The Grid
This is NOT a compulsory exercise.______
Scoring Instructions:
First read the five statements in each of the Six Elements.
Then rank eachstatement,on a scale from 1 to 5
1 = the least similar to you
2 = not very similar to you
4=somehow similar to you
5 = the most similar to you
Typewrite the rank in the left column of each statement
(When you click on the grey area it turns to black, in which to key in
the number. The field will be clear as soon as soon as
you have keyed in the number).
Dual (identical) rankings are not allowed
(i.e. each of the five statement in an Element
has a different rank, even if the choice may be difficult).
Please save and e-mail the filled-in form to Prof. Bal (not compulsory though).
There is no need to fill in your name on this form (privacy). The scoring will be made by him and communicated to you only.
Element 1 : DECISIONS
Rank / Statements :
I accept decisions taken by others
I attach great value to the preservation of good relations
I always try to find practical solutions, even when realizing they are not the most perfect ones.
I attach great value to efficient decision-making
I attach great value to sound, creative decisions which obtain understanding and approval
Rank / Statements
I follow the judgment, the attitudes and ideas of others or avoid to take sides
I rather follow the opinions, the attitude and ideas of others than bringing up my own personal points of view
When faced with ideas and opinions which differ from my own ideas and opinions, I search for a compromise proposal
I always stick to my own judgment, opinions and ideas, even if such endangers my position or relation with others
I listen to ideas and opinions which differ from my own. I have certain clearly defined convictions, but respond to new creative ideas with the willingness to change my point of view.
Element 3 : CONFLICTS
Rank / Statements
If conflicts occur, I try to keep out or remain neutral
I always try to prevent conflicts, but when they occur I try to calm down the situation and keep people together whenever possible
If a conflict occurs, I try to take fair but firm action and look for a just and reasonable solution
If a conflict merges, I try to oppress it or try to impose my own point of view
If a conflict occurs, I always try to find the causes of the conflict and try to make a clean sweep
Element 4 : EMOTIONS
Rank / Statements
By remaining neutral, I seldom lose my calm
Knowing the irritating effects of stress situations, I always react cordial and friendly
Working under strain gives me the uncertain feeling of not knowing how to find a way to avoid more pressure
If things aren't going the way they ought to be going in my opinion, I react by bringing up new arguments
If something makes me angry or troubles me, I try to control myself, but most often my impatience shows
Element 5 : HUMOR
Rank / Statements
My humor is generally considered as being not witty
My humor mainly aims at strengthening good relations, and in times of stress tries to divert one's mind
My humor is a weapon to spotlight the good side of my personality or my personal points of view
My humor is rather vicious and tends to offend people
Even under strain I keep my sense of humor, which mostly features the particular situation
Rank / Statements
I work with enough diligence to keep up with my normal work-schedule
I rarely am ahead of my schedule, but try to help whenever possible
I try to keep up my proper well-balanced pace
I constantly try to increase my own efficiency and try to force up the effort of others
I do a lot of work and inspire others to do so
E-mail the filled-in form to Mr. Bal