SECTION / TOPIC / PAGEI. / Hiring Philosophy / 2
II. / The Purpose of This Manual / 2
III. / Temporary Athletic Coaches / 2
IV. / Determination of Vacancy / 2
V. / Recruitment & Selection Procedures / 3
VI. / Equal Employment Opportunity / 4
VII. / Prior to the Interview / 5
VIII. / Checklist / 5
IX. / The Interview / 6
X. / Steps in Panel Interview / 6
XI. / Do’s & Don’t’s / 7
XII. / Acceptable and Unacceptable Pre-Employment Inquiries / 8
XIII. / Types of Questions / 10
XIV. / Sample Interview Questions / 10
XV. / Selection / 12
XVI. / Notification / 12
XVII. / Compensation / 12
XVIII. / Return of Materials / 12
Varsity Head Coach – Job Description / 13
Sub-Varsity Head Coach – Job Description / 16
Assistant Coach – Job Description / 19
Announcement of Vacancy / 23
Selection/Interview Criteria / 24
Candidate Selection / 25
Reference Check / 26
The philosophy of the Ceres Unified School District Office of Athletics is to hire the most highly qualified individuals for all vacant positions. The most important factor in selecting employees is the evaluation of the demonstrated proficiencies in those skills associated with the position being considered. Therefore each temporary athletic team “head” coach vacancy will require an interview. The critical factors to be considered when determining which of the candidates will be employed are based upon the National Standards for the Coaching Profession.
The purpose of this manual is for use as a guide in conjunction with the screening and interviewing of candidates being considered to fill a head coaching vacancy in the Ceres Unified School District.
It is an all-purpose resource in that it is intended for site administrators and athletic directors who are highly experienced in school employee selection as well as those who are participating in this type of activity for the first time.
Supplemental materials are as follows:
i. Job Descriptions
1. Varsity Head Coach
2. Sub-Varsity Head Coach
3. Assistant Coach
ii. Announcement of Vacancy
iii. Selection/Interview Criteria
iv. Candidate Selection
v. Employment Reference Check / Telephone Contact Report
A "temporary athletic team coach" is a certificated or non-certificated employee, other than a substitute employee, hired to supervise or instruct interscholastic athletic activities as a temporary employee in a limited assignment capacity. The term is applicable to a certificated employee who supervises or instructs interscholastic athletic activities in addition to his or her regular assignment.
Any certificated teacher employed by the district who applies for a position as a temporary athletic team coach and who satisfies the qualification criteria established for the position shall first be offered the position. (Education Code 44919)
All positions are temporary and annually stipend. (See Compensation) Non-certificated members’ assignments are subject to rehire if a new certificated member expresses desire and demonstrates equal or greater qualification. Certificated members currently assigned such responsibilities; retain such on an annual basis contingent upon:
1. Continued eligibility
2. Compliance with all requirements
3. Site Principal/Designee recommendation
Positions become vacant as a result of the following:
1. Resignation of Coach
2. Release of Coach (See Evaluation Procedures)
3. New Position
4. Currently Filled by Non-Certificated Member (unless no Certificated Member Interest)
1. Temporary Athletic Team Head Coaches (Middle & High Schools)
a. If you have a head coaching vacancy, contact the Personnel to have the position advertised.
i. The vacancy will be posted internally and externally simultaneously.
ii. Vacancy can be posted for: “5 days” or “Until Filled”
iii. A statewide or multi-state vacancy announcement may be issued along with other recruitment procedures being implemented.
b. Once the position closes consider all candidates who have submitted an application indicating their interest.
i. Existing Ceres certificated members who have met the minimum requirements of the application process must be provided first consideration. (EC 44919.b)
ii. Screening of letters of application, application forms, resumes and reference information is done by the site administrator and/or athletic director.
iii. Narrow the candidates to a list to be interviewed.
iv. If only one candidate has expressed interest, he/she must still be formally interviewed prior to selection.
c. The principal or his/her designee and a committee will interview candidate(s).
i. A specific strategy should be designed and implemented to solicit information and data regarding the selection criteria. This process may be as simple as a phone interview or as sophisticated as the formal interview requiring the constitution of an appropriate interview committee, including such committee members as the athletic director, head coach, parent or student.
ii. One member of the committee should be an athletic coach.
iii. The interview committee chairperson recommends a candidate to the principal.
iv. References of the candidates are checked by the principal or his (or her) designee.
d. The principal or his/her designee notifies the personnel Dept of the recommended candidate.
i. The Coordinator of Athletics ensures the clearance and certification of the candidate.
ii. The personnel department will offer employment
1. Statement of General Policy
It is a conscious, deliberate step taken by a hiring authority to assure equal employment opportunity for all staff. Fairness in hiring and the avoidance of hiring decisions based on age, race, gender, marital family status, religious beliefs, citizenship status, and handicapping condition is controlled by numerous laws and regulations including:
a. Title VII Civil Rights Act of 1964
b. Age Discrimination Act of 1967
c. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
d. Civil Rights Act of 1991
e. EEOC Procedural Regulations
f. Department of Agriculture, Immigration Reform and Control Act
g. California Constitution
h. California Fair Employment and Housing Act
i. California Labor Code
The Board of Trustees of the Ceres Unified School District recognizes the validity of and supports the above laws. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the Ceres Unified School District, in meeting the educational needs of the community, to actively promote the importance of equal employment opportunity.
