General Education Assessment
Spring 2009
Form 1Category: Arts
Instructor ______
Class ______
Complete only the cells that apply. Leave others blank. This is a word document. Cells will expand as you type.
Suggestions for clarifying the learning objectives are included. If you subdivide any of the objectives differently, feel free to change the suggested text, or add your own in the “Other?” cell. If you do not subdivide the objectives, complete only the shaded areas.
If you have questions about how to complete the form, contact Kris Bendikas, 437-4793 or email Please return the form and any supporting materials to
no later than February 24, 2009.
Learning ObjectivesThese are the five objectives for this category. / The following are suggestions for making the objectives more specific and therefore easier to measure. One or more of these may apply to your class. If you interpret the objective another way, feel free to add your own statement. / Assessment tools
The list represents a generic variety of tools. Feel free to add others in the additional spaces if the ones you intend to use are not represented. / Your Choice of Tool
For each assessment tool that you intend to use, briefly (2-3 sentences) describe how it will allow you to measure the learning objective. For instance, if you chose a component of an essay exam, how do you know it effectively measured the students’ mastery of the particular objective it was designed to assess? Leave blank those that you will not use.
*(See note below) / Samples
Indicate which tools you will send in or attach to Form 2 with an “X”
1. Students will gain an understanding of the history and/or practice of one form of artistic expression. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
A. Students will be able to summarize/describe the history of at least one form of artistic expression. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
B. Students will be able to explain differences embodied by similar art objects produced at various moment of their formal history. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
C. Students will be able to explain to non-specialists the artistic concepts and processes that characterize at least one form of artistic expression. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
D. Other? Please write out / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
2 Students will gain an understanding of the function and meaning of form. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
A. Students will be able to identify formal qualities of artistic expression. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
B. Students will be able to conduct an analysis of and art work in terms of the form(s) it represents or expresses. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
C. Other? Please write out
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
3 Students will develop the vocabulary they need to continue to learn about how art is made and interpreted. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
A. Students will be able to recognize and define the terms useful to how art is made and interpreted. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
B. Students will be able to use key artistic and critical terminology in speaking and writing. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
C. Other? Please write out. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
4. Depending upon the nature of the course, recognition of the difference and overlap between creative and critical thinking. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
A. Students will be able to identify differences and overlaps in creative and critical thinking. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
B. Students will be able to demonstrate and describe through their own practices the different types of thinking required by artists and critics. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
C. Other? Please write out. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
5. Depending upon the nature of the course, students will develop an understanding of how art works are embedded within different cultures at different times and places. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
A. Students will be able to interpret objects of art within their historical and cultural context. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
B. Students will be able to describe how art informs culture and vice versa, using specific examples. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
C. Other? Please write out. / Items on quizzes
Items on multiple choice tests
Components of essay exams
Components of out-of-class writing assignments
Components of term/research papers
Components of group projects
Components of oral presentations
How long did it take you to complete this form? ______
Please add any comments or suggestions about the form or the process?
Thank you for participating in this pilot assessment project!