Newmarket Kitchen How To
Welcome to Newmarket Kitchen. We are thrilled to have you join our community. And more than anything community is what defines us and informs all we do. And, as one would expect from a tight, aspirational community, we have standards of excellence and expectations of conduct for our members.
Simply, we are a community of contribution. Each of us expects, foremost of ourselves and then of others, that I - and then we - contributes to the cleanliness, safety, efficiency, positivity, and mission of Newmarket Kitchen and its members.
Our easy shorthand for conduct is Consideration, Conscientiousness, and Cleanliness. First, be always considerate of the other members and your impact. This is a shared environment; the old adage "Good fences make good neighbours" does not pertain, so please be mindful of your behaviour and actions and how you may impact others, either in the moment or after you leave.
Be ever conscientious of our building. Close doors, turn off equipment, clean dishes, scrub tables, be helpful when you can, and try to be a force of positivity when possible. Be conscientious before you come to the kitchen by planning extra time to clean. Be conscientious when you are here by being lean, efficient, organized, and cleaning while you work. And be conscientious after you leave by ensuring your food is labelled, fridge doors are closed, equipment is off, and the building is secure.
And, lastly, be clean. When you have cleaned, clean again. Double check your efforts. Don't leave a job to be done by the next person. Take pride in your space. And the entire building is your space! Think to yourself "Without me, there is no cleanliness" for if we each assume this sort of personal responsibility then there will be no filth.
What you find below is a guide to action - a user manual and Standards of Excellence for Newmarket Kitchen. With the mind-set above and the specifics below, we can meet and exceed these standards, an effort that will see all of our businesses flourish.
Parking - Parking is available to all members while they are working. Parking to front is limited and all Members need to be conscientious to all stakeholders in the area.
Loading Bay Gate - The loading gate should remain open only for the exact moments that items are passing through the gate. It should be closed immediately. Do not leave it open while cleaning, transporting or prepping. This affects the temperature considerably in the kitchen and is a pest control issue. This can break the HVAC systems and lead to rat and pest infestations.
The loading bay is used for our market on Fridays and deliveries are prohibited between 11and 4pm.
Doors - Ensure that doors are closed behind you.
Office Usage - All members are welcome and encouraged to use the front office to conduct meetings, work on their computers, eat, and to hang out. This is a community space.
Upstairs Office - The upstairs office is for members that have office space in their membership.
Conference Room/Supper Club - This space is open to all members to use. Preference is given to any member who needs to hold a meeting, with further preference given to members who have office space in their membership. This space can be used for working, eating and hanging about.
Security Code - Every member and some of our vendors have their own code. Your code is unique to you and you will be held responsible for it’s use. Do not share this with anyone. Visitors are not allowed to use your code. Please let them in yourself.
Printer - The printer in the upstairs office is available to all members. Keep it turned on and replenish the paper and ink when they are empty.
Wireless Internet - The wireless network and password are posted in the front office. The wireless internet is only for members use. Password: “joingrowgain”
Garage Doors - Garage doors must be closed and pushed into a completely flush position with the floor. The chain must then be locked into place, so that you can not enter from the outside. Do not slam the doors, as this will cause it to come off the track.
Shared Equipment (We will be getting equipment in the future) - Equipment and tools in the shared equipment center or anything labeled NK, is available for you to use. There is no expectation that there is enough equipment to always supply each member. When you use something, it is expected that you return it to exactly where you took it from. Do not leave items out to dry. Dry them and return them. Do not leave until all shared equipment is returned.
3-Pot Sink –(The sinks either side of dish-washer).The sink area is to be used in accordance with HSE standards that everyone is responsible for. The sink should be used as is indicated and as follows: Wash, Rinse, Sanitize. Fill each sink to the appropriate level with each water and chemical mix. When finished, remove drain stopper, insert drain net and drain. When it has drained, dump the mess and scrub the sink and surrounding area including the walls and floors. There should be no food residue and no left over equipment and tools.
Dishwasher - Before using dishwasher, dump all residue into the trash and pre-rinse in the sink adjacent. Fill a dish rack before running the dishwasher. It works best when it is used to its capacity. The temperature should be in the green area on the thermometer attached and the PH should be showing up between 70 – 80 degrees C.
Cleaning - You are responsible for cleaning everything you use. This includes your station, any equipment, the floor and walls around you. You are expected to scrub your station with soapy water and to mop your floor area. After soaping and scrubbing your station and equipment you use, you are expected to sanitize with the sanitizer spray or the sanitizer pot sink.
Hood Fan - Turn on when using the hot line. Turn off when finished.
Ovens - All the ovens have on and off switches. Properly turn off the oven when you are finished with it. All members must receive training and sign off on how to work the oven before using. The hood must be turned on while operating the ovens.
Stoves - The stoves must be turned off after use and cleaned. They must be wiped down on the front and sides.
Walk-ins - The walk in doors must remain closed. Close the door behind you when you enter the walk-ins. By leaving the door open, all the food is being exposed to unsafe temperatures.
Trash/Recycling/Compost - Every member is responsible for full compliance with our disposal program. Follow the signs that are posted in each room of the kitchen. When the bags/buckets are full, please take them out to the appropriate canister and put a new bag/bucket back in. Do not overload the cans and wait for someone else to remove them. Break down all boxes and bring to recycling. Do not leave boxes intact as they take up too much room. All boxes should lay flat.
Oil Waste - Oil waste should be deposited in the black metal container in the corner of the Lot.
Boxes - Boxes must be broken down and put in bins.
