By: Sonu Bhutani
University Preparation
Big Ideas:
v Motion involves a change in the position of an object over time.
v Motion can be described using mathematical relationships.
v Many technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics have societal and
environmental implications
B1. Analyze technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
B2. Investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solve related problems;
B3. Demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.
Achievement Chart Key:
K/U-Knowledge and Understanding
C- Communication
I- Inquiry
A- Application
Lesson (Title and topic) / Expectation Codes / Lesson Strategy and Assessment / Evaluation including criteria addressed from Achievement ChartLesson 1:
Introduction to Motion-Scalars & vectors.
Position, Displacement, Distance, Speed, Velocity.
Time and time intervals, Average velocity And Average speed
By the end of lesson students would be able to
· Differentiate between scalar & vector quantities.
· Describe & provide examples of how the position & displacement of an object are vector quantities.
· Analyze problems with variable of time, position, displacement and velocity / B 2.1
B 3.2 / Lecture: Explain the introductory terms with help of examples.
Cooperative activity method- map with different location of an object is provided. Distance and displacement is to be calculated.
Lecture method: Concept of Average speed and Average velocity
Formula to calculate average velocity
Example- How to calculate average velocity
(GRASS method)
1. Problem solving(Group activity) – numerical is given for calculating average velocity
Worksheet is given / K/U & C
Check the involvement in group activities
Check the worksheet
Position-Time graphs
By the end of lesson students will be able to
· Draw diagrams to show how the position of the object changes over a number of time intervals.
· Analyze position and time data to determine the speed of an object. / B 2.2
B 2.7 / Brainstorm- To review concepts
Lecture: To interpret Position –Time graphs and how to find slope of the graph to find velocity
Video is shown
Group Activity: To interpret position time graphs with help of given data and to calculate slope to find average velocity
Worksheet is given / K/U & C
Brainstormed response
Group activity involvement
Checking worksheet
Uniform & Non Uniform Motion
Constant, Average and Instantaneous velocity.
Velocity Time Graph
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Analyze the problem related to average and instantaneous velocity.
· Differentiate between uniform and non uniform motion with examples.
· Find instantaneous velocity with help of position time graphs and to interpret velocity time graphs. / B 2.2
B 2.7
B 3.1
B 3.2 / Lecture: describing uniform and non uniform motion with the help of examples.
Explaining instantaneous, constant and average velocity and how to calculate them.
Video: www.physicsclassroom.com Animation is shown on
Average vs. instantaneous speed
The passing lane(p-t graph)
The passing lane (v-t graph)
Assessment: Worksheet is given / K/U
Checking worksheet
Investigating Constant Velocity
By the end of lesson student will be able to
· Generate position time graph
· Calculate the average velocity for the entire period / B 2.4
B 2.7 / Experimenting:
Graphing uniform motion
Students perform the portions of designated lab in which they generate a position time graph using Motion Sensor & Spark Timer & submit the task sheet at the end of the lab. / K/U & I
Safe and appropriate lab technique
Position Time graph
Velocity time graph
By the end of the lesson student will be able to
· Draw position time graph and velocity time graph in an effective manner.
· Calculate slope of position time graph to find average speed. / B2.1
B2.7 / Computer simulation
Gizmos Lab
Students would be working on computer simulation, fill the exploration sheet provided and submit it at the end of Lab activity / K/U & A
Checking the exploration sheet.
Uniform and Non-Uniform acceleration
Average, constant and instantaneous acceleration
Problems related to acceleration
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Define and describe the concept of acceleration
· Relate the direction of acceleration to the direction of a change in velocity
· Solve numerical based on average and instantaneous acceleration / B2.1
B3.1 / Lecture method:
Explaining the concept of positive and negative acceleration, average, constant and instantaneous acceleration with the help of examples
Explain uniform and non-uniform acceleration with help of concept organizer
Power Point Presentation-Presenting systematic steps to show how to calculate average and instantaneous acceleration
Worksheet is given
/ K/U & C
Checking the Worksheet
Lab: Investigating non-uniform motion
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Analyze and interpret v-t, p-t and a-t graph
· Communicate results / B 2.2
B 2.4
B 2.7 / Experimenting:
Students will perform the designated lab in which they will graph the motion of vans with help of given position time data and will submit task sheet at the end of the lab. / I & C
By checking appropriate lab technique
By checking observation table and graphs drawn
Mathematical models of motion-
Equation of motion for uniform acceleration
Deriving the kinematic situation and solve problems based on it
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Identify the variables and equations used to mathematically model the motion of an object.
· Apply quantitative relationships among displacement, velocity & acceleration.
· Develop problem-solving skills and strategies through the analysis and synthesis of information. / B 2.2
B 2.3
B 2.7 / Lecture:
Explaining how to derive equation of motion with help of systematic steps
Problem solving method :
Presenting systematic steps to show how to solve numerical based on equation of motion
Students are involved in the process by questioning technique
Worksheet is given / K/U
Checking the worksheet
Solving numerical related to equation of motion (contd...)
No new learning goals. / B2.2
B2.7 / Brainstorming:
Asking questions about equations of motion
Concept mapping-Students will be given problems based on equations of motion with key words to solve the problems. They will draw concept map and discuss in their groups.