1. Preliminary Steps
a. The administrator or chairperson responsible for the interview shall take the following preliminary steps:
i. Arrange for interviews.
ii. Develop interview questions. The interview questions must correlate with the criteria on the candidate rating sheet. A question should be formulated for each rating area to insure that information is obtained from the candidate about his/her qualifications in each rating area.
iii. Gather necessary forms and application materials for use before and during the interviews.
iv. Convene the parties involved in the interviews prior to the interview and orient them to the hiring process, answer any questions relating to it or the selection process, and review the questions to be asked. Charge each interview panel member with the responsibility of keeping all aspects of the interview process confidential.
v. Review related application material, which has been requested from the Human Resources Office. Following are lists of needed materials as they pertain to the three types of applicants:
Certificated Member / Classified Member / Walk-OnResume’ / Resume’ / Application
Letter of Reference / Letter of Reference / Resume’
*ASEP/CIF Test Results / *ASEP/CIF Test Results / Letter of Reference
CPR/1st Aid Certification / CPR/1st Aid Certification / *ASEP/CIF Test Results
CPR/1st Aid Certification
* Elementary Schools Coaches are exempt from this requirement.
1. Following is a checklist of materials and steps needed prior to a successful interview.
_____ Have candidates been apprised of the interview place, date, and time?
_____ Have interviewers been notified of the place, date, and time?
_____ Is the manual available for review by interviewers?
_____ Are application materials available for review by interviewers?
_____ Are the Class Specifications or Job Description available for review by the interviewers?
_____ Have interview questions been developed which relate to the candidate rating sheet?
_____ Have arrangements for tests been made?
_____ Has an interview schedule been provided?
_____ Have enough Oral Interview Rating Sheets as well as Referral Sheets been prepared or
1. Role of the Chairperson
The role of the chairperson of an interview screening panel is to:
a. Orient the panel members regarding the confidential and legal aspects (including scoring) of the interview.
b. Welcome and orient each candidate.
c. Control the atmosphere of the interview including questioning and time schedule.
d. Monitor the scoring process.
e. Develop a recommendation.
2. Instruction
Orient each candidate prior to the interview:
a. Welcome each candidate outside the interview room.
b. Explain the interview situation, i.e., panel situation, number of panel members, names and titles of panel members, length of time of interview.
c. Describe the interview process, i.e., same question being asked each candidate. Candidate will have opportunity to describe job related background at beginning of interview and a few minutes at the end of the interview to summarize or elaborate on any area which candidate feels is relevant or has not been covered.
Control the “atmosphere” of the interview:
a. Charge each member of the interview panel with maintaining confidentiality
b. Follow the suggested format.
c. Control the time schedule—remind the interviewers of the time frame.
d. Control the questions. If an inappropriate question is asked (i.e. non-job-related), inform the candidate that it is an inappropriate question and should not be answered.
e. Assist the candidate to “feel at ease.”
3. Monitor the scoring process:
a. Authenticate candidate’s evaluation scores.
b. Responsible for securing and compiling scores for identification.
1. Preparation: General (Panel Members)
a. Become familiar with the job requirements and job description.
b. Review the interview instrument and criteria.
c. Review and discuss proposed job-related questions.
d. Develop rating standards.
e. Decide on specific interview procedures, including assignment of questions.
2. Preparation: Specific (Panel Members)
a. Review each candidate’s application form/resume prior to the interviews.
b. Note points on each which are not clear.
3. Interview (Chairperson and Panel Members)
a. Bring candidate in, seat him/her.
b. Introduce candidate.
c. Introduce panel members.
d. Put candidate at ease.
e. Ask the candidate to briefly describe his/her coaching background relating to this position. (This will provide an opportunity to observe the candidate’s communication skills and afford the candidate the opportunity to expand on his/her qualifications for the job.)
f. Ask specific job-related questions covering the interview format areas as developed and agreed upon by panel. (Each candidate is to be asked the same opening question in each area. Do not introduce a new area for any one candidate. All candidates must be given equal opportunity to respond to the specific areas related to the job requirements.)
g. Ask follow-up questions (to be sure you understand the candidate’s reply and or presentation in that area).
h. Cover all areas relative to the job requirements (as contained in your evaluation instrument).
i. Ask if the candidate has any points he/she feels are relevant to his/her qualifications for the job that may not have been covered.
j. Close the interview by providing additional information and/or timelines regarding the selection process.
k. Politely dismiss the candidate.
4. EVALUATION (Chairperson and Panel Members)
a. Independently rate candidate in each area.
b. Total the candidate’s score, double check arithmetic
c. Identify the top candidates.
