Appendix Table C2. KQ1: Darbepoetin versus control, study characteristics, Part II
Study author / n random-ized / Cancer details / Cancer category / Therapy / Hb eligibility criteria / Hb baseline EPO arm [mean g/dl (SD)] / control arm mean baseline HB (SD) / Hb category / Age; darbepo arm, as reported (mean, SD) range if not reported otherwise / Age; control arm, as reported (mean or median, SD), range / Age category (children, adults, elderly (>65) /Hedenus 2003 / 349 / lymphoma: HD, NHL, MM / hematological / NR, assumed to be chemotherapy without platinum / Hb ≤11.0 g/dL / 9.59 (SD 1.22) / 9.50 (SD 1.21) / 10 / 64.8 (SD 13.8) / 64.6 (SD 12.2) / adults /
Hernandez 2009 / 391 / lung, gynecological, other solid and hematological malignancies / mixed / chemotherapy, platinum & non platinum (140/386 (36%) received platinum) / Hb < 11 g/dl / 10.1 (0.9) / 10.0 (0.9) / 10-12 / 64.5 (12.1) / 63.6 (12.3) / adults /
Kotasek 2003 a,b,c,d,e,f / 259 / breast, gyne, gastrointestinal, lung, other / solid / chemotherapy, not reported if with or without platinum, interpreted as some patients receiving platinum as some of solid cancers included are usually treated with platinum / Hb ≤11.0 g/dL / 9.93 (SD 1.0) / 9.87 (SD 1.12) / 10 / 58.3 (SD 11.9) / 56.2 (SD 12.4) / adults /
Overgaard 2009 / 522 / head and neck cancer / solid / radiotherapy / Hb < 14.5 g/dL / approx. 13 g/dL / approx. 13 g/dL / 12 / NR / NR / adults /
Appendix Table C2. KQ1: Darbepoetin versus Control, Study Characteristics, Part II (continued)
Study author / n random-ized / Cancer details / Cancer category / Therapy / Hb eligibility criteria / Hb baseline EPO arm [mean g/dl (SD)] / Control arm mean baseline HB (SD) / Hb category / Age; darbepo arm, as reported (mean, SD) range if not reported otherwise / Age; control arm, as reported (mean or median, SD), range / Age category (children, adults, elderly (>65) /Pirker 2008 / 600 / extensive stage SCLC / solid / platinum based chemotherapy / Hb >9 and ≤ 13 g/dL / 12.03 (1.07) / 11.86 (1.03) / 10-12 / 60.6 (9.2) / 61.3 (8.3) / adults /
Untch 2011 / 733 / breast cancer / solid / chemotherapy without platinum / NR / median 14.0 (range 9-17)
13.64 (1.17)
(from online suppl table) / median 14.0 (range 9-17)
13.61 (1.16)
(from online suppl table) / 12 / median 49 (range 23-65) / median 48 (range 23-65) / adults /
Vansteenkiste 2002 / 320 / SCLC, and non-SCLC / solid / platinum based chemotherapy / Hb ≤11.0 g/dL / 10.28 (SD 1.08) / 9.93 (SD 1.01) / 10-12 / 61.6 (SD 9.2) / 61.3 (SD 8.8) / adults /