The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, 27th November 2016, commencing at the conclusion of the Criterium Race to be held at Smeaton Way, Rockingham, WA.


  1. Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  2. To receive and consider :

(i)President’s Report to Members

(ii)Financial Statements for the 12 Months Ended 30th September 2016

  1. Summer Criterium Series
  2. Election of Committee members

a)Liam Magowan being eligible offers himself for re-election as President.

b)Mark Glorie being eligible offers himself for re-election as Vice-President.

c)Kurt Harmeris relinquishing his position as Secretary as such this position is up for nomination.

d)Hendrik Postma being eligible offers himself for re-election as Treasurer.

e)Dorte Nielsonis relinquishing her position as such this position is up for nomination.

f)Phil Edwards being eligible offers himself for re-election.

g)Roger Woolley being eligible offers himself for re-election.

h)Michael Vreeken being eligible offers himself for re-election.

i)Colin Rose has resigned his position as such this position is up for nomination.

j)The Position of Race Director as Adam Wise has resigned and as such, this position is up for nomination.

Other Business

a)Club Membership Fees

b)Club Volunteer Rosters

c)Club Championship Race (Club Members Only)

d)Any other business from the floor

NB. Rules for the Election of Committee (This information is important if you wish to nominate for a position on the Committee particularly if you are dissatisfied with the current Committee’s adoption of the new format for the summer Criterium season races which is a departure from our normal summer race program.)

CL28. Nomination for each candidate for election as office bearer or committee

member shall be proposed and seconded respectively by two (2) members at

the Annual General Meeting. Contested offices shall be subject to ballot at the

Annual General Meeting of the members present and voting thereon. This said

ballot is to be in secret.

CL29. No person shall be eligible for election unless they are a financial member of the


Cl30. The election for the office bearers and the other Committee members shall be

by ballot of members present and voting thereon, held at the Annual General

Meeting. No ballot shall be required when the number of candidates

Nominated for each office does not exceed the number of vacancies and they

shall be declared duly elected.

Please support your club by attending this meeting so that we can get your support and feedback on the running of our club.

Also if you wish to nominate for a position on the Committee please contact the Secretary Kurt Harmer so that an orderly process can be followed at the AGM.

K Harmer
