Application for Variation to Candidature
This form is used to apply and seek the approval of the Faculty in the case of variation(s)to candidature (intermission, changes of status, extension, absence for more than 9 weeks, writing-up away from the University and withdrawal). Scholarship Holders are reminded of their additional obligation to seek the approval of the Scholarships Committee for thesevariations.Scholarship forms can be downloaded from: Please refer to Sections14, 15 and 16 of the Research Higher Degrees Policies and Procedures in relation to these variations of candidature:
Submit the completed form to the Faculty Office.Please note that the form will not be considered by the Faculty unless sections A-E (and attachments, if necessary) have been completed.
International Students
In accordance with Australian Government regulations (ESOS Act and National Code 2007) onshore international students on a student visa are only able to defer or intermit their candidature in exceptional circumstances. Such circumstances are generally beyond the control of the student (e.g. serious illness or injury, bereavement of a close family member). Please note that deferring, intermitting or extending your candidature will not guarantee extension of your student visa. . For advice regarding visa implications please contact the following services prior to lodging an application for variation of candidature. Please be aware that the University is required to inform the Department of Immigration and Border Protectionof your decision which will have implications for your current visa:
Enrolment Services (ESOS Compliance Officer, Phone: 8201 3571 or Phone: 8201 3950, submit a help request via:
International Student Services Unit (Phone: 8201 2717, email: )
Name: Student ID:
Please ensure that you update your contact information (postal and email address) via the Student Information System (
Degree: Flinders Email address:
Current Status: Internal/External Full-time/Part-time Current Scholarship Holder: YES/NO
Type of Student: Domestic/International If International, identify visa type:
Commencement Date: ____/____/______CurrentThesis SubmissionDate: ____/____/______
Department/School: ______
Name of Principal Supervisor:
Name of Associate Supervisor(s):
Variation: ______
Current Submission Date: ______New Submission Date: ______
Length of intermission/extension/remaining candidature:______
Student Two Letter
I seek approvalfrom the Faculty for the following change(s) in candidature: (tick box(es) as appropriate).
Please note: submission of an application after the Census Date (31 March/31 August) may affect your Research Training
Scheme (RTS) fundingor international tuitionfees.
IntermissionDates of Intermission: ___ /___/___ to ___ /___/___ [_____weeks/months]
International Students please note: The University is required to inform the Department of Immigration and Border Protectionin all cases where a deferral/temporary suspension of study application is approved. To support this request you are required to provide a brief description of your reasons below or attach a letter. Please also provide evidence that supports your request for intermission, e.g. Doctor’s letter etc. Please note, working is not grounds for intermission.
Change status to Full-time/Part-timeEffective from___ /___/___
ExtensionDates of Extension: ___ /___/___ to ___ /___/___ [_____weeks/months]
Please note: Students may request an extension of candidature of up to six months full-time (or twelve months part-time)Students requesting an extension to candidature are required to justify the request by supplying arealistic timetable and an appropriate plan for thesis completion and submission by the end of the extension, with this application form. (Please refer to the attached template).
International Students please note: In addition to the above, to support this request you are required to provide a brief description of your reasons below or attach a letter. Please also provide evidence that supports your request for intermission, e.g. Doctor’s letter etc, a confirmation from your Supervisor that your research has been hindered beyond your control. Please note working is not grounds for an extension.
Absence for more than 9 weeks Dates of absence: ___ /___/___ to ___ /___/___ [_____weeks/months]
Writing-up away from UniversityDates of absence: ___ /___/___ to ___ /___/___ [_____weeks/months]
Please note: not required for external students. Students applying for ‘writing up status’ must include a letter from their principal supervisor certifying that the student: has completed all experimental work;no longer require access to the University’s resources (other than consultation with supervisors); and has completed a satisfactory first draft of the thesis.
Withdrawal from CourseEffective from: ___ /___/___
C.REASON FOR VARIATION(please provide a brief but informative summary of the reason for your application– attach additional information if necessary.)
Please note: students applying for an intermission should also provide a statement explaining how they will be able to resume their candidature following the period of intermission.
Signature of Candidate: ______Date: ____/____/______
Ihave noted and support this application
Signature: (Principal Supervisor)Date: ____/____/______
I certify that:the School endorses the variation of candidature; and
the School is reasonablyable to make available the resources required for this project (where applicable).
Name: (Head of School or Nominee)
Signature: Date: ____/____/______
The Faculty approves/does not approve this application. Ifnot approved, state the reasons:
Name:(Chair, relevant Faculty Committee)
Signature:Date: ____/____/_____
Faculty of S&BS – Thesis Review Form – Plan for Extension Request
(to be used when applying for an extension)
Student name:______Student Number:______
Thesis Title:______
Chapter Number / Chapter Title / Chapter Focus (eg What is the role of this chapter in the thesis? Is this a data analysis chapter? Or is it a case analysis or a literature review chapter?) / % of Chapter completed / Stage of Chapter (notes, first draft, tables to add, final draft etc) / What is left to complete and how long you anticipate it will take / MonthKJ November 2013