IEEE Executive Committee Meeting 8-27-2002

At Maxwell’s Restaurant, Brookfield

Brief Minutes

Members Present: Jim Blaha, Brian Cunningham, Rod Elger, John Gassert, Larry Hause, Bill Henning, Rus Meier (newly elected GOLD chair), John Shafar, Paul Tindel, Hue Tran, Val Werner and Glen Wrate.

Larry Hause called meeting to order at 11:35.

John Gassert introduced Russell Meier of MSOE who is interested in the IEEE GOLD program. Russell Meier briefly discussed his background and interest in IEEE. The committee unanimously approved John’s suggestion to appoint Russell as chairman of the GOLD program in Milwaukee.

Sylvia Wrate presented details of Christmas Party so that necessary plans could be confirmed. Rachel Wrate assisted. A date of Saturday, December 21st at the Zoo has been reserved as directed by the exec committee with a rental cost is $1000.00 plus a $2.00 per person charge. A buffet cost of about $9.00 per plate was suggested. A cash bar ($500.00) is to be considered depending whether zoo vendors are open to serve beer. It was suggested to charge $15.00 per person with a cost of $5.00 for children of 14-and-under. These Christmas Party plans were unanimously approved by the committee.

Larry Hause discussed the IEEE Section Congress for section officers to be held in October. A NASA refund of $334 for travel was received in July bringing section costs, after refunds, close to the proposed $1000 cost for NASA Day. Ivan Howitt has accepted a new position in North Carolina after 8 years of IEEE valued service in Milwaukee and has resigned as chair of Communication & Signal Processing.

Jim Blaha presented the treasurer’s report with a balance of about $20K in checking and $16K in CD accounts. Jim identified about $4K of EMC profits from the spring seminar that can be used for future EMC events. Jim said that he would review a question by Hause in which two January deposits were subtracted/rather than added in the IEEE accounting. The secretary’s report was not available.

Paul Tindell reviewed the status of the IEEE seminar or Oct. 2nd. He distributed a conference pamphlet announcing the three tracks by Power Chapter, Controls Chapter and Magnetics Chapter. A separate page for registration was recommended so that attendees could register and keep announcement information. It was recommended to mail this separate from the Newsletter to avoid delay.

ACTION ITEMS: John Gassert offered to get mailing list from IEEE. Brian Cunningham offered to contact about 100 additional business & professional names in the community. Larry Hause offered to contact chairs in Chicago and Madison. Paul Tindell will do the mailing using an agency that he knows.

Bill Henning discussed the newsletter and indicated that he needs material from the group in order to produce the letter.

ACTION ITEMS: Six topics were suggested for the Newsletter with material to be sent to Bill by September 5th:

1- IEEE Seminar announcement by Paul Tindell,

2- Review of 2002 events including Awards, NASA & previous chapter events by Larry Hause.

3- Pending 2002 chapter activities by chapter chairs,

4- Christmas Party information by Glen Wrate,

5- Topics for Chapter-Section dinner meeting at MSOE on 11-6 with speakers/topics to be identified by chapter chairs. John Safer & Jim Blaha indicated participation by Computers and EMC chapters.

6- Val Warner will produce list of officers for 2003.

7- Of course, advertising will be included. – Editing will be completed by Bill Henning and the newsletter mailed on September 10th.

Hue Tran discussed a controls workshop that he has developed for school students. Students will pay ½ the cost and will take home a controls kit on completion of the workshop. He has received $1000.00 support from Region 4 Technical Activities Committee and seeks support from the Milwaukee section. The event is scheduled for May of 2003. $500 support from IEEE Milwaukee Section was approved unanimously the board. Hue asked for help from people who work in the controls industry.

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 11:20.

These Quick-minutes are respectfully submitted by Larry Hause, Chair