After discussion one of member of group will present the concept map in front of class and another members can describe the steps to solve the problem / K/U & C
Observing concept map
Involvement in group activity
Free fall and acceleration due to gravity and numerical related to it
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Understand the concept of free fall
· Describe acceleration due to gravity
· Solve the problems related to free fall / B 2.7
B 3.1 / Lecture Method:
Explain the concept of free fall and acceleration due to gravity with help of examples
Video: www.fearofphysics.com/Fall/fall video.html
Problem solving method-Systematic steps will be shown to solve the numerical related to free fall.
Assessment-Worksheet is given / K/U
Checking the worksheet
Lab Investigation: Acceleration due to gravity
By the end of lab students will be able to
· Verify that acceleration due to gravity is uniform and independent of mass
· Determine the numerical value of acceleration due to gravity / B 2.4 / Laboratory Method:
Students will perform designated lab in which they will determine value of acceleration due to gravity using spark timer and will submit the task sheet at the end of the lab. / I & C
Checking the observation table
Checking graphs drawn and conclusion
Revision-Kinematics in 1-D
No new learning goals. / Quiz: Short questions are asked to revise concepts and formulae
Group Activity: Focused learning
Students are given an assignment containing some problems with hints, they are supposed to write steps how to solve, discuss with their group members and submit assignment at the end of activity. / K/U & C
Quiz response
Involvement in Group discussion
Check Assignment
Kinematics in 2-D: Vectors in a plane-Displacement vector
Addition & subtraction of vectors.
Problems involving motion in a horizontal plane.
By the end of lesson students will be able to
· Draw vector scale diagrams to visualize and analyze the nature of motion in a plane.
· Analyze motion by using scale diagrams to add and subtract vectors.
· Solve problems involving motion in a horizontal plane. / B2.5
B3.2 / Lecture Method:
Introduction of key terms vector diagram, co-ordinate system and resultant vector.
Addition and subtraction of vectors through
Computer simulation: http://phet.colorado.edu/sims/vector-addition
Problem solving method: Systematic steps are shown to solve problem involving motion in horizontal plane with help of vectors.
Worksheet is given to students / K/U & C
By checking worksheet
Relative velocities and vectors
Calculation of relative velocity.
By the end of lesson students will be able to
· Describe the motion of an object that is in a moving medium using vector.
· Analyze quantitatively the motion of an object relative to different reference frame. / B2.5
B2.6 / Lecture Method:
Explain concept of relative velocity and examples how to calculate relative velocity.
Co-operative learning method-In groups, students are given problems with Audio Guided Solution: www.physicsclassroom.com/calcpad
Students are supposed to submit the solutions / K/U & C
Involvement in group activity
By checking solutions
Vectors Revision
Vector components and related problems
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Apply vector definitions of position, displacement, velocity and acceleration to motion in a plane.
· Solve quantitative problems of motion in a plane. / B2.5
B2.6 / Quiz-Vectors
Components of vectors:
Power Point presentation: www.cpo.com/home/portals/2/
AActivity: Think pair & share
Students are supposed to solve the problems with hints given.
Worksheet is given / K/U & C
Quiz response
Involvement in group activity
By checking worksheet
Projectiles in 2-D
Characteristics of a projectile
Horizontally launched projectile and related problems
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
· Describe a projectile and it’s characteristics with help of examples
· Find expressions for range, time of flight and maximum height for a horizontally launched projectile
· Solve problems based on horizontally launched projectile. / B2.8
B3.3 / Lecture cum demonstration method:
Explain the concept of projectile, it’s trajectory, and characteristics showing animation:
Lecture Method:
Deriving kinematics equations for horizontal and vertical motion and expressions for range, maximum height and time of flight for horizontally launched projectile.
Problem solving method: Showing systematic steps how to find solutions of problems related to horizontally launched projectiles involving students at each step of calculation.
Worksheet is given / Involvement of students in problem solving
Checking worksheet
Non-horizontally launched projectile and related problems
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Describe the motion f a non-horizontally launched projectile with help of example
· Derive kinematic equations and expressions for range, maximum height and time of flight for a non-horizontally launched projectile
· Solve problems related to non-horizontally launched projectile / B 2.8
B3.3 / Brainstorming-Asking questions related to a projectile
Computer simulation: Showing the motion of a non-horizontally launched projectile.
Lecture: Derive kinematic equations and expressions for range and time of flight for non-horizontally launched projectile.
Problem solving method: Systematic steps are shown to solve problems related to non-horizontally launched projectile
Worksheet is given / Brainstormed response
Checking the worksheet
Problems related to Projectile motion(practice)
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
· Solve problems based on projectile motion more comfortably and accurately / B2.9
B3.3 / Activity:
Computer simulation(Gizmos lab)
Students would be working on computer simulation-golf range and they will submit the exploration sheet provided to them at the end of the Lab activity / K/U & A
Checking the exploration sheet
Culminating activity
No new learning goals / Summative assessment / Culminating activity presentation
Unit Test
No new learning goals / Summative assessment / Checking Unit Test
Accommodations for Special Needs and ELL:
v Encouraging High achieving peers to assist the Special needs/ELL students in one to one settings.
v As multiple instructional models stimulate multiple senses, using hand on instruction, audio visual materials, games, pictures and flash cards.
v Present with material and solution that are realistic and relevant to these students’ lives.
v Providing these students with extra time, computer options, assistive technology etc.
v Providing more enrichment sheets to these students to practice.
v Using co-operative learning setting, role play, field trips and games that may help to see natural/contextualized language.