So that you may (1) provide equal opportunities to all candidates, (2) select highly qualified coaches, and (3) be able to justify your selection in any litigation or discrimination charge:
1. DO
a. know the requirements of the job thoroughly. Call in technical expertise on the interview panel if necessary;
b. (if you are using an interview panel)—make certain you have selected persons for the panel who are thoroughly familiar with the job and have no vested interest;
c. in-service your interview panel regarding the legal aspects of the interview and advise them that they are individually liable as well as you in a litigation or discrimination charge;
d. use Only the candidate interview form.
e. take time to develop your job-related questions; remember questions must be designed to solicit information for each of the criteria on the candidate rating sheet.
f. ask each candidate the same main questions. Clarifying questions are appropriate, if required.
g. read carefully all candidates’ applications;
h. return all documents to the District Office of Athletics as soon as possible outlining the job-related rationale for your recommendation.
2. DON’T
a. ask any personal non-job-related question in the interview. If a panel member does, do not allow the candidate to answer.
b. indicate to any candidate that he/she has the job; references must be checked and your recommendation must be approved before the job offer is made. Human Resources Office will make all offers for employment.
Pre-Employment Inquiries
“Have you worked for this organization under a different name?”
“Have you been convicted of a crime under another name?” / Name / Former name of applicant whose name has been changed
Applicant’s place of residence
How long applicant has been a resident of this state or city. / Address or Duration of Residence
“Can you, after employment, submit a birth certificate or other proof of US citizenship or age?” / Birthplace / Birthplace of applicant.
Birthplace of applicant’s parents, spouse or other relatives
Requirement that applicant submit a birth certificate, naturalization or baptismal record.
“Can you, after employment, submit a work permit if under eighteen?”
“Are you over eighteen years of age?”
“If hired, can you furnish proof of age?”/or statement that hire is subject to verification that applicant’s age meets legal requirements. / Age / Questions which tend to identify
Applicants 40 to 64 years of age.
Religion / Applicants’ religion, denomination or affiliation, church, parish, pastor, or religious holiday observed.
“Do you attend religious services or a house of worship?”
Applicant may not be told “This is a Catholic/Protestant/Jewish/atheist organization.
Statement by employer of regular
Hours or shift to be worked. / Workdays
and shifts
Race or Color / Complexion, color of skin, or other questions
directly or indirectly indicating race or color
Statement that photograph may be
required after employment. / Photograph / Requirement that applicant affix a photograph
to this application form.
Request applicant, at his option, to submit photograph.
Requirement of photograph after interview but before hiring.
“If you are not a US citizen, have
you the legal right to remain
permanently in the US? Do you
intend to remain in the US
Statement by employer that if hired
applicant may be required to submit
proof of citizenship. / Citizenship / “Are you a US citizen?”
Whether applicant or his parents are naturalized or native-born US citizens.
Date when applicant or parents of or spouse acquired US citizenship.
Requirement that applicant produce
naturalization papers or first papers.
Whether applicant’s parents or spouse are
citizens of the US.
Languages applicant reads, speaks,
or writes fluently. / National
Origin or
Ancestry / Applicant’s nationality, lineage, ancestry,
national origin, descent or parentage.
Date of arrival in the US or port of entry; how long a resident.
Nationality of applicant’s parents or spouse; maiden name of applicant’s wife or mother.
Language commonly used by applicant. “What is your mothers tongue?”
Applicant’s academic, vocational,
or professional education; schools attended.
Applicant’s work experience. / Education
Experience / How applicant acquired ability to read, write, or speak a foreign language.
Date last attended high school.
Applicant’s military experience (general).
Applicant’s military experience in
armed forces of US, in state militia•
(US), or in a particular branch of
the armed forces. / Military
“Have you ever been convicted of
any crime?” If so, when, where, and disposition of case.” / Character / “Have you ever been arrested?”
Name of applicant’s relatives
already employed by this organization.
Name and address of parent or
guardian if applicant is a minor. / Relatives / Marital status or number of dependents.
Name or address of relative, spouse, or children of adult applicant. “With whom do you reside?”
“Do you live with your parents?”
Name and address of person to be notified in case of accident or emergency. / Notice in Case of Emergency / Name and address of relative to be notified in case of accident or emergency.
Organizations, clubs, professional societies or other association of which applicant is a member, excluding any names the character of which indicate the race, religious creed, color, national origin, or ancestry of its members. / Organizations / List all organizations, clubs, societies, and lodges to which you belong.
“By whom were you referred for a position here?” / References / Requirement of submission of a religious reference.
“Do you have any physical condition which may limit your ability to perform the job applied for?”
Statement by employer that offer may be made contingent on passing a physical examination. / Physical
Condition / “Do you have any physical disabilities?”
Questions on general medical condition.
Inquiries as to receipt of Worker’s Compensation.
Notice to applicant that any misstatements or missions of material facts in his/her application may be cause for dismissal. / Miscellaneous / Any inquiry that is not job-related or necessary in determining an applicant’s eligibility for Employment.