Publishing Ethics Statement
- The members of journal’s editorial board are recognized experts in the field. The full name and affiliations of the members are provided on the journal’s Web site.
- Journal provides contact information for the editorial office on the journal’s Web site.
- All research and references must be properly cited.
- All sources of financial support for research connected to a paper must be acknowledged on publication.
- Plagiarism, i.e. wrong appropriation of somebody else’s text, research methodology, ideas, or results, or presentation of empiric data that has already been introduced into scholarly circulation as new and freshly discovered, or purposeful neglect of proper references is prohibited.
- Journals published by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore should not be used to publish research that has previously appeared in other publications.
- Publication in the journals published by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore is free of charge. Authors are not entitled for any financial remuneration for their contributions. A free copy of a relevant issue is provided to all the contributors upon publication.
- Authors must submit their work to the journal’s double-blind peer review process.
- All authors listed on a paper must have made substantive contributions to the research and writing of the paper.
- Authors must certify that all data cited in the article are, to the best of their knowledge, real, accurate, and authentic.
- If a mistake is discovered in a published paper, the author(s) must provide a retraction, correction, or apology, as appropriate.
- All judgments should be made objectively, with no regard to any knowledge the reviewer might have of the authors in question, including gender, sexual orientation, religious/political beliefs, or ethnic/geographical background.
- Reviewers must disclose to the editor(s) any potential conflicts of interest regarding the papers they are asked to referee, including concerns related to funding or personal objections to the material in question.
- Reviewers must alert the editor(s) to any similar or related work already published, which is not cited in the paper in question.
- Reviewers should treat papers under review as confidential materials. They must not discuss, distribute, or in any way retain copies of papers reviewed.
- Editorial board has final authority to accept or reject a submission.
- Editors must make available a mechanism by which an author may appeal the initial publication decision.
- Editors are responsible for recognizing any potential conflict of interest with regard to a submission (including positive or negative knowledge of / relationships with authors or their affiliated institutions and issues regarding funding) and should take appropriate action to ensure that these conflicts do not affect a submission’s acceptance or rejection.
- Acceptance of a paper implies confidence in and certainty (to the greatest extent possible) of the validity of the research contained therein.
- If a material error is discovered in a published paper, the editor will see to it that a correction, retraction, or apology, as appropriate and feasible, is published promptly.
- It is the editor’s responsibility to ensure that the review process is carried out appropriately and to protect both the author’s and the reviewers’ identity.