Grade 3
Goal 2

Unit 2

Debra Hall
Danielle McCaslin



I. Grade Level: 3

II. Unit Title: Soils

III. Unit Length: 9 Weeks

IV. Major Unit Goal/Learning Outcome:

The learner will be able to:

·  identify how properties of soil influence the soils ability of hold water

·  conduct investigations analyzing how soil type affects water absorption rates

·  identify the properties of soil that support most plant growth

·  list the basic parts of soil, humus, sand, and clay

·  explain how composting recycles discarded plant and animal materials

·  determine how heat aids in the decay of plant material in a compost pile

V. Objective Chart and RBT Tags

Unit Title: Soils / Number of Weeks: 9
Number / Competency or Objective / RBT Tag
2.01 / Observe and describe the properties of soil: color, texture, capacity to hold water. / A4
2.02 / Investigate and observe that different soils absorb water at different rates. / C5
2.03 / Determine ability of soil to support the growth of many plants, including those important to our food supply. / B5
2.04 / Identify the basic components of soil: sand, clay, humus / A1
2.05 / Determine how composting can be used to recycle discarded plant and animal material. / B2
2.06 / Determine the relationship between heat and decaying plant matter in a compost pile. / B2

VI. ELD/EC: English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science.

VII. Vocabulary:

soil, organic, inorganic, humidity, weather, temperature, organisms, humus, decomposition, decomposes, vegetation, nutrients, absorption, compost, vermicompost, bacteria, microbes, thermophiles, topsoil, weathering, particles, eroded, cultivation, rocks, minerals, clay, silt, sediment, sieves, sand, gravel, pebbles, loams, percolation, red wigglers

VIII. Materials Needed:

IX. Big Ideas:

Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry

·  Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry

·  Understanding about scientific inquiry

Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science

·  Properties of earth materials

Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

·  Types of resources

·  Changes in environment

X. Unit Notes:

Teacher Notes:

·  A book is a great lead in for a lesson.

·  Experiments need to be set up ahead of time.

·  Examples need to be tried by the teacher before doing it with the students.

·  Examples of a finished product need to be put together ahead of time.

·  Materials can be modified and changed as necessary.

·  Be sure you have all rules in place before an experiment begins.

·  This unit is designed to be interactive and fun.

Content Blast: Specific science content is included for Lessons 1-9.

Unit Overview: Human life on earth exists on a thin, fragile layer of topsoil (apple skin activity). This layer takes years and years to form but is being washed away or exhausted at an accelerating pace. Surprisingly complex, topsoil is a mixture of organic and inorganic matter (compost and worm habitat activities). Organic matter---things that were once alive---breaks down over time with the help of living organisms (pumpkin, worm habitat and compost activities). The rock cycle happens when rocks form, wear away and fall to the ground as particles, some smaller than others (particle size sorting and sieving activities). The type of soil, and whether or not it can support life, depends on the type of rock from which it was derived as well as the amount and type of organic matter in it. Some soil allows water to percolate through it, but still holds onto enough water to fulfill the needs of living organisms. Some soil holds no water at all---the water passes directly through the large particles. Some soil has particles so small that no water can pass through it (percolation test and other testing activities). The difference in particle size can be seen in many ways (sediment testing) and has a direct effect on the ability of soil to support life. The right combination of organic and inorganic materials creates the best soil for plant growth.



·  From Seed to Plant by Jan Kottke

·  Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell

·  Diary of a Worm by Doreen Cronin

·  The Magic School Bus Meets the Rot Squad by Linda Beech


NC SCS Grade 3

/ 21st Century Skills / Activity

*Check with your media specialist or the local library for additional books on soils to be used as additional supplemental materials.

