Attachments included in this packet:

1.  Rider A

2.  Rider B

3.  Agreement –must be NOTARIZED.

4.  Scholarship Rules and Regulations

5.  Job Description

Rider A

Contestant ______No. ______

_____ Miss _____Teen

I agree to adhere to all rules and regulations as set forth by Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Indiana including forfeiture of all remaining scholarship monies not used by me within the period outlined in the Scholarship Rules and Regulations.

1. I understand that scholarships are to be paid according to the Scholarship Rules and Regulations as adopted by Miss Hoosier Heartland/ Miss Cardinal.

2. I agree that I will furnish to Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal all required forms, photos, etc., and I will meet all necessary deadlines, of which, time is the essence.

3. I further agree that should it become necessary that I receive minor or major medical attention during my time participating in the pageant, whether this attention is given by a registered physician, medical assistant, or first aid nurse, etc., I will hold Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal free and harmless of any claims which may arise out of the rendering of such services on my behalf; and I do acknowledge receipt of valuable and sufficient consideration for my waiver of this liability to Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal as provide in this contract.

4. I agree to devote all the time necessary between the local finals and State finals to the role of Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal and to prepare for the upcoming competition at the State Finals, when required or requested by the pageant organization.

5. I agree to appear, at the discretion of the Miss Hoosier Heartland/ Miss Cardinal directors at as many as 5 events without fee or remuneration, other than her expenses, during the course of her year of service; one said appearance shall be at the Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal Pageant, during pageant week when she has completed her year of service. The above events do not include contractual arrangements made with companies and corporations who sponsor and contribute to the Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal program.

6. I understand Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal makes no guarantee of any financial remuneration or reimbursement of expenses associated with any appearances which you may be required to attend, speak, or perform at.

Contestant’s Signature ______

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this ______day of ______, 20_____.

Legal Signature of Contestant’s Parent/Guardian : Must be signed regardless of the age of the contestant :


Rider B

Contestant ______No. ______

_____ Miss _____Teen

Commencing with my selection as Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal and throughout my year of service and until my successor is selected or appointed; I irrevocably constitute and appoint Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal as my sole and exclusive agent, representative and attorney-in-fact with the authority to:

Approve or deny any and all talent selections prior to competition; and

That during the period I serve as Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal, I will cooperate and work directly with the Scholarship Organization Executive Director, who will have final approval, in the selection of all wardrobe, talent selection, coaching sessions, and other areas of competition prior to, during the Miss Indiana competition, and the remainder of my year of service.

I understand and agree that if:

Any of the representations or statements made by me in this application and contract or any of its attachments is determined by the Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal directors to be false; or

There is a change of circumstances that would affect my eligibility to participate in the competition or to complete my year of service, including without limitation changes in my citizenship, marital or parental status, good character and reputation or, if relevant to my eligibility to participate in the competition, my residence, employment or educational status; or

I fail to conduct myself in a manner which, in the sole and exclusive judgment of the executive director is inconsistent with the standards and dignity of the Program; or

I suffer any medical condition or disability which, in the sole and exclusive judgment of the executive director impairs my ability to perform the duties expected of me as a contestant; or

I fail to fulfill the fundraising and service requirement set forth in the local contract shall have the right, in its sole and exclusive judgment, to determine that I am not eligible to participate or continue to participate in the competition or to complete my year of service; or

I fail to comply with any provision of this application and contract or any of its attachments, that Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal program may revoke any and all prizes, crowns, and title. I agree that the revocation is not subject to judicial review, arbitration, or mediation.In that event, all titles, awards, and prerequisites of my position as a contestant, as appropriate, shall be terminated and forfeited, subject to the provisions of Section 6.5 of my application and the local contract.

Contestant’s Signature ______

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this ______day of ______, 20_____.

Legal Signature of Contestant’s Parent/Guardian : Must be signed regardless of the age of the contestant :



