individuals and families to our services.
- Why is it appropriate to use ASSET funds for these services?
It is appropriate to use ASSET funds because, according to national statistics, one in four families in Story County is dealing with mental illness. By funding NAMI to provide education and support for these families and individuals, people will receive the support and guidance necessary to seek treatment and help in being productive citizens of our community.
- How do you locate individuals needing your services?
Individuals are referred by Eyerly Ball, Mary Greeley Medical Center, ACCESS, Central Iowa Community Services, and Optimae Life Services. Many respond to our listings in area newspapers and periodicals, as well as to posters and church bulletin announcements. Others find us through our website.
- How is the agency responsive to changing community needs, client/participant needs and advances in the area of service, and how are you preparing for these changes?
We reinstated our monthly family support group.We are empowering persons with mental illness by sending them to trainings and conferences which equip them to take leadership in our programs and in the community.We run a Mental Health Wellness Center that offers whole-health services. We are staying informed on any changes that Mental Health Redesign will bring. We have been coordinating with the region to offer services throughout the 10 counties within the region. We are also working towards establishing a NAMI on Campus program at ISU to reach the student population.
- What role does the agency Board of Directors play in the agency? (Advisory Board, decision-making, and/or policy setting capacity)
The NAMI Central Iowa Board of Directors is a decision-making, policy setting, working board that meets monthly.
7.What issues is the agency facing in continuing services and in meeting the demands for services?
NAMI Central Iowa is blessed with many volunteers who are willing to be trained to teach classes and lead support groups. However, providing weekly support groups and multiple educational programs each year stretches our limits,requiring us to constantly seek new people willing to volunteer in these leadership positions. Many require transportation assistance where NAMI then utilizes funds to help with transportation expenses for our volunteers.The workloads for the executive director and the Wellness Center Coordinator are growing as our services begin to stretch to all 10 counties in our region.
PROGRAM NAME: Assistance Fund 2.1a
1.How does this program prevent, eliminate or reduce problems in the community, OR, how does this program educate, rehabilitate or maintain a client/participant?
The Assistance Fund provides financial help to persons with mental illnessfor basic material needs when in a financial crisis. This loan has allowed participants to continue treatmentwith their medications, stay in their homes, get to their jobs, etc. It helps them to maintain independence and wellness.
PROGRAM NAME: Family and Consumer Education 4.3b
When a person is first diagnosed with mental illness, the treatment often requires a hospital stay and medications. However, time and financial constraints keep professionals from being able to provide education for the ill person, much less the family member who will be caring for the person. Our free educational classes provide much-needed information on the illnesses, medications, community resources, how to communicate with family members, and how to care for oneself. We also provide monthly educational programs on mental health topics for community members.
PROGRAM NAME: Family and Consumer Support 4.3b
Mental illness is an isolating illness because of the stigma attached to it caused by the lack of understanding in the community. Family and peer support groups provide a way out of isolation, a place to talk with those whounderstand. Talking with someone to share coping strategies and insights, as well as problems and concerns, can be an important link in the path to recovery.
PROGRAM NAME: Public Education and Awareness 4.3a
The stigma associated with mental illness often means that people go untreated rather than to admit their problem and see a doctor. Untreated persons with mental illness often do poorly on the job, contribute to dysfunctional families, and sometimes end up homeless or in prison. The public needs to be educated that mental illness is a biological disease that can be treated with medication, so that rather than stigmatizing someone with symptoms, they can be encouraged to seek help. NAMI Central Iowa is on a constant mission to reduce stigma through personal contacts, speaking to community groups, and contacting legislators.
PROGRAM NAME: Mental Health Wellness Center 4.3b
The center provides a place for persons with mental illness to come together for support, education, and activities that promote healthy living in all areas of life – a whole health approach to mental health recovery. It is open every weekday afternoon, and is staffed by a person with peer support specialist training. Coming to the center helps individuals living with mental illness leave their isolation and interact with peers who understand them.
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