XI. Global Content

Communication Skills
2.03 / Conveying thought or opinions effectively / Lesson 2
2.03 / When presenting information, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant information / Lesson 2
2.01, 2.02 / Explaining a concept to others / Lesson 8
Interviewing others or being interviewed
Computer Knowledge
Using word-processing and database programs
Developing visual aides for presentations
Using a computer for communication
Learning new software programs
Employability Skills
2.05, 2.06 / Assuming responsibility for own learning / Lesson 3
2.05, 2.06 / Persisting until job is completed / Lessons 1, 3
All Objectives / Working independently / All Lessons
Developing career interest/goals
All Objectives / Responding to criticism or questions / All Lessons
Information-retrieval Skills
Searching for information via the computer
Searching for print information
Searching for information using community members
Language Skills - Reading
All Objectives / Following written directions / All Lessons
All Objectives / Identifying cause and effect relationships / All Lessons
All Objectives / Summarizing main points after reading / All Lessons
All Objectives / Locating and choosing appropriate reference materials / All Lessons
All Objectives / Reading for personal learning / All Lessons
Language Skill - Writing
All Objectives / Using language accurately / All Lessons
All Objectives / Organizing and relating ideas when writing / All Lessons
All Objectives / Proofing and Editing / All Lessons
All Objectives / Synthesizing information from several sources / All Lessons
All Objectives / Documenting sources / All Lessons
Developing an outline
Writing to persuade or justify a position
Creating memos, letters, other forms of correspondence
All Objectives / Taking initiative / All Lessons
All Objectives / Working on a team / All Lessons
Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills
All Objectives / Identifying key problems or questions / All Lessons
All Objectives / Evaluating results / All Lessons
All Objectives / Developing strategies to address problems / All Lessons
Developing an action plan or timeline

Lessons and Objectives:

Lesson One: Where Does the Pumpkin Go? 2.05

Lesson Two: Apple Earth 2.03

Lesson Three: Compost and Vermicomposting 2.05, 2.06

Lesson Four: Sediment Testing 2.04

Lesson Five: Soil Layering 2.01, 2.04

Lesson Six: Soil Sieves 2.01

Lesson Seven: Soakin’ it Up! 2.02, 2.03

Lesson Eight: Squeezing Through 2.01, 2.02

Lesson One: Where Does the Pumpkin Go?

*This activity could be done at any point in the year using a food item similar to a pumpkin. (Ex. watermelon, squash, cantaloupe)


2.05 Determine how composting can be used to recycle discarded plant and animal material.

ELDSCS (2003):

Listen and respond to familiar simple questions with modeling and prompting.

Understand and follow two-step and three-step directions with very little difficulty.

LEP Modifications: Begin the unit by starting a vocabulary list that will be used throughout the lessons that follow. The list should be ongoing and include images that will help students visualize unfamiliar words and concepts. Reading a book prior to the lesson will help build background on the topic with students. Books related to the topic include, From Seed to Plant by Jan Kottke and Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubbell.

Essential Question: What happens to a pumpkin when it rots?

Time: two 45-minute periods for initial activity, observational visits to the pumpkins, minimum weekly visits of 20-minute time periods to the pumpkins for data collection, observations, and science notebooking

Content Blast: Soil is composed of organic and inorganic materials. Organic materials come from things that were once living but are no longer alive. The material breaks down into simpler compounds over time. The rate of material break down depends on many factors: humidity, weather, temperature, and organisms. Humus is the word used to describe the organic matter incorporated into soil. states that humus is the:

“Nonliving, finely divided organic matter in soil, derived from microbial decomposition of plant and animal substances. Ranging in color from brown to black, it consists primarily of carbon but also contains nitrogen and smaller amounts of phosphorus and sulfur. As it decomposes, its components are changed into forms usable by plants. Humus is classified according to how well it is incorporated into the mineral soil, the types of organisms involved in its decomposition, and the vegetation from which it is derived. It is valued by farmers and gardeners, because it provides nutrients essential for plant growth, increases the soil's water absorption, and improves soil workability.”[1]

The following activity will allow students to observe what is occurring in the soil constantly.


Per Group: (four or five students) / Per Class:
·  one small pumpkin / ·  bathroom scale
·  measuring tape / ·  knife
·  Scoop / ·  chart paper
·  bowl for pulp and seeds / ·  digital camera (optional)
·  newspapers
·  pencils / Per Student:
·  crayons / ·  notebook
·  paper / ·  pencil

Process Skills: Communicate, Predict, Infer, Classify, Measure, Observe


·  Prior to starting the investigation, purchase (or ask for parent donations of) one small pumpkin per student group.

·  Use a knife to open the top of each pumpkin so that students can scoop out the pulp and seeds.

·  Lay newspaper over students’ work areas.

·  Place a scoop and bowl on work areas.

·  Locate an area outside of the school where pumpkins can be placed and easily observed.

·  Create a table on chart paper such as the one below for students to record the results of their initial observations.

Classroom Pumpkin Observation Chart:

Group #

/ Original Weight / Weight after Seeds Removed / Weight after Carving (opt.) /


(cm) / Width

Engage: Ask the students, “What will a jack o’ lantern look like in the spring if it was left on the doorstep since fall?” Accept all answers. (If the class currently has a compost or vermicompost bin, students may already have an idea that the pumpkin will break down over time.)

Explore: Distribute the pumpkins to the students. Ask the students what properties can be observed and measured. Have students draw a picture of their group pumpkin in their science notebook. (Encourage accurate illustrations.)

Instruct students to use the measuring tape to determine the pumpkin’s height and width. Have students record their results in their science notebooks.

Have each group weigh their pumpkin using the bathroom scale and record the weight in the column marked “Original Weight on the classroom chart.

Ask students to estimate how much their pumpkin will weigh after all of the seeds and pulp are removed. Have students record their estimates in their science notebooks. Allow students to scoop out as much of the pumpkin insides as possible and place it in the bowl. Have students weigh the pumpkin again and record the results in “Weight after Seeds Removed” column of the data table.

Optional Step One: Carve the pumpkins. Have the students weigh the pumpkin again and record the results in “Weight after Carving” column in the data table.

Review and discuss the completed chart with the class.

Optional Step Two: Use a digital camera to take pictures of each pumpkin. Make copies so that each student has one for their notebooks. (If there is no access to a digital camera, have students draw a picture of the pumpkin.)

Take each pumpkin outside and place it on the ground directly on the soil.

Have students return to observe their pumpkin weekly and draw a picture in their notebooks to show how the pumpkin looks each time they observe it. Use the data table below to record observations. Optional: Take a digital picture for a class chart at least once a week.

Date / Observations / Height
(cm) / Width

During the investigation, circulate and observe students’ work. Review student notebooks after each visit to the pumpkin.

Explain: Discuss with students what is happening to the pumpkin and why. Have students explain their understanding of decomposition (rotting). Answer the questions, “What happened to the material that was there?” and “Where did it go?”

Elaborate: Students can use the same process on another fruit or vegetable to compare the decomposition data.

Evaluate: For a final assessment, have students draw a series of pictures about their pumpkin with detailed comments about what’s happening at each stage and explain.

For a more involved investigation about plant decomposition, see the Bottle Biology™ website for instructions on how to build a Decomposition Column.

Additional Web Resources:

Concept to Classroom: Lesson Plans

Urban Ecology Waste Reduction Project

Ecological & Environmental Learning Services

Microbe Zoo

Lesson Two: Apple Earth


2.03 Determine the ability of soil to support the growth of many plants including those important to our food supply.

ELDSCS (2003):

Understand and follow two-step and three-step directions with modeling and prompting.

Use vocabulary effectively to participate in academic conversations with classmates.

LEP Modifications: Continue to build background knowledge with students. Prior to lesson, show the globe to students. Explain to students the Earth is made of land and water. Use pull-down map so students can see most of the Earth is water (blue). In order to grow the food we need, we must grow it on the land. Point out the blue sections of the globe is water and therefore unable to grow food.

Essential Question: How might human activity affect the ability of the earth’s layer of topsoil to support plant growth?

Time: one 45-minute period (optional elaborate activity: one 45-minute period)

Content Blast: Topsoil takes a very long time to form. Ten centimeters of topsoil is the result of hundreds of years of weathering to break down the parent rock into soil particles. All of our food ultimately depends on this thin, fragile layer of soil. There’s not much of it and what exists is being eroded away faster than it can be produced. This demonstration is a dramatic illustration of how small a layer stands between living organisms and the ability to stay alive.