Cotton Towels - Each member will be given towels and aprons each week, quantities based on size of membership. Towels and aprons will be placed in each member’s cubby. Do not throw away towels. Put all towels in the dirty linen bag. If a towel is not dirty and you are still working, do not put it in the dirty linens.
Paper Towels/Toilet Paper - When these are emptied, it is expected that whomever emptied them would fill them up. The keys are located in the front room and the paper products are on the Newmarket Kitchen shelf.
Plastic Wrap/Foil/Gloves/Parchment - Newmarket Kitchen supplies these items because everyone will use them and it saves space for us to supply them to everyone in the kitchen. This is by no means an entitlement with the membership but rather a policy we are enacting to help the members grow their business. We will do our diligence to supply these items at all times. These are only to be used in the kitchen and not for outside events.
Storage - Designated storage is the only storage that can be used. Do not store on others shelves. Do not store on empty shelves. Store only on shelves labelled as yours. Do not store on the ground in any situation, whether it is in the pantry, or near your station. If you need to use more storage than you have, please contact management to let them know whether it is a temporary one day need, or a long term need.
Dating/Labelling - All items in storage, whether the fridge, freezer, pantry or under station, need to be labelled with the date and the contents. Everything at all times should have this.
FIFO - First In, First Out. Your storage practices should reflect this. All items in storage should be organized so that the older items are used first. When putting new items in storage, they should go behind old items, so that there is never old product going bad on the back of a shelf. This should be followed at all times.
Bakery Use –We do not have a Bakery yet!
Deliveries - Deliveries should be scheduled for the early morning or overnight and the delivery person should know where to put everything. If in this situation, does not work, then arrangements need to be made to be at the kitchen at the time of the delivery, so that it can be stored properly and signed for. Do not expect others to sign and store your deliveries. Do show up as close to the time of delivery as possible to put it away. If you cannot do this, please communicate this with management.
Music - Music is allowed, as long as it is agreeable to other members. Do not infringe upon the space of other members and do not play music at an unreasonable level.
Hair Restraints - A hair restraint of some kind should be worn at all times in the kitchen. A hat, hairnet or bandana will work. Hair must be held back if it is longer than the neck.
Gloves - Gloves should be worn whenever food is being handled. This includes raw food and ready-to-eat food.
Handwashing - Hands should be washed frequently. Washing should occur anytime food or garbage is handled. When entering and leaving the kitchen and the bathroom hands must be washed. Washing hands entails using water, soap up the forearms and scrubbing under the water for 30 seconds. Technique is key here.
Sickness - No one sick is allowed in the kitchen. If you are exhibiting any signs of sickness from nausea or diarrhoea to flu symptoms then you should not be at the kitchen. You should not return until the sickness has completely passed. This is the responsibility of all business owners.
Clothing - Clothing should not be loose fitting and should be fire retardant. Arms and legs should be fully covered to prevent burning.
Shoes - Shoes need to be slip-resistant and not be open-toed.
Cleaning Chemicals - The chemicals should be used appropriately and for the correct task. Refer to the poster next to the squirt bottles. When they are empty, they should be refilled right away and not left. They should be returned to their station when they are finished with.
Brooms/Mops - After use, brooms and mops should be returned to the mop closet and hung appropriately. Make sure the mop bucket is clean and placed back in an organized fashion. Ensure that the mop closet is clean and organized.
Cleaning Towels - Towels used for cleaning or wiping must be kept in a sanitizer bucket at all times. Keep the sanitizer bucket under your station.
Member Meetings - Meetings will happen once per month. Unless otherwise notified, these meetings will take place on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at Newmarket Kitchen. They are mandatory for all members and if you cannot make it, you need to contact Newmarket Kitchen, for an individual meeting. Meetings will go over the maintenance and community of the kitchen, as well as introduce opportunities to all the members to build their businesses.
Group Orientation - Each member is required to attend a one-time follow-up Group Orientation within a month of starting at Newmarket Kitchen. These take place on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at Newmarket Kitchen. The purpose of the Group Orientation is to review the policies and procedures of NK once the new member has had a chance to get acclimated and has worked in the Kitchen.
Google Group/Listserv (To be created) - The google group/listserv is not to be abused and is for communication with the entire group. Do not spam this or send inappropriate emails. When replying to someone who has emailed the listserv, be aware that hitting reply will send a response to the whole group. If it is a personal message, do not do this, but instead email that person separately.
“Made In Newmarket Kitchen” - Members are required to add a “Made in Newmarket Kitchen” logo to their packaging. This can either be done by adhering a “Made in Newmarket Kitchen” sticker to the packaging, or by adding the “Made in Newmarket Kitchen” logo to the design of the member’s label. The stickers will be provided by NK at no cost. Additionally, each member is required to add a “Made in Newmarket Kitchen” web banner to their webpage. This web banner is in the Google Drive Folder: Newmarket Kitchen Member Documents → Newmarket Kitchen Member Photos and Logos → Newmarket Kitchen → Made in Newmarket Kitchen.
Insurance - All members are required to have liability insurance naming Newmarket Kitchen as an added insured.
This section needs to be updated on how to fill in form R1 – Register as Food Business and other areas pertinent to registering. – See Emma
Usage Changes - All changes (increases or decreases) must be reported to management immediately. If a change is temporary, it must be reported as well.
Membership Renewal - One month prior to the end of the membership term, a new membership must be negotiated and signed. Prices and rules are subject to change for any renewal.
Business Name Reg.–Talk to Shane on becoming a sole trader or other.
VAT Reg. – Talk to Shane, Form TRN 1 –