Standard Agreement
forSale of a Cat
/ Landsforeningen Felis Danica
sammenslutning af de 4 danske racekatteklubber :
Medlem af Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFé

Seller: Buyer:

Telephone number / Cell phone / Club member
Other (email-address, homepage etc.)
Telephone number / Cell phone / Club member
Other (email-address, homepage etc.)

Information about the cat:

Name of the cat
Pedigree number / Breed / d. o. b.
Color (ems-code) / Sex / ID-number (micro-chip and/or ear tattoo)
Male Female
Sire / Pedigree number
Dam / Pedigree number
The cat will be used for / When the cat is given into the care of the new owner, it has to be vaccinated against cat disease and cat flue, which is documented by a certified vet.
It can also be follow by a healthcertificate, signed by a vet: yes no
Pet Breeding Showing
(see explanation at the back)
The cat is vaccinated with / Date vaccinated / Revaccination must be done no later than
The cat has been checked by a vet at / Remarks
The cat has been wormed / Date / Worming product information
No Yes


Price / DKK / All cats that are being sold or given to some one has to be accompanied by a Felis Danica pedigree.
Deposit / DKK / Deposit paid on
Balance due / DKK / The remaining balance is due
The buyer can return the cat: No Yes Under the following terms:
The cat has to be at least 12 weeks old when it is given into the new owners care. The cat should not be re-homed, sold or euthanized before the seller has been informed. The buyer is committed to look out for the best interests of the cat when it comes to basic needs as feeding and welfare. If the cat gets sick in any way a vet has to be contacted immediately. The cat should be taken to a yearly check-up with a vet. Any specific terms can be put on the back of this contract.

By signing this contract both seller and buyer declares to fully understand the terms that have been decided regarding the cat. Both have received a copy of the agreement. Buyer confirms that he/she has checked the cat and found it to be in good health. Seller confirms that the buyer has been informed of any faults the cat might be suffering from, that the seller is aware of. The seller confirms that the buyer have been given information regarding feeding, care taking and treatment of the cat. If a cat is sold with a fault(s) the seller has an obligation to tell the buyer about such fault(s) and in that case they are listed on the back of this agreement under *special terms*.

Place / Date
Selle’rs signatue / Buyer’s signaturr

Standard Agreement for Selling a Cat Page 2

The cats name
& pedigree number. /
Speciel terms
Place / Date
Seller’s signature / Buyers signature

Pet – breeding cat – show cat ?

No breeder can guarantee how a cat will develop when it grows up and therfor the label "show cat" only refers to the fact that the cat doesn’t have any disqualifying faults according to the standard for the breed the cat belongs to. Seller should tell the buyer about the most common characteristics for the breed.

For "breeding cats" the following must be attested by a certified vet:

·  that they don’t have or have had umbilical hernia

·  that the male’s testicles are normally developed and correctly placed, meaning that it isn’t cryptorchid or monorchid.

·  that the cat, if it is an all white (ems code W), can hear and is chipped.

For some breeds there can be special terms that applies for breeding cats – seller should inform the buyer about any known problems within the breed, including if any special test is required before using the cat for breeding. If there is any doubt about this, the seller should make a formal request to one of the main clubs under Felis Danica, or to Felis Danica's breeding council, who will be able to give further information about the matter.

Denne aftale er udformet af Felis Danica. Såfremt der opstår tvist mellem sælger og køber om køb/salg af kat kan denne indbringes for Felis Danica's Disciplinærnævn, jfr. Regler for Nævnet, §2 & §3.