General Membership Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 14, 2015 @ 7:00pm
Dahlin residence
Attendance: Brian O'Connor, Theresa Roberts, Colleen Dahlin, Eric Dahlin, Mel Cutrie, Steve Roberts, Sue Moon, Larry Martin
Absent: Kirsten Shoemaker, Jeff Boulter, Abraham Alpuerto
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm
1) President’s Report - Brian O'Connor -
a) The November minutes were approved - 1st by Colleen Dahlin, 2nd by Sue Moon.
b) Now that Anthony from the Silver Knights is gone, Brian is having trouble getting in touch with them to set up a training/game night. Larry said he would contact Tommy Tanner directly. We are still willing to have a banner if it can be done soon - before getting too close to the end of the season.
2) Secretary’s Report – Theresa Roberts –
a) The new website is live. The only thing missing is the link to the online registration. That will be set up once Mel gives the go-ahead.
b) If any team would like an account so they can update their team pages let Theresa know and she will create one for you.
3) this registration system is managed by League Sports ServiceTheTreasurer’s Report - Eric Dahlin -
a) ShowX was added to the accounts.
b) The Sparks have disbanded. Eric will divide the money left in their account amongst all of the teams. c) Brian O'Connor requested that the money left in the Bears account be donated to the boys JV soccer team in the fall to go toward warm-ups or whatever. Most of the kids on the JV team played on the Bears.
d) Steve Roberts would like the Lady Bears money to go to the girls varsity team in the fall.
4) BobRegistrar's Report - Mel Cutrie -
a) Mel is currently registering everyone in both the old and new systems. She hopes to be done by December 18th. At that point Theresa will add the link to the website so parents can register online.
b) Registration will go up to $35.00. The extra $5.00 should be more than enough to cover the cost of Sport Ngin so Mel suggested giving the remainder of the money to the teams. Theresa 2nd the motion.
c) Once the players are registered, the parents will get an e-mail telling them to create a Sport Ngin account.
d) All payments will be made through Sport Ngin.
e) Coaches and Managers will not need to register through Sport Ngin. They can still download the registration form from the website off the Registration page.
5) Vice President’s Report – Steve Roberts - The website domain name has been transferred to Blue Host under Steve's account since it was significantly cheaper to do it that way.
6) New Business:
a) Larry Martin may create two girls teams - a U16 and a younger group.
7) Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 18th, 2015, at 7:00pm.
8) The meeting adjourned at 8:00p.m.