Contestant ______No. ______

_____ Miss _____Teen

The Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Scholarship Program is organized under the laws of the State of Indiana. Miss Hoosier Heartland/ Miss Cardinal has operated a program offering scholarship assistance and career opportunities for the young women within the State of Indiana. In doing so, Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal has made substantial investments in, and has developed a valuable identity for, the unique symbols and elements of the program that have achieved national and even international recognition and approval. These elements include but are not limited to (1) providing educational assistance in the form of scholarships to young adult women who have not yet begun to assume the responsibilities of family life and are interested in career and educational advancement; (2) recognizing and honoring the traits of honesty, good character, talent, poise, intellect, leadership and good judgment in the young women of America who enter the competition ("contestant(s)"); and (3) enabling the contestants to serve as role models for other young women with similar goals and personal characteristics. The winner of the competition shall be designated "Miss Hoosier Heartland 2017” or “Miss Cardinal 2017", and shall be entitled to that title until her successor is named at the following years competition. During this period ("the year of service"), the titleholders shall be required to engage in travel and participate in personal appearances throughout the State. These activities are designed, scheduled, arranged, and supervised by the executive director in order to reflect the values and standards of the program and to enhance its visibility and maintain its broad public acceptance. Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal has also developed detailed procedures and requirements that govern the activities and conduct of the titleholder(s) during her year of service. All of these procedures, standards and requirements are intended to protect and enhance the substantial public acceptance of the program among the American people, and to assure that the program will continue to be able to operate for the benefit of the thousands of young women who will be seeking to participate in the program in future years. In seeking to participate in the competition, each contestant must understand and accept the requirements of the program, including the rules for the contestants and the guidelines and limitations that will be applicable to her activities during her year of service if she is selected as Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal. In addition, each contestant must understand and accept that the program director’s approval of the contestant's participation in the competition and, if selected, service as Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal will be specifically based upon the representations and agreements in this Pre-Application and the continued compliance with all of the regulations of the program. In such regard, each contestant shall acknowledge that her ability to compete in the pageant shall be subject to review at each level of competition that she enters and that the determination of her eligibility to compete in the competition shall not in and of itself be the basis of her eligibility to compete in the Local, State, and/or National Finals. In consideration of my admission as a contestant in the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Scholarship Pageant, I

______do hereby agree as follows:

I have read, understand, and agree to abide by, and be bound to the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal contestant contract and all associated documents including but not limited to : indemnities, appointments, waiver and releases, rules and regulations governing the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Scholarship Pageant. I further agree that the time, manner, and method of conducting and judging the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Scholarship Pageant shall be at the sole discretion of the executive directors in accordance with its franchise agreement. I further agree that should I be chosen Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal or a runner-up, of have competed within the pageant as a contestant shall provide all paperwork mandated by the directors including but not limited to contractual agreement, scholarship award agreement, etc. It will be signed and given to the director immediately following the pageant conclusion and I understand failure to do so and failure to follow such shall be cause for forfeiture of all title(s), award(s), which may have been awarded to any contestant. I further agree as a contestant or if selected as Miss Hoosier Heartland or Miss Cardinal, should I fail to comply with any provision of this agreement to participate in the Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinal Scholarship Pageant, that the scholarship program may revoke any and all prizes, crown and title. I agree that the revocation is not subject to judicial review, arbitration, or mediation. In that event, all titles, awards, and perquisites of my position as a contestant, as appropriate, shall be terminated and forfeited, subject to the provisions of Section 6.5 of the Miss Hoosier Heartland/Miss Cardinalscholarship program contestant contract. Therefore, by signing this Agreement and submitting it for approval, the contestant represents and agrees that (1) all facts and representations contained in this Pre-Application are true and accurate; (2) the contestant agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal scholarship program described in this Agreement, in the period before and during the year of service; (3) the contestant meets each requirement for eligibility set forth in Section 2 of the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal contestant contract; and (4) Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal directors shall have the sole discretion to determine whether, in its judgment, the contestant may continue to participate in the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal Scholarship Pageant, in the event that the executive directors determine that any statement or representation by the contestant is not true and accurate or that any action by the contestant is inconsistent with the rules and regulation of the program.

State of ______County of ______

______, the contestant submitting this Agreement, of full age and being duly sworn according to law, upon her oath deposes and says: I do hereby swear that the statements made in this Agreement are true. I am aware that if any of the statements is willfully false, I am subject to punishment.

Sworn and subscribed to before me this day: ______

Contestant Signature ______

Approval of Agreement for Participation in the Miss Hoosier Heartland / Miss Cardinal scholarship program hereby approves this agreement and accepts appointment as the agent of the contestant on the terms provided in this Pre-Application. The contestant may compete in the competition pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

Executive Director Signature ______

Date ______

The following to be completed by the parent or guardian of a contestant under the age of 18.

I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the contestant named in this Agreement, of full age and being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say:

1. I have read and I understand the provisions of this Agreement and its attachments. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, all of the factual statements made in this Agreement by the contestant are true.

2. I have been given the opportunity to consult with an attorney of my choosing to seek legal advice regarding this Agreement.

3. I consent to the execution of this Agreement by the contestant.

4. On behalf of the contestant, I agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

5. I have not previously authorized any person, firm, or corporation to use the name, photograph, picture, or any present or future title of the contestant in connection with any endorsement or advertisement of any commercial product for or on behalf of the contestant, nor has any other person ever been authorized to do so, other than a co-signer of this affidavit.