2017State Awards’ Nomination Form
Volunteering is diverse and pervades all ways of life. This is reflected in the official Australian definition of volunteering: Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain’.
The Volunteering Victoria State Awards aimto embrace and showcase the work of leaders and managers of volunteers, and volunteering programs and volunteer involving organisations. 2015 marked the inaugural year of these all-encompassing awards. The Awards were launched in 2015.
For details about each Award category, including selection criteria:
For hints and tips on how to write a good application:
For a list of previous winners:
Nominations must be received by 5.00 PM, Friday 1September 2017.
All applications should be emailed to
Hard copy applications will not be accepted.
Select an Award Category (one category per entry)
☐ Innovation☐ Thought Leadership (Leader or Manager of Volunteers)
☐ Excellence☐ Thought Leadership (Researcher)
☐ Inclusion☐ Employee Volunteering
☐ Lifetime Achievement Award
Nominee Details
Name of Nominee (individual/program/organisation):
Job Title (if the nomination is for an individual):
Contact Person (if the nomination is a program or organisation):
Has the Nominee been notified of this nomination? ☐Yes ☐ No
If so, has the Nominee given permission for the information stated in this application be used for marketing purposes by Volunteering Victoria? ☐Yes ☐ No
Nominated by:
Job Title:
Your relationship to the Nominee (if applicable):
You may be contacted by Volunteering Victoria for more information or clarification about your nomination.
Please provide details of at least one referee for this nomination.The referee should be willing and able to support and confirm all information included in this nomination.
Contact email:
Contact number:
Referee’s relationship to the Nominee e.g.colleague, volunteer, manager
Assessment Criteria and Evidence
- Please address each of the criteria listed for the selected Award and describe how the nomination meets the criteria. The assessment criteria document should not exceed two A4 pages.
- Please provide clear evidence to support this nomination. This may include letters of support, references, photographs, media coverage or other supporting materials of up to 4 pages per application. Note: Please do not include website links.
- Applications will be scored according to how well they meet the criteria and the quality of the evidence provided.
I declare that all the information in this nomination is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Nomination Abstract
Please provide a 75-100 word summary of your nomination
Assessment Criteria
Please respond to criteria here. Selection criteria for each away can be found on our website here:
Please list any attachments supporting this application: Evidence can include: Photos, evaluation reports, reference letters, survey results, testimonials from volunteers or participants, etc. Please attach these as